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NBC Pages Seek Bigtime on $10/Hour

Ted Koppel, Regis Philbin alums of yearlong program

(Newser) - Screaming girls, predawn starts, and 6-day weeks are a lot to handle on $10 an hour—but NBC pages see success at the end of the tunnel, the New York Times reports. They know that hours of smiling schlep work—think photocopies and coffee—have led luminaries like Regis Philbin...

Auto Giants Press Congress for $25B Loan

Credit pinch, oil prices could cost thousands of jobs, execs say

(Newser) - The CEOs of US auto giants seem to have convinced some in Congress they, too, need billions in federal loans, the Detroit Free Press reports, though it’s uncertain if they’ll get the $25 billion they’re asking for. High oil and commodity prices and tightened credit threaten jobs...

Unemployment Rate Hits 5-Year High of 6.1%

Factory workers hit hardest as unforeseen fall in jobs stuns economy

(Newser) - Jobless figures came in worse than expected today, sending the unemployment rate to a nearly five-year high of 6.1%, Bloomberg reports. The US lost 84,000 jobs in August, the eighth straight month of declines, raising the specter of a worsening economic slowdown. The jump in unemployment, which was...

Farms Fuel Boom in US Exports
 Farms Fuel Boom in US Exports

Farms Fuel Boom in US Exports

Strengthening dollar could trim growth of sales abroad

(Newser) - Worldwide demand for grain and a weak US dollar helped drive exports up 7.1% in the first half of the year, providing a respite from the barrage of negative economic news. But experts warn the commodity-driven rise could be brief, reports the New York Times. Export surges of agricultural...

Bizarro Travel-Industry Jobs
 Bizarro Travel-Industry Jobs 

Bizarro Travel-Industry Jobs

Gigs that straddle the line between necessary and absurd

(Newser) - From Parisian sewer guides to a coconut safety engineer in St. Thomas, some travel industry jobs straddle the line between necessary and absurd. Travel and Leisure highlights some of the strangest.
  1. Tourism ambassador, Japan. Diplomacy never looked so soft and cuddly after Japan appointed elder statesfeline Hello Kitty for PR

Oil Price Spike Brings Jobs Back to US

Rising costs curb manufacturers' outsourcing

(Newser) - As costs for overseas production and shipping soar, US companies are growing reluctant to outsource manufacturing—and some are even bringing their plants back to America, the Wall Street Journal reports. “In a world of triple-digit oil prices, distance costs money," said an economist. But it’s not...

Prof Grapples With Fate: Teaching Dolts
 Prof Grapples With
 Fate: Teaching Dolts 

Prof Grapples With Fate: Teaching Dolts

'I am the man who has to lower the hammer,' he admits

(Newser) - An English professor at a small US college admits that half his job is killing students' dreams—dreams that they can write, think, or even form a sentence, he writes anonymously in the Atlantic. Yet more American jobs require college credits, and his role is to force Joyce and Faulkner...

Interview Goofs You Can't Make Up

Smelling your armpits, admitting you're headed to the bar are not ways to get a job

(Newser) - Do research, don't lie, be professional: Interview tips seem basic enough to follow, but CNN reports the many job seekers have committed serious gaffes we all should learn from:
  • Asking interviewer to leave office so you can take a call
  • Admitting you may quit job if your uncle dies and

Jobless Rate Fell in April; Employers Shed Fewer Jobs

(Newser) - US employers cut far fewer jobs in April than in recent months and the unemployment rate dropped to 5%, a better-than-expected showing that nonetheless still revealed strains in the nation's crucial labor market. For the fourth month in a row, the economy lost jobs, the Labor Department reported today. But...

Good Job, Bad Job
Good Job,
Bad Job

Good Job, Bad Job

A look at extreme differences in the work experience, from FedEx to Patagonia

(Newser) - There's a stark divide between good and bad employers in America today, and you don't want to be on the wrong side of it. In a New York Times excerpt from his new book, Steven Greenhouse compares FedEx and Patagonia. FedEx forces workers who deliver packages to be "independent...

