George W. Bush

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Bush Commutes Sentences of Former US Border Agents

Pair was convicted of shooting drug dealer

(Newser) - In his final acts of clemency, President Bush today commuted the prison sentences of two former US Border Patrol agents whose convictions for shooting a Mexican drug dealer ignited fierce debate about illegal immigration. Bush's decision to commute the sentences of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, who tried to cover...

'Designated Successor' Gates Will Skip Inauguration

Pentagon boss would take over in worst case

(Newser) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates will sit out the inauguration at a secure location and be available to take over the government in case of disaster, CBS reports. The White House designated Gates with the approval of the incoming administration, which he will serve in the same post. The move...

Bush Makes Last Calls to World Leaders

Round of goodbyes includes Putin, Brown, Saakashvili, Berlusconi

(Newser) - With just hours left in his presidency, President George W. Bush today made a round of phone calls to leaders around the globe. A National Security Council spokesman said the president was simply saying his goodbyes, thanking the leaders for the hospitality they had shown him and first lady Laura...

Shoe-Hurler Wants Swiss Asylum

Lawyer says al-Zaidi is in danger if he remains in Iraq

(Newser) - A Swiss lawyer working on behalf of the Iraqi journalist who threw shoes at President Bush said today his client will seek political asylum in Switzerland. The Geneva-based lawyer said Muntadhar al-Zaidi's life is in danger if he stays in Iraq. Al-Zaidi has been detained in an Iraqi jail awaiting...

Handicapping Last-Minute Bush Pardons
Handicapping Last-Minute Bush Pardons

Handicapping Last-Minute Bush Pardons

Scooter Libby? Alberto Gonzales? The entire CIA? Speculation swirls

(Newser) - President Bush has shown no inclination to go on a Clinton-esque pardon binge, but that won't stop Josh Gerstein of Politico from speculating. Here are the potential pardon/commutation prospects, and the odds:
  • All CIA and military interrogators: Bush could make a big splash with a blanket pardon to anyone who

This Picture Is Worth $6K
 This Picture Is Worth $6K 

This Picture Is Worth $6K

Leaders traditionally release limited number of pictures

(Newser) - When the five current, former, and future occupants of the Oval Office mugged together at the White House last week, one could almost hear the cash registers cha-chinging, reports Politico. All five will sign a limited 250 copies of the photo—with each keeping 50—instantly jacking the value to...

O No: Bushies Warned to Skip Pranks

Last time, Clinton aides took the "W" off office keyboards

(Newser) - White House aides have been ordered not try some of the pranks played by Clinton aides eight years ago, reports CNN. Mischievous Clintonites yanked the "W" keys from keyboards, and outgoing aides have been warned to keep their mitts off the "O" keys—or try any other tricks,...

'Oedipally Oddball W' Makes His Long Exit

While Bush hated doubt, Obama's 'delighted' by it

(Newser) - George W. Bush’s insecurity and aversion to doubt—“the psychological traits of an asphyxiated and pampered son”—led to his botched presidency, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times. Rather than being a source of presidential insight on Iraq and Saddam, Bush’s father was relegated...

Patient US Has Faith in Obama: Poll

Troubled nation prepared to wait for solutions

(Newser) - Americans are vastly unhappy about the current state of the union—but have widespread faith in Barack Obama to nurse the nation back to health, according to the latest polls. Of those surveyed, 79% of Americans are optimistic about Obama's tenure, a higher figure than findings for the past five...

Hey Brother, Can You Spare a Job?
Hey Brother,
Can You
Spare a Job?

Hey Brother, Can You Spare a Job?

Bush's prospects appear grim in crippled economy

(Newser) - President Bush is looking for work in the worst job market in decades. He might call it unemployment, but his critics call it "poetic justice," Daniel Gross writes in Slate. After leaving Washington, Bill Clinton reported income of $90 million—a figure Bush is unlikely to match given...

