Tiananmen Square

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Confucius Rises Again in China
Confucius Rises
Again in China

Confucius Rises Again in China

Tiananmen statue shows leadership has re-embraced him

(Newser) - Chinese leaders are re-embracing a once-scorned familiar figure: Confucius. A giant bronze statue of the ancient philosopher now stands on the hallowed ground of Tiananmen Sqaure, reports the Guardian . That means he's sharing space with none other than Mao, who officially condemned the teachings of Confucius amid his purge of...

China Blocks Foursquare Over Tiananmen

Too many people were posting on the anniversary

(Newser) - This time, it's Foursquare that's earned the wrath of Beijing. The location-based social networking site is blocked throughout China, reports TechBlog86 . Of course, there's no official word from Chinese authorities, but the move came after scores of people virtually checked in to Tiananmen Square to mark yesterday's 21st anniversary and...

Huge Sandstorm Turns Beijing Sky Orange

Storms have jumped sixfold in 50 years due to deforestation

(Newser) - China's capital woke up to orange-tinted skies today as the strongest sandstorm so far this year hit the country's north, delaying some flights at Beijing's airport and prompting a dust warning for Seoul. The sky glowed and a thin dusting of sand covered Beijing, causing workers to muffle their faces...

Communist China Turns 60, Really Just Celebrates Past 30

Communists used people as 'cannon fodder' before making it OK to get rich

(Newser) - A blowout party is hours away in Beijing, where the People’s Republic of China will celebrate its 60th anniversary with an unprecedented display in Tiananmen Square. But it’s worth noting that only the second 30 of those years are worth applauding, Isabel Hilton writes—not the first 30...

French Tourist Attacked Near Tiananmen

Second stabbing incident in 2 days rattles Beijing

(Newser) - A French  tourist was attacked and injured by a knife-wielding man near Beijing's Tiananmen Square today, raising tensions as the Chinese capital prepares to mark 60 years of Communist rule, the AP reports. Two security guards were killed and at least a dozen other people were injured in another attack...

10 Protests That Changed History

Iran's post-election storm has these precedents

(Newser) - The post-election storm brewing in Iran prompted LiveScience to round up some of history's most significant protests:
  • A piece of paper nailed to a church door in 1517 sparked the Protestant Revolution.
  • Parisians moved more boldly, beheading the Bastille's governor to spark the French Revolution in 1789.
  • The Boston Tea

Obama's Wrong: He Must Take Sides in Iran
Obama's Wrong:
He Must Take Sides in Iran

Obama's Wrong: He Must Take Sides in Iran

He's deserting the brave revolutionaries: Krauthammer

(Newser) - Electoral fraud fueled the protests in Iran, but now there is a full-fledged revolution brewing—and according to Charles Krauthammer, the demonstrators are desperate for just one signal that the US supports them. Instead, President Obama has pledged "dialogue" with a "clerical dictator" and left the green revolutionaries...

Tiananmen Sweeps Twitter as Chinese Thwart Ban

'Tiananmen' becomes one of site's most-discussed topics as users turn to proxies

(Newser) - China's blocking of Twitter ahead of the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre last week didn't foil the country's computer-savvy youth for very long, the BBC reports. Users swiftly shared information about visiting the site through proxies or software applications, and the subsequent twittering made Tiananmen one of Twitter's most-discussed...

150K Join Tiananmen Vigil in Hong Kong

(Newser) - An annual vigil marking the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre brought a record 150,000 people to a park in Hong Kong, the only place in China to mark the event, reports the BBC. “It is something to remember not only for our generation but for the...

What Happened to the Tiananmen Spirit?
 What Happened to the 
 Tiananmen Spirit? 

What Happened to the Tiananmen Spirit?

(Newser) - Twenty years ago today, Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times was in Tiananmen Square, sweating in fear and watching as "'People’s China' opened fire on its people." The soldiers had shot at ambulances, too, so no one was helping the wounded—except the rickshaw drivers. One...