Streamlining AT&T Plans 4,600 Layoffs

TV, wireless hires will offset white-collar landline losses

(Newser) - As it adjusts its business model to lowered demand for landlines, AT&T will lay off 4,600 employees, the Wall Street Journal reports. The company plans to create about the same number of new wireless, broadband, and TV jobs, a trade-off that will create savings through dropping more senior,...

Small-Business Confidence at 28-Year Low

With sales slowing, owners sweat inflation, rising energy costs

(Newser) - Slowing sales, rising inflation, and skyrocketing energy costs have small-business owners cutting back on hiring and tightening their spending as they brace for a continuing economic slowdown, USA Today reports. A National Federation of Independent Business survey puts small-business confidence last month at its lowest quarterly point since 1980.

Dems Push New Aid Package as Job Market Swoons

Economists say any doubt we're in recession is gone

(Newser) - Democrats are calling for another stimulus package to help American workers as unemployment soars, the New York Times reports. Almost 250,000 American jobs have been lost since the beginning of the year—including 80,000 in March—leading one policy expert to say it's time the government switched focus...

US Sees Worst Decline in Jobs Since 2003

Payrolls dropped by 63,000; recession fears intensify

(Newser) - The US lost 63,000 jobs in February, the second straight month payrolls contracted and the worst drop since 2003, catching economists off guard and fanning fears of recession anew, Bloomberg reports. Economists hoped the economy would add 23,000 jobs after declining a modest 17,000 in January, when...

Siemens to Slash 4,000 Jobs
Siemens to Slash 4,000 Jobs

Siemens to Slash 4,000 Jobs

Troubled telecom sparks fear of union anger over cuts

(Newser) - Siemens is cutting nearly 4,000 jobs and moving 3,000 workers away from its troubled telecom equipment unit, sparking fears of union outcry in Germany, the Wall Street Journal reports. Once a $30 billion annual revenue giant, the business has been trailing competitors in cheap-labor countries like China and...

Silicon Valley Deletes Middle-Income Jobs

Jobs rise in region overall, partly due to international influx

(Newser) - Silicon Valley is bleeding middle-income jobs, the New York Times reports. Clerks, secretaries, service reps and others earning $30,000 to $80,000 a year fell from 52% to 46% of workers from 2002 to 2006, according to a new report. The trend threatens the region's upward-mobility track, one author...

Firefighting Is US' Sexiest Job
Firefighting Is US' Sexiest Job

Firefighting Is US' Sexiest Job

Personal trainer, CEO and cowboy also turn-ons, site finds

(Newser) - Americans may ogle the celebrities gracing the covers of gossip mags, but firefighter remains the sexiest job title on the books, the Boston Globe reports. Personal trainer comes in a close second, according to's Valentine's Day survey. It's the site's first such survey in three years, and though...

As US Job Growth Stalls, an Era Ends

Employment stats point to sea change in once-certain growth patterns

(Newser) - Workers who’ve lost a job are having a tougher time finding a new one as the economy contracts, marking an end to more than a decade and a half of rapid, sometimes phenomenal, US job growth, writes Business Week’s Peter Coy. The loss of 17,000 jobs in...

Stocks Climb on Microsoft News
Stocks Climb on Microsoft News

Stocks Climb on Microsoft News

Dismal labor report can't keep Dow down

(Newser) - Microsoft’s offer to buy Yahoo outweighed a dismal jobs report today as the Dow ended up 92.83 at 12,743.19 after a seesaw session. Hopes for a new M&A wave bumped up against fears of broad economic slowdown. “This is a trader’s market, because...

Mitt Outplayed Mac in Michigan
Mitt Outplayed Mac in Michigan

Mitt Outplayed Mac in Michigan

Pundits rush in before polls even close

(Newser) - With Great Lakes State voting booths not quite closed—and polls tied—pundits are already writing post-mortems on the two-Republican race, and giving Mitt Romney the campaigning edge. The New Republic’s Jonathan Cohn and Henry Payne in the National Review agree that Mitt hit his stride, convincing Michiganders he’...

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