George W. Bush

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Save the Trauma Excuses: You Failed on 9/11

Cheney, Rice too often resorted to the extreme without doing their homework

(Newser) - Ironically, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice have defended their post-9/11 decisions by appealing for empathy, arguing that only those in charge on that bleak day could understand. “I have little sympathy for this argument,” Richard Clarke, who was there, retorts in a withering piece for the Washington Post,...

Bush Says Clinton Is Like a Brother to Him

(Newser) - The audience probably expected a throw-down. What they got was a sewing circle. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush sat down for a friendly chat yesterday in Toronto, emphasis on the friendly. The ex-presidents went out of their way to be agreeable, at times almost seeming like a support group,...

Bush: Interrogations Were Legal

Former president says CIA program was legal, saved lives

(Newser) - George W. Bush didn't mention Dick Cheney by name, but he backed his assertions that the CIA's harsh interrogations were legal and saved lives, CNN reports. After terror suspect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was captured in 2003, for example, Bush said he checked with "the lawyers" to determine how to...

Obama, Tell W You're Sorry for Mocking His Policies

Prez slammed W's national security policy; now he's following it

(Newser) - President Obama’s national security policy has been surprisingly close to his predecessor’s—a policy he hammered on the campaign trail. For that, he “owes George W. Bush an apology,” writes Clive Crook in the Financial Times. But his supporters also deserve an apology. His election rhetoric...

Bush Likes His 'Liberating' New Life in the Burbs

Former president tells high school seniors he's relieved to be in suburbia

(Newser) - Being wrist-deep in dog poo makes a nice change of pace from being neck-deep in responsibilities, George W. Bush told a group of New Mexico high school seniors yesterday. Bush, in one of his few public appearances since leaving office, said it felt liberating to be out of the Oval...

RI Lawmaker: Let's Waterboard Bush for Charity

(Newser) - A Democratic state lawmaker in Rhode Island thinks George W. Bush and some of his top cronies should be waterboarded for charity, reports the Westerly Sun. State Rep. Rod Driver sent letters via certified mail to Bush, Dick Cheney, and Condoleezza Rice offering to donate $100 for every second they...

Obama: Gitmo Made Us Less Safe

(Newser) - Standing in front of the Constitution, President Obama today delivered a watershed speech on terrorism, arguing that President Bush’s approach to war was, “quite simply, a mess.” He outlined his plan to clean up, saying he’ll try Guantanamo detainees in both federal court and military commissions...

Mouthy Cheney Gains Popularity: Poll

He and Bush more popular now than when leaving office

(Newser) - A new poll shows that Dick Cheney, currently making headlines for his stance on torture, is gaining popularity. 37% of those polled by CNN hold a favorable opinion of the former vice president, up 8% from when he left office; 55% still view him unfavorably. Former president Bush, who’s...

Rumsfeld Denies He Put Bible in Briefings

GQ writer, anonymous sources better suited to gossip beat, he says

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld didn't decorate the president’s World Intelligence Update cover slides with biblical quotes, a spokesman says, and GQ reporter Robert Draper should've known better than to use anonymous sources "with an axe to grind." The slides, the spokesman says in an email to Marc Ambinder...

Prodigal Dubya, Texas Slowly Get Reacquainted

(Newser) - Former President Bush is gradually reentering life as a private citizen in Texas, Newsweek reports, but he's doing it gingerly and on his own terms. While many Texans agree that Dubya's still the friendly, aw-shucks guy they sent to Washington eight years ago, he's definitely keeping clear of dissent. “...

Feds to Check Jails for Illegal Immigrants

Program would boost deportation, though at steep costs

(Newser) - The US government is ramping up a program to identify illegal immigrants being held in local jails for non-immigration crimes, and flag them for deportation, reports the Washington Post. Currently operating in 48 counties, the program will be screening every local jail by 2012. The program was started under President...

Steele: GOP Is on Rebound. Really.
 Steele: GOP Is on 
 Rebound. Really. 

Steele: GOP Is on Rebound. Really.

If party looks forward, rather than back, it will see a bright future

(Newser) - Sure, we’ve fallen on hard times, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele writes in Politico. But, he insists, the GOP is straightening its priorities out. “The Republican Party will be forward-looking—it is time to stop looking backward,” Steele writes. Republicans will stand against “the most...

Roberts Is Bush's 'Enduring' Court Legacy

(Newser) - George W. Bush’s historical reputation seems to be sinking by the day, but John Roberts, his slick, smiling appointee as the Supreme Court’s chief justice, remains as an “enduring and faithful reflection of the Bush presidency,” writes Jeffrey Toobin in the New Yorker. Though Roberts promised...

Latino Disconnect Worries GOP
 Latino Disconnect Worries GOP 

Latino Disconnect Worries GOP

But little action taken to staunch the flow

(Newser) - The Republican Party is facing falling Latino support, but little is being done to reverse the trend, Politico reports. Some Latinos have been disillusioned by Republican rhetoric on illegal immigration, attacks some heard as swipes at Hispanics themselves. “If we don’t figure out a way to open our...

Bullying Rumsfeld Used Bible to Sway Bush on Iraq
Bullying Rumsfeld Used Bible to Sway Bush on Iraq

Bullying Rumsfeld Used Bible to Sway Bush on Iraq

Former Pentagon chief undermined president, former aides say

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld isn’t a preacher, but nearly every morning after the Iraq invasion, he handed President Bush a national security digest containing Biblical quotations intended to influence his decisions. This tactic, Robert Draper writes for GQ in a lengthy look at Rummy's standing among administration contemporaries, epitomizes the former...

CIA Denies Cheney Request for Torture Docs

Bush-era order on docs under pending litigation stymies ex-VP

(Newser) - The CIA today denied Dick Cheney’s request that documents possibly proving the effectiveness of enhanced interrogation techniques be declassified, MSNBC reports. An executive order “excludes from review information that is the subject of pending litigation,” the CIA said. The two documents “contain information that falls into...

US Lands Seat on UN Human Rights Council

Bush White House had boycotted body over Israel, Darfur stances

(Newser) - The US today won a seat on the UN Human Rights Council for the first time, along with four countries accused of serious human rights violations: Cuba, Saudi Arabia, China, and Russia. President Bush's administration had boycotted the council over its repeated criticism of Israel and its refusal to cite...

Christian Silence on Torture Speaks Volumes
Christian Silence on Torture Speaks Volumes

Christian Silence on Torture Speaks Volumes

(Newser) - The silence emanating from the Christian right on torture has been deafening, writes Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. One prominent Christian conservative finally came out against the practice, saying it “violates everything we stand for,” but he is conspicuously alone and was conspicuously silent during the Bush...

Obama's Toned-Down Take on Day of Prayer Irks Some

(Newser) - President Obama has opted to observe today’s National Day of Prayer in private, a sharp turn from his predecessor’s policies that angers at least one organization, the Boston Globe reports. President Bush held public celebrations at the White House. “We are disappointed in the lack of participation...

What the GOP Needs Is a John Wayne
 What the 
 GOP Needs Is 
 a John Wayne 


What the GOP Needs Is a John Wayne

Community, not freedom, is the true Western virtue: Brooks

(Newser) - Republicans have admired Westerns for decades, continually flocking to leaders—Goldwater, Reagan, Bush, Palin—who embody the John Wayne ideal of individualism and bravery. But as David Brooks writes, Westerns aren't really about lone heroes, but "civic order": how newcomers build communities in inhospitable regions. For the New ...

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