George W. Bush

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Ridge: Bush Wanted Terror Threat Raised for Election

Ridge tell-all dangles shocking revelation

(Newser) - The publisher of Tom Ridge's forthcoming book has dropped a potential bombshell: It says the Bush White House pressured the Homeland Security chief to arbitrarily raise the terror threat alert level on the eve of the 2004 election, ostensibly to boost its chances, reports US News and World Report. Ridge...

Without Bush, Left Forgets Wars
 Without Bush, 
 Left Forgets Wars 

Without Bush, Left Forgets Wars

(Newser) - It wasn't exactly back in the Crusades that opposing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was the left’s most passionate cause, uniting activists and voters alike. Then George W. Bush left office. Now, even though there are still around 130,000 troops in Iraq and 68,000 and counting...

Fed Housing Policy Shift: Rent, Don't Own

Jackhammers Bush "ownership" policy

(Newser) - In a major housing policy shift, President Barack Obama will steer billions of economic stimulus dollars to create tens of thousands of federally subsidized rental units in American cities, reports the Boston Globe. The $4.25 billion initiative is a stark departure from former president George Bush's push to create...

Rather Digs In for Legal War With CBS

Tarnished newsman calls lawsuit a stand vs. corporate bullies

(Newser) - Dan Rather is still out to prove that CBS sacrificed him to appease its corporate backers and conservative allies, the Los Angeles Times reports. In a $70-million lawsuit filed 2 years ago, Rather claimed that CBS, caving to Viacom and the Bush administration, forced him to retract a controversial story...

Hillary Compares Nigeria Democracy to Florida 2000

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton told an audience of Nigerians yesterday that while their country's democracy is deeply flawed, the Florida presidential race recount shows America's isn't perfect either, the Guardian reports. "Our democracy is still evolving," Clinton said. "We had some problems in some of our presidential elections. In...

Cheney Turns on 'Soft' Bush as Memoir Takes Shape

(Newser) - Dick Cheney has decided the "statute of limitations" has expired on some secrets from the Bush era, associates tell the Washington Post. Discussing his memoir-in-progress, the former vice president has made it plain that he felt President Bush was getting soft in his second term, and moved away from...

Falling Approval Rating? Pshaw, Obama's Fine
Falling Approval Rating? Pshaw, Obama's Fine

Falling Approval Rating? Pshaw, Obama's Fine

Popularity is fleeting in today's climate; he's got tons of time

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s approval rating is dropping, but that’s “dog bites man” stuff, writes Paul Maslin of Salon. Every president sees his approval rating drop. Obama’s drop has been markedly precipitous—from 69% to 54%—but here’s why he needn’t worry:
  • Since the dawn of

Administration Alums Plan Facebook for Bushies

Bushies want an alternative to left-leaning Facebook

(Newser) - The Bush-Cheney Alumni Association is taking to the Internet, reports Politico, by setting up a social networking website for people who worked in the Bush administration. The Bushies-only site is expected to launch in a few months, says the head of the BCAA, who expects “thousands” to sign up....

Bush Bashing Won't Stop Anytime Soon

(Newser) - Barack Obama doesn’t want anyone to forget his predecessor. “You hand me a $1.3 trillion bill, and then you’re complaining six months later because we haven’t paid it all back,” he griped at a recent town hall. And you can expect him to keep...

8 Candidates Face Hurdle: They Worked for Bush

But some say they'll use their past to help their bids

(Newser) - Some eight Bush administration staffers are now seeking public office—and their fates will likely be tied to Americans’ perception of the previous president, the Hill reports. While they say they value their time in the White House, their work under W will probably hurt them, writes Reid Wilson. Still,...

Networks Complain About Obama Hour
Networks Complain About Obama Hour

Networks Complain About Obama Hour

Broadcasters say 'overexposed' prez wastes valuable time

(Newser) - Networks are not happy about the primetime hour that President Obama's July 22 news conference took up, reports Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post. Rahm Emanuel called the top brass at all three networks to ensure they carried the event. The networks both resent the pressure and complain that they’...

Democrats Still Harping on Bush in Gov Races

State elections will test if Dubya-bashing works in Obama age

(Newser) - George Bush is out of office, but it's hard to tell from watching current gubernatorial contests. In Virginia, Democratic candidate R. Creigh Deeds has slammed incumbent Robert McDonnell for praising the effect of Bush tax cuts on the economy. In New Jersey, John Corzine is hoping to quash a bid...

Michelle O. 'Doing a Great Job:' Laura Bush

(Newser) - Michelle Obama's performance as first lady is getting high marks from her predecessor, Laura Bush. Speaking after a change-of-command ceremony for the USS Texas submarine in Connecticut, Bush said today she's watched the current first lady from afar and is impressed.

NY Times Video Obits Give the Departed 'The Last Word'

Non-Bush ex-president has already made one

(Newser) - Obituaries are a newspaper standby, but the New York Times has removed the journalistic middleman with its series of video obits, Editor & Publisher reports. After starting 2 years ago with humorist Art Buchwald’s greeting of “Hi, I’m Art Buchwald and I just died,” the Times...

Doting Obamas 'Demote' Pooch Wrangler

(Newser) - Dale Haney has been wrangling White House animals since 1976, but these days his responsibilities are much diminished, insiders tell US News & World Report. “He doesn’t see Bo as much because the girls and Mrs. Obama, the whole family, is taking care of Bo, so Dale has...

Bush Considered Deploying Military for US Terror Arrests

(Newser) - President Bush seriously considered deploying the military to arrest terror suspects in a Buffalo suburb in 2002, former Bush administration officials tell the New York Times. Dick Cheney was in favor of the almost unprecedented deployment of troops on American soil, the officials say, while Condoleezza Rice and others were...

Cheney's Libby 'Crusade' Strained Ties With Bush

(Newser) - Dick Cheney pursued a pardon for former aide Scooter Libby so doggedly in his final days in office that he pushed the bounds of his 9-year relationship with George Bush, reports Time. It wasn't so much a political issue as a moral "crusade" for Cheney, write Massimo Calabresi and...

Rather Wins File Access in CBS Firing Suit

(Newser) - A judge has reinstated Dan Rather's $70 million lawsuit against CBS and granted the former anchor access to thousands of pages of documents pertaining to his ouster following a network story he ran critical of former President George's Bush performance in the Texas Air National Guard. Rather's attorneys believe the...

Forget Space, Fix Earth Instead
 Forget Space, Fix Earth Instead 

Forget Space, Fix Earth Instead

Pareene asks why bother 'getting Americans boldly from one place to another place?'

(Newser) - On today’s 40th anniversary of the moon landing, President Obama should again show bravery and determination by not indulging in more space exploration, Alex Pareene urges for Gawker. NASA has $100 billion earmarked to replace the shuttles, in order to do what? Go “back to the damn moon,...

Would Rummy Pull a McNamara and Apologize?

Not anytime soon, says his biographer

(Newser) - Robert McNamara, the architect of the Vietnam War, eventually expressed regret for the conflict—but would Donald Rumsfeld ever apologize for Iraq? Unlikely—at least not anytime soon, writes a Rumsfeld biographer in the Washington Post. Thus far, the former secretary of Defense “has never appeared to waver in...

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