Admit It: Bush Was Right (Once)
 Admit It: Bush Was Right (Once) 

Admit It: Bush Was Right (Once)

(Newser) - The surge worked, writes Peter Beinart in the Washington Post, and liberals need to admit it—for their own good. Some 500 Iraqis died in Iraq in November, down from 3,475 in November 2006, a major success by any standard. American deaths fell from 69 to 12. But Democrats...

Bush's Biggest Error: He Asked Nothing of Us
Bush's Biggest Error: He Asked Nothing of Us

Bush's Biggest Error: He Asked Nothing of Us

Broder: No sacrifice during war? Your grandkids will pay

(Newser) - Soon after 9/11, a reporter asked George Bush how much ordinary Americans would be expected to sacrifice. Bush’s reply? “People may not be able to board flights as quickly.” That was it. Bush declared a war without asking anything of anyone save the enlisted and their families,...

Top 10 Bush Gaffes on YouTube
 Top 10 Bush Gaffes on YouTube 

Top 10 Bush Gaffes on YouTube

Presidential bloopers including inadvertently insulting a queen

(Newser) - During his 8 years in office, George W. Bush created the biggest presidential blooper reel in history. Time narrows the field of YouTube gems to a top 10:
  • Shoe toss in Iraq. Bush has no idea why a Iraqi might hurl footware at him, but the episode spawned scads of

Libby Deserves Bush Pardon
 Libby Deserves 
 Bush Pardon 

Libby Deserves Bush Pardon

Conviction a 'miscarriage of justice,' writes Fred Barnes

(Newser) - “Simple justice” should compel President Bush to pardon Lewis “Scooter” Libby, writes Fred Barnes in the Weekly Standard. “Libby has either been punished far too severely for a very small offense,” writes Barnes “or he is an innocent man.” Libby was convicted of perjury...

Bush White House Empties Out Today

Staffers wistful as all traces of them get wiped away

(Newser) - By the close of business today, the White House will be almost empty of staff, reports Politico. By Monday, there will be no physical trace of the Bush administration left in the building, as if 8 years of history could be unwritten by the crew of cleaners and painters. Says...

Investigate Bush: Conyers
 Investigate Bush: Conyers 

Investigate Bush: Conyers

Congress must review his abuses to prevent a repeat

(Newser) - As the country moves forward, we can’t afford to repeat the mistakes of the past: it’s time to review the abuses of the Bush administration, writes Michigan congressman John Conyers, Jr. in the Washington Post. Congress must keep pushing for “stonewalled” Bush documents; it should create an...

Rehabilitation of Bush Legacy Well Under Way
of Bush Legacy Well Under Way

Rehabilitation of Bush Legacy Well Under Way

Need proof? See Obama's early moves, writes Krauthammer

(Newser) - Nixon aside, no president since Truman has left office as unpopular as George W. Bush, writes Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer. But while it took decades for Truman's reputation to be restored, "Bush's rehabilitation will come sooner—in fact, it has already begun." The proof? Barack Obama...

Bush and Condi Find Something to Celebrate

Crisis, what crisis? It's all backslapping at Foggy Bottom

(Newser) - India and Pakistan are at loggerheads, Afghanistan is a narco-state, and the Middle East is almost unspeakably troubled—so how did George W. Bush's diplomatic team see off their president? With yesterday's "Ceremony to Commemorate Foreign Policy Achievements," a State Department lovefest complete with billowing flags and commemorative...

Bush Out to Lunch at Yalie's Dinners

Barbara's Yale pal quits get-togethers after witnessing Bush's 'disturbing disconnection'

(Newser) - A president strangely disaffected by national matters eventually alienated a Yale grad who enjoyed several dinners with George Bush in the White House, he writes in Vanity Fair. C. Brian Smith, a pal of young Barbara Bush nicknamed "Smitty" by the affable president, initially enjoyed his relaxing evenings with...

Bush Farewell: 'I Followed My Conscience'

(Newser) - President Bush made his farewell address to the nation tonight, acknowledging "setbacks" and the wish to do some things differently but insisting that he "always acted with the best interests of our country in mind." The president—who said he had always followed his conscience and "...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>