How I Got This Shot: Photog
 How I Got This Shot: Photog 

How I Got This Shot: Photog

Widener recalls capturing Tank Man image 20 years ago

(Newser) - On the 20th anniversary of Tiananmen Square, one image endures: a lone man standing in front of a column of tanks, refusing to let them pass. Jeff Widener, the AP photographer who captured the moment, tells USA Today how he evaded the police and the censors to take the shot...

China Blocks Twitter Ahead of Tiananmen Anniversary

Flickr, Hotmail, Bing get shut down

(Newser) - As Thursday's 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre approaches, China has blocked access to Twitter, Flickr, and Hotmail, among other sites, TechCrunch reports. “The lead-up to any date like this is usually a time when the Firewall is tightened,” notes Mike Butcher, who was told by a...

How China Rewrote Tiananmen History
 How China Rewrote 
 Tiananmen History 

How China Rewrote Tiananmen History

Recalling Tiananmen 20 years later

(Newser) - The Tiananmen Square massacre isn’t something the Chinese government wants the world to remember, and it's doing a good job keeping the matter quiet, writes Terrence Cheng in the Chronicle of Higher Education. In China, “those who dare to speak about it are swiftly silenced,” he writes....

Pelosi Won't Slap China on Human Rights

Long critical of Beijing, speaker will focus on environment in visit

(Newser) - Like Hillary Clinton before her, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will sidestep Beijing's human rights record on her weeklong trip to China that began today, reports the Washington Post. Pelosi, who has been a vocal critic of the Tiananmen Square massacre and Chinese policies on Tibet, says the focus of her...

20 Years On, Chinese Youth Forget Tiananmen

Democracy recedes for today's student generation

(Newser) - It's now been 20 years since the Chinese army rolled into Tiananmen Square, killing hundreds of students in the final push to put down a growing democracy movement. Beijing is anxious as the June 4 anniversary of the massacre approaches; Google "Tiananmen" in Beijing and you'll likely find pages...

Delirious Throngs Greet Torch in Beijing

But Yank, Brit protesters busted for 'Free Tibet' banner

(Newser) - After a beleaguered relay dogged by Tibet protesters in many of its legs around the world, the Olympic flame finally reached Beijing today. Ecstatic crowds under smog-choked skies shouted "Go Olympics, go Beijing" to greet torchbearers in Tiananmen Square, with Chinese basketball sensation Yao Ming holding the torch above...

Olympic Torch Lit in Beijing
 Olympic Torch Lit in Beijing 

Olympic Torch Lit in Beijing

Security is tight as flame begins global journey

(Newser) - The Olympic torch was re-lighted today in Beijing’s Tienanmen Square in an elaborate ceremony marked by tight security, the AP reports. President Hu Jintao passed the flame to a champion Chinese hurdler in a televised event attended by some 5,000 people. Confetti floated over bright red seats and...

China May Ban Shots of Tiananmen During Olympics

Fearing protests of Tibet policy, iconic square may go unphotographed

(Newser) - The Chinese government may ban live footage of Tiananmen Square during the coming Summer Olympics in Beijing, the AP reports. Increasingly concerned about protests,  Chinese Olympic officials this week told broadcasting organizers an earlier agreement on live shots had been canceled. If the decision stands, it would be a...

The Man Behind the Smile
The Man Behind the Smile

The Man Behind the Smile

Chinese artist takes New York with his signature troubling grin

(Newser) - It's contemporary Chinese art's most indelible image—the smile so huge it becomes false, accusatory—and it belongs to Yue Minjun, the artist who uses the grinning self-portraits, often many of them, in his paintings. The New York Times chats with Yue, who is enjoying his first US show in...

Junta Cremates Protesters
Junta Cremates Protesters

Junta Cremates Protesters

Crackdown carries on, as soldiers arrest more activists and the wounded are refused treatment

(Newser) - Burma's army is burning the bodies of activists in secret cremations, hiding their true death count forever, the Sunday Times reports. Locals near Rangoon report trucks are driving by a crematorium at night as smoke rises constantly from its chimneys. Rumors of victims burnt alive have swept the city, but...

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