grizzly bear

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Wyoming Says It's Time to Lift Grizzly Bear Protections

State is applying to have species delisted in Yellowstone region

(Newser) - Wyoming is taking another shot at bringing back the grizzly bear hunt. Gov. Mark Gordon, calling it a "wonderful day of celebration, not only for the grizzly bear but for Wyoming," announced Thursday that the state will seek the lifting of federal protections for the bears in the...

Another Grizzly Attack, This Time in Denali

Man uses bear spray, gets away

(Newser) - Grizzly attacks have been making headlines in recent months, but the latest story has a happier ending. A hiker in Alaska's Denali National Park was attacked Monday night, but managed to deploy bear spray, which the park service believes may have cut the attack short. The bear, who had...

Bear Attack Survivor Flags Down Helicopter

He told rescuers the bear had been returning every night and he only had 2 shots left

(Newser) - Lt. Cmdr Jared Carbajal says that in his 12 years as a Coast Guard helicopter pilot, an incident last Friday was the first time he was flagged down by somebody in need of rescue—and the man at a remote mining camp certainly needed it. The injured man told rescuers...

After Fatal Mauling, Officials Find and Shoot Grizzly

They await DNA tests, but Montana officials say it's likely same bear that killed Leah Davis Lokan

(Newser) - Wildlife officials in Montana say the bear that attacked and killed a camper from California earlier this week is likely no more. A male grizzly, which authorities believe dragged 65-year-old nurse Leah Davis Lokan from her tent early Tuesday while she was sleeping, was shot by federal wildlife employees just...

Victim of Grizzly Attack Was 65-Year-Old Nurse

Bear pulled her from her tent in Montana town

(Newser) - Authorities in Montana are still trying to track down and kill a grizzly bear that pulled a woman from her tent and killed her early Tuesday. More details on the attack that horrified the small town of Ovando were released Wednesday, the Great Falls Tribune reports. The state's Fish,...

Town 'Shaken Up' After Grizzly Bear Kills Camper

Authorities in western Montana are searching for animal's 'daybed'

(Newser) - A grizzly bear attacked and killed a bicyclist who was camping in a small western Montana town early Tuesday, triggering an intensive search for the bruin by wildlife officials and law enforcement officers who planned to kill the animal, authorities say. The pre-dawn attack happened in Ovando, a town of...

Grizzly Bear Found Decapitated, Declawed in Yellowstone River

The bears are protected and it's illegal to possess any part of them

(Newser) - Grizzly bear 394 had a long life. He was 25 when he washed up on the banks of the Yellowstone River in Montana, and thin from age at almost 600 pounds. He was tagged in Wyoming and relocated to Yellowstone National Park where he lived an uneventful life, the Billings ...

Fight Emerges Over Grizzly Living Near Wyoming Road

USFWS is trying to scare it and its cubs off, and the plan has many critics

(Newser) - The US Fish and Wildlife Service is asking people to avoid the Togwotee Pass area in Wyoming for the remainder of the month so that it can "conduct targeted hazing operations on grizzly bear 863." USA Today reports the bear, known by locals as "Felicia," and...

You Know Polar Bears, Grizzly Bears. Now Meet the &#39;Pizzly&#39;
A New Type of Bear Is
Gaining Traction: the 'Pizzly'
in case you missed it

A New Type of Bear Is Gaining Traction: the 'Pizzly'

Hybrid of polar and grizzly bears are becoming more common as habitats overlap

(Newser) - Polar bears and grizzly bears diverged about 500,000 years ago. Now, a changing planet appears to be bringing them back together. Live Science reports that the two species have been running into each other—and mating—with greater frequency in recent years, resulting in a hybrid bear known as...

Yellowstone Guide's Death First by a Grizzly Since 2018

Charles "Carl" Mock reportedly suffered stroke days after mauling

(Newser) - A Montana backcountry guide has died days after he was mauled by large grizzly bear near Yellowstone National Park, becoming the first person killed by a grizzly in the region since 2018. Charles "Carl" Mock of the park gateway community of West Yellowstone was fishing alone along the Madison...

