George W. Bush

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George W. Bush Gets Statue in Albanian Town

He was first to visit the country after its liberation

(Newser) - Take heart, George W. Bush. Sure, you left office to some pretty unflattering reviews, but a tiny village in Albania positively loves you. The town of Fushekruje unveiled a 9-foot-3 statue of the former president yesterday, in a square specially named in his honor, Reuters reports. A crowd gathered for...

Speech Was Obama&#39;s &#39;Mission Accomplished&#39;
 Speech Was Obama's 
 'Mission Accomplished' 
Dana Milbank

Speech Was Obama's 'Mission Accomplished'

All he needed was a flight suit

(Newser) - He may not have unfurled a banner or donned a flight suit, “but make no mistake: President Obama gave his own version of a ‘mission accomplished’ speech last night,” writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post . Last night the president declared—“perhaps prematurely”—that the...

George W. Bush Helps Break World Record

Former prez among the crowd that got in Guinness

(Newser) - George W. Bush: Former president of the USA and Guinness World Record holder? Sort of. Bush was among the throng of baseball fans who donned sunglasses in the dark at last night's Texas Rangers game. The previous record for people wearing shades at night was 423, so officials only...

GOP Field So Bad That Bush Looks Good

 GOP Field So 
 Bad That Bush 
 Looks Good 
EJ Dionne

GOP Field So Bad That Bush Looks Good

He at least had a moderate bone in his body

(Newser) - The latest GOP presidential debate gave EJ Dionne Jr. “an experience I never, ever expected,” he writes in the Washington Post : “I had a moment of nostalgia for George W. Bush.” Sure, Bush got us into two wars and exploded the deficit with tax cuts for...

Happy Birthday, Bush Tax Cuts: You're a Total Failure

By every metric, the cuts delivered less than promised

(Newser) - This week marks the 10th anniversary of the Bush tax cuts, and Annie Lowrey of Slate is looking for reasons to celebrate. Unfortunately, she can’t find any. They’re “a failure in every conceivable way,” she writes. In 2001, Bush promised the cuts would create jobs, generate...

Charles Krauthammer: President Obama Adopts the Bush Doctrine for His Own
Obama Doctrine? He Just Borrowed Bush's
charles krauthammer

Obama Doctrine? He Just Borrowed Bush's

His Mideast plan is the same as his predecessor's: Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - Analysts keep looking to define an Obama Doctrine, but after listening to the president's Mideast speech yesterday , Charles Krauthammer thinks it's easy: The Obama Doctrine is the Bush Doctrine, Krauthammer writes in the Washington Post . Bush "made the spread of democracy the key US objective in the...

'Low Profile'? Bush Talks Rake in $15M

Ex-prez charges six figures per speech

(Newser) - George W. Bush says he wants to stay under the radar these days—hence his refusal of Barack Obama's invitation to attend a Ground Zero ceremony following Osama bin Laden’s death. But that’s not keeping him from accepting six-figure speaking engagements, and plenty of them, the Daily...

Bush's Yale Frat Suspended for Sex Harassment

'No means yes' chant gets fraternity 5-year ban

(Newser) - George W. Bush's Yale fraternity has been suspended for 5 years by the university for threatening and sexist behavior. Officials ruled that the Yale DKE chapter had violated undergraduate regulations concerning "harassment, coercion and intimidation" earlier this year when pledges were instructed to chant phrases such as: “...

George W. Bush to President Obama: 'Good Call' on Osama bin Laden Raid
 Bush to Obama: 
 'Good Call' 

Bush to Obama: 'Good Call'

Says Osama killing was for justice, not 'hatred'

(Newser) - George W. Bush was reading My Pet Goat to schoolchildren when he got word of the 9/11 attacks, and now we know his whereabouts when the Osama bin Laden story finally ended: "I was eating souffle at Rise Restaurant with Laura and two buddies." Informed that President Obama...

Jon Stewart: Why Is Bush Administration Taking All the Credit for Killing Osama bin Laden? (Daily Show Video)
 Why Is Bush Getting 
 Credit for bin Laden? 
jon stewart

Why Is Bush Getting Credit for bin Laden?

