George W. Bush

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Obama Raises Fuel-Economy Standards

(Newser) - US fuel-economy standards are going up, an Obama administration official tells Bloomberg today. By 2011, new cars and light trucks will have to hit an average of 27.3 miles per gallon—30.2mpg for cars and 24.1 for light trucks and SUVs. Automakers have raised no objections—the...

Iraq Victory Vindicates Bush
 Iraq Victory Vindicates Bush 

Iraq Victory Vindicates Bush

(Newser) - They called it Bush’s folly, a lost cause, even the worst foreign policy mistake in US history. “Even now, there are those who cannot bring themselves to utter the words ‘victory’ and ‘Iraq’ in the same sentence,” writes Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe. “...

No, Bloggers: Obama Doesn't Think Chirac Is French Prez

(Newser) - The tone of a letter from President Obama to Jacques Chirac has some in the blogosphere wondering if Obama knows that Chirac is no longer the president of France, writes Jimmy Orr in the Christian Science Monitor reports. “Doesn’t Obama ever consult his staff before acting?” one concerned...

US Strikes in Pakistan Have Hammered al-Qaeda: Officials

9 militant leaders killed in six months

(Newser) - Some six months of US missile strikes in Pakistan are rocking al-Qaeda, sparking violent infighting among militants, the Los Angeles Times reports. The frequency of attacks was upped last August by the Bush administration when it began launching strikes without Pakistan’s permission. Since then, there have been at least...

Suze Orman: Bush Owes America Every Cent He Has

Money guru is willing to scold everyone over this financial crisis

(Newser) - Chances are, Suze Orman disapproves of how you've handled your finances. She's said as much in her dozens of television appearances in the past months, becoming big enough for SNL to parody her. ("The greatest honor of my career.") Women's Wear Daily looks at how Orman became...

AIG's Money Lined Pockets in Washington

Dodd, Bush, Obama campaigns benefited from insurer's largesse

(Newser) - Chris Dodd has been a major AIG critic of late, but the Senate Banking chairman also has the uncomfortable distinction of being the politician to benefit the most from the insurer’s generosity, the Wall Street Journal reports. AIG employees have donated $280,000 to Dodd over the years, including...

Check It Out: Bush Strikes $7M Book Deal

(Newser) - The Decider, aka George W. Bush, will write a book titled Decision Points, the New York Post reports. The former president's rumored advance for the book, due out in 2010, is $7 million. That’s $5 million short of Bill Clinton’s deal for My Life, $1 million less than...

Bush: Obama 'Deserves My Silence'

(Newser) - In his first speech as a former president, George W. Bush declined to offer any criticism of his successor. "He deserves my silence," Bush told a group of business leaders in Calgary, reports the Toronto Globe and Mail. “I want the president to succeed. I love my...

Push to Indict Dubya Gets Caffeine Boost

Coffee merchant sends 2,200 Prosecution of Bush books to DAs

(Newser) - A Seattle coffee merchant has sent 2,200 copies of Vincent Bugliosi’s bestselling The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder to DAs whose districts have lost residents to the Iraq war, the Seattle Times reports. The damning book “was the first time in 8 years I had...

Washington Needs to Give Obama His Due
Washington Needs to Give Obama His Due

Washington Needs to Give Obama His Due

Pundits too often advocate outdated 'imperial policy'

(Newser) - You just can’t please the Washington establishment, Fareed Zakaria observes in Newsweek. Beltway pundits almost universally blasted former President Bush’s foreign policy as arrogant and incompetent. But now that President Obama is charting a decidedly different course—closing Guantanamo, nixing torture, and signaling openness to talks with Syria,...

New Strategy for Obama: Blame Bush

Post-partisan pledges give way to new attack role

(Newser) - President Obama is reminding Americans more and more lately that he's inherited much of this mess from George Bush, reports the Washington Post. It's a shift for Obama, who has long preached against the petty politics of old. The move comes as Republicans step up their own attacks against Obama...

Carville's Bush Comments No Comparison to Rush's 'Fail'

Pre-9/11, Dem hoped Dubya didn't 'succeed'

(Newser) - Amid the hubbub over Rush Limbaugh’s open desire for the president to fail, Fox News is claiming a media double-standard: Democratic strategist James Carville made a similar comment referencing Bush 43, and no one heard about it. But the two situations are far from analogous, writes Dave Cook in...

Shoe Hurler Gets 3 Years in Prison

Zaidi convicted of assaulting a foreign head of state

(Newser) - The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at George W. Bush during a Baghdad press conference has been sentenced to three years in prison, the Guardian reports. Muntadar al-Zaidi had pleaded not guilty to charges of assaulting a foreign head of state, saying his actions were "a natural response...

Obama Can't Blame Bush for His Economic Recklessness

President has raised taxes when business needs a break

(Newser) - Everyone loves a scapegoat. The American people have Wall Street fat cats, and President Obama has George W. Bush, writes David Harsanyi for the Denver Post. While Obama, "in a superbly eloquent and inspirational pitch, always reminds us that nothing is his fault," Harsanyi gripes, "nearly every...

Bushies Work to Salvage Boss' Rep
Bushies Work
to Salvage
Boss' Rep

Bushies Work to Salvage Boss' Rep

Rove, Fleischer, Perino look to set the record straight, combat spin

(Newser) - Two months out of office, President Bush rarely warrants mention these days, but his old aides quietly work at rebuilding his reputation, reports Politico. “We’re invited to comment on the events of the day and along the way, we remind people that there was, indeed, good news under...

Obama Quashes Bush Signing Statements

(Newser) - President Obama today told government agencies to ignore George W. Bush’s signing statements, but has not sworn off the practice for his own administration, Politico reports. The statements, written when the president OKs a bill but disagrees with certain provisions, are often followed as if they were law. Spokesman...

Obama Reverses Bush Stem Cell Ban

(Newser) - President  Obama signed an order today allowing federal taxpayer dollars to fund expanded embryonic stem cell research, reversing a George W. Bush policy viewed by many as blocking development of potentially life-saving medical treatment. Obama said he was ending what he believed was "a false choice between sound science...

Obama Defends Bush 'Torture Memo' Author

Yoo case should be up to executive, Congress, Justice Dept argues

(Newser) - President Obama’s Justice Department is defending a Bush official being sued over his interrogation memos, ABC News reports. Lawyers for Jose Padilla, who was sentenced to 17 years in jail for conspiring to support Islamist extremists, are arguing in court that John Yoo’s memos were behind Padilla’s...

Why Obama Is Like Bush
 Why Obama Is Like Bush 

Why Obama Is Like Bush

Apart from being ideological opposites, Bush and Obama are identical!

(Newser) - Barack Obama is often compared to FDR or Ronald Reagan. But what about the last guy? Obama has taken office in the midst of a crisis and has lofty approval ratings—much like the 80% Bush had after 9/11. And both have taken a fairly similar political approach to their...

Obama to End Stem-Cell Ban Monday

(Newser) - President Obama will overturn the Bush administration’s ban on federal funding for stem-cell research Monday, Time reports. The move fulfills a campaign promise and Obama’s pledge to bring science back to the fore in America, and will precede legislation expected later this year preventing future presidents from banning...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>