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&#39;Dream Team&#39; Couple Are Behind New Vaccine
'Dream Team' Couple Helped
Develop New Vaccine

'Dream Team' Couple Helped Develop New Vaccine

Huge challenges will await after approval

(Newser) - The exhilarating news that a COVID-19 vaccine was a big success in a large-scale trial is a victory for Pfizer—and for the husband-and-wife team behind BioNTech, the German biotech firm that collaborated with the American drugmaker. CEO Ugur Sahin and his wife, board member Oezlem Tuereci, founded the firm...

Donald Trump Jr. Thinks Vaccine News Is a Little Fishy

He suggests Pfizer delayed news to benefit Joe Biden

(Newser) - Pfizer's announcement that its vaccine appears to deliver strong protection against COVID-19 was hailed as great news in the stock market and beyond. But Donald Trump Jr. sees a political conspiracy at play, suggesting that the company held off on the news to hurt his father's reelection chances,...

Pfizer Reports Big News on Early Vaccine Results

Preliminary data shows it's 90% effective

(Newser) - Pfizer says early data suggest its COVID vaccine works—in a big way. The company said Monday that its vaccine appears to be 90% effective in preventing infections, without serious side effects, reports the New York Times . A big qualification: These are early results, and the numbers could drop as...

Pfizer's Update on Vaccine Is a 'Shift in Tone'

Announcement on application for emergency authorization predicts late November at the earliest

(Newser) - Last month, President Trump hinted that a COVID-19 vaccine could be available before Election Day, but the latest news from one of the leading developers seems to make that possibility even more remote. As the Wall Street Journal reports, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla posted an open letter Friday announcing that,...

In Race for Vaccine, a Cold Truth
In Race for
Vaccine, a
Cold Truth

In Race for Vaccine, a Cold Truth

There may not be enough freezers icy enough to store the shots

(Newser) - "Do we have enough freezers?" That's a question many may not be pondering now, but it's an important one when it comes to a COVID-19 vaccine, per the Wall Street Journal . That's because the inoculation samples that may soon emerge might need to be stored at...

'I Am a Normal, Un-Brave Person.' And Patient 1133

Want a return to normal? Enroll in a vaccine trial, writes Molly Jong-Fast

(Newser) - "I am a normal, un-brave person. I am also a part of history now," writes Molly Jong-Fast, an editor-at-large for the Daily Beast and "Patient 1133" in Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine trial. In a New York Times op-ed, Jong-Fast describes the pride she felt (well, after the...

Bill Gates: US Pandemic Response is 'Shocking'

He also doesn't expect a vaccine before Election Day

(Newser) - Bill Gates has some bad news for President Trump, who has suggested that a coronavirus vaccine could be available by Election Day. Gates tells CNBC that he doesn't see it happening. "None of the vaccines are likely to seek approval in the US before the end of October,...

These Americans Will Get a Vaccine First
These Americans Will 
Get a Vaccine First
in case you missed it

These Americans Will Get a Vaccine First

In hypothetical plan, CDC lays out guidelines on distribution, to start as early as next month

(Newser) - Public health officials across the country have been told to prepare to distribute a coronavirus vaccine as soon as late October—though the CDC says this is just a hypothetical. In documents sent to health authorities in all states and territories, as well as five major cities (New York, Chicago,...

Dow Jones Is Removing Its Oldest Member

Exxon Mobil is among 3 leaving in shake-up

(Newser) - Three companies are departing the Dow Jones Industrial Average—including Exxon Mobil, currently the oldest member of the influential 30-company stock index. The oil giant, which joined the index in 1928 as Standard Oil, will be leaving along with Pfizer and Raytheon in the Dow's biggest shake-up since 2013,...

Operation Warp Speed Counts a Vaccine Win

Government will pay $1.95B for 100M doses, expected by year's end

(Newser) - The US has inked a deal that will have the country receiving the first 100 million doses of a coronavirus vaccine candidate in the works from Pfizer and German biotech firm BioNTech SE. The government could nab an additional 500 million doses under the agreement, which will see the US...