Jon Stewart bemoans the Obama adminstration's response

(Newser) - Considering it was the Obama administration that managed to finally get Osama bin Laden, you'd think they'd be doing a media victory lap. But no, it's George W. Bush's cronies taking all the credit, Jon Stewart pointed out last night . "Eleven Bush administration officials thought...

Pakistan Secretly OK'd bin Laden Hit—10 Years Ago

Gave Bush permission for raid by Pervez Musharraf

(Newser) - Pakistan is just furious about the US' unilateral raid that took out Osama bin Laden—even though Pakistan agreed 10 years ago to let the US carry out just such a strike on its territory. As the Guardian reports, Pervez Musharraf and George W. Bush struck the secret deal in...

Paul Krugman: Budget Deficit Is Fault of Elite, Not Voters

 Blame Elite, 
 Not Voters, for 
 Deficit Mess 
paul krugman

Blame Elite, Not Voters, for Deficit Mess

Those 'lecturing' on deficit helped get us here in the first place: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - More and more people have been telling Paul Krugman that the budget deficit is the people’s fault: “Weak-minded politicians catered to the electorate’s foolishness.” But that viewpoint is not only “self-serving, it’s dead wrong,” writes Krugman in the New York Times . Instead, we...

Bush Declines Obama's Ground Zero Invite

He celebrates bin Laden 'victory' but wants to stay out of spotlight

(Newser) - When President Obama visits Ground Zero tomorrow to mark the death of Osama bin Laden, George W. Bush won't be with him. Obama invited the former president to join him on his visit to the World Trade Center site, but a spokesperson tells Politico that Bush turned him down....

Osama Intel Boosts Waterboarding Fans

'Enhanced' interrogation may have led to terror mastermind

(Newser) - Did waterboarding finally nail Osama bin Laden? Intelligence leading to the killing of the terror mastermind gleaned from prisoners, possibly during "enhanced" interrogation techniques, is reigniting debate about waterboarding. US officials learned the identity of bin Laden's key courrier from Guantanamo Bay inmates, and tracking that courrier led...

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Owes Us an Osama Apology

It's Bush's policies that led us to bin Laden, says radio host

(Newser) - The Obama administration shouldn’t be patting itself on the back for finding Osama bin Laden—it should be apologizing, says Rush Limbaugh. And so should the entire “American Left” for "taking every opportunity to undermine" the Bush-era policies that ultimately led to bin Laden's death. “...

George Bush: Osama's Death 'Victory for America'

Mike Huckabee: 'Welcome to hell, bin Laden'

(Newser) - George W. Bush called the killing of Osama bin Laden a " victory for America ." Members of the military and intelligence community who spent a decade chasing him "have our everlasting gratitude," he added. "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an...

Bin Laden Son: George W. Invited Me to White House

But Omar bin Laden refused, out of loyalty to his estranged father

(Newser) - In the very last days of his presidency, George W. Bush was so desperate to locate Osama bin Laden that he reportedly invited son Omar bin Laden to the White House. This, of course, according to Omar bin Laden himself; a spokesperson for the White House refused to confirm or...

Why Obama Gets No Credit for Success

His presidency's been about 'preventing disaster,' writes Michael Grunwald

(Newser) - President Obama “prevented an atrocity” in Libya, but no one’s giving him credit. Why? “Because he prevented an atrocity,” writes Michael Grunwald in Time . It’s called the “counterfactual problem:” “It's hard to get credit for avoiding a disaster when it's impossible to...

Coming Soon to HBO: Dick Cheney Miniseries

Series will explore ex-VP's 'pursuit of enhanced power'

(Newser) - Because The Kennedys just wasn't salacious enough, HBO is now planning a miniseries about none other than Dick Cheney: an adaptation of the biography Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency by journalist Barton Gellman. The network optioned the book, which documents Cheney's career starting from his early days as chief of...

Ralph Nader: Impeach 'War Criminal' Obama

If Bush, Cheney were criminals, Obama is too

(Newser) - Ralph Nader, often a candidate for president and never a fan of the president or anyone who wants to be president , has quickly condemned President Obama's action in Libya , branding him a "war criminal," Mediaite reports. Sound familiar? Nader had the same pet name for George W Bush...

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