Man Fishing Alone Is Mauled by a Grizzly

Carl Mock died a couple days later

(Newser) - A backcountry guide who was mauled by a grizzly bear on Thursday just outside Yellowstone National Park has died. "This comes as a terrible shock and is heartbreaking to everyone, since both the surgeries went so well," read a Saturday update in a GoFundMe campaign started for Carl...

Yellowstone Region's Oldest Grizzly Was Euthanized

Bear 168 preyed on calves

(Newser) - A 34-year-old grizzly bear that was captured in Wyoming last summer and later euthanized has been confirmed as the oldest on record in the Yellowstone region, the AP reports. “He was born in 1986,” Dan Thompson, a Wyoming Game and Fish biologist tells the Jackson Hole News &...

Trump's Grizzly Move Is Called 'Purely Political'

Trump has scrapped plans to reintroduce grizzlies into North Cascades National Park

(Newser) - The forested mountains in and around North Cascades National Park in north central Washington state have long been considered prime habitat for threatened grizzly bears, so environmental groups are upset the Trump administration scrapped plans to reintroduce the apex predators there, the AP reports. US Secretary of the Interior David...

'Multiple Goring Wounds' After Woman Gets Too Close to Bison

California woman got within 10 feet of bison at Yellowstone

(Newser) - If she wanted to get up close and personal, then success: A 72-year-old California woman was trying to snap a photo of a bison at Yellowstone National Park on Thursday when she was gored. The unidentified woman "sustained multiple goring wounds" before being flown to an Idaho hospital, the...

Yellowstone Tourist Learns Mama Bears Don't Mess Around

Missouri tourist escapes with minor injuries after attack by grizzly

(Newser) - Visitors strolling along a path with a name like Fairy Falls Trail wouldn't be unreasonable to envision a relaxing, enchanting walk surrounded by picturesque scenery. For one tourist in Yellowstone National Park this week, however, her saunter was anything but idyllic. Per a National Park Service release cited by...

She Might Be the Most Famous Bear in the World

Yellowstone's Grizzly 399 has 4 cubs at the astonishing age of 24

(Newser) - "Miraculously, she still lives!" So wrote nature photographer Thomas Mangelsen to none other than Jane Goodall last month when he spotted what is possibly the most famous wild bear in the world, reports the Guardian . This particular bear is a grizzly with the unromantic name of "399,...

Grizzly Attacks Montana Mountain Biker

Man is in critical but stable condition

(Newser) - A mountain biker was attacked by a grizzly bear Monday near the southern Montana community of Big Sky, according to authorities. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks spokesperson Morgan Jacobsen told the Billings Gazette that the man was able to walk away and find help. He was airlifted to a hospital...

8 Bears Died Here in 2019. Cow Carcasses Sealed Their Fate

Record 51 bears killed in Montana for 2nd year in a row, with 8 deaths attributed to trains

(Newser) - Researchers are developing a system to warn grizzly bears about approaching trains in response to climbing death rates, which have some fearing for the future of the species. Some 51 bears were killed in Montana's Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem, including Glacier National Park and parts of the Flathead and...

Plight of Hungry Bears Prompts Unusual Move

First Nation group in Canada brings salmon to feed starving grizzlies

(Newser) - Visitors flock to Knight Inlet, north of Vancouver, British Columbia, in hope of spotting a grizzly bear. On a recent visit, tour operator and photographer Rolf Hicker actually saw three, but it was no cause for celebration. "Advertising still shows the happy bears feasting on salmon, well, sorry to...

Grizzly Came as He Slept, Took Him Away

Julien Gauthier was collecting nature sounds for a music project in Canada

(Newser) - A highly rare unprovoked grizzly bear attack took the life of a 44-year-old French man in Canada's Northwest Territories last week. The BBC reports Julien Gauthier was asleep in his tent early Thursday when a grizzly bear came upon him and dragged him away. His body was found the...

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