In Quest for COVID Vaccine, 107K 'Medical Heroes' Emerge

Volunteers coming out in droves to help 4 firms planning on starting phase 3 of clinical trials in fall

(Newser) - In early July, the National Institutes of Health launched a clinical trials network through which it hoped to enroll thousands of volunteers to test potential COVID-19 vaccines. Just a week or so later, more than 107,000 people had signed up. That's a number USA Today says will "...

'I Feel Fantastic,' COVID-19 Vaccine Volunteer Says

Woman in Seattle trial reports no major side effects but still wears a mask to be sure

(Newser) - The first person in the US to receive an experimental vaccine for COVID-19 has provided a medical update, and it's encouraging. "It's been 16 weeks since I had the first dose," Jennifer Haller says. "I feel fantastic." The Washington state woman, an operations manager...

Pharma Giant Pfizer Begins Trials for Possible Vaccine

If all goes well, it could be ready in the fall

(Newser) - Human trials for another possible coronavirus vaccine have begun in the US, this time from Big Pharma giant Pfizer, reports Reuters . The company is partnering with a German firm, BioNTech, and if all goes well, the vaccine could be available for high-risk people in September, per the New York Times ...

Pharma Giant Unveils New Plan Despite Trump Slam

Pfizer is raising prices on 10% of its drugs

(Newser) - Give it to Pfizer—they waited a while. The pharmaceutical giant is raising the price of 41 prescription drugs after hitting the pause button this summer when President Trump opposed a price hike, reports CNBC . Most prices are slated to rise 5%, while Stocks Beat says the pain drug Lyrica...

Trump Tweeted Pfizer Should Be 'Ashamed.' Pfizer Responds

After meeting between Trump and Pfizer CEO Ian Read, company says it will defer price hikes

(Newser) - Last week, Pfizer jacked up the price for several dozen prescription drugs; this week it received a dressing down from President Trump. Now, per the Wall Street Journal , the pharmaceuticals giant has responded to his criticism with a postponement on those price hikes after the company said CEO Ian Read...

Search for Alzheimer's Treatment Is Dealt a Blow

Pfizer announced R&D on new drugs will cease

(Newser) - The Alzheimer's Association estimates that more than 5 million Americans are living with the disease—and that by 2050, that count could triple. But Pfizer on Saturday announced it's getting out of the Alzheimer's game, at least when it comes to researching potential new drugs. The company...

Brits Won't Need Viagra Prescription This Spring

Erectile dysfunction medication will be sold over the counter in UK

(Newser) - For the first time ever, Viagra will be available over the counter and without a prescription. Reuters reports Pfizer plans to start selling an over-the-counter version of the erectile dysfunction medication this spring in the UK. The new Viagra Connect will have the same major ingredient as regular Viagra, according...

Hospitals Are Scrambling for the 'Simplest of Drugs'

There's a critical shortage of sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda

(Newser) - The "simplest of drugs" is in short supply at hospitals around the country, causing crucial surgeries and other treatments to be reprioritized, and it's a cheap drug whose main ingredient may be found in your own pantry, the New York Times reports. That drug is sodium bicarbonate solution,...

Pfizer Bans Use of Its Drugs in Executions

This is a milestone in anti-capital punishment campaign

(Newser) - Drug giant Pfizer says that since it is in the business of "saving and improving" lives, it has taken steps to make sure its products are not used to execute people. "Pfizer strongly objects to the use of its products as lethal injections for capital punishment," the...

Feds' Crackdown on Tax Dodges Kills $160B Pfizer Merger

New Treasury rules on tax 'inversions' squashed deal with Allergan

(Newser) - Allergan and Pfizer are calling off a record $160 billion merger after the Treasury issued new rules to make tax "inversions" less lucrative, the AP reports. The aggressive changes to US tax laws announced this week helped kill the deal, handing what Reuters calls a "major victory" to...

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