charter school

Stories 21 - 32 | << Prev 

'No Child Left Behind' Overhaul in the Works

2014 deadline for bringing all students to proficiency to be ditched

(Newser) - The Obama administration is planning a sweeping overhaul of the Child Left Behind law to create a new model for how schools are judged to be succeeding or failing. The White House plans to change parts of the law educators have found most objectionable and award more federal money based...

Teachers' Unions Strangling School Reform
 Teachers' Unions 
 Strangling School Reform 

Teachers' Unions Strangling School Reform

Obama must fight for accountability and neuter 'reactionary' lobbyists

(Newser) - New York could really use $700 million in federal Race to the Top education funding, Joe Klein writes, but it won’t get it thanks to intractable teachers’ unions. The federal funds require school choice and teacher accountability, so the powerful union lobby stymied it in the state legislature. The...

LA Mayor Wants Outsiders to Run 'Failing' Schools

Teachers union says plan will lead to 'chaos in education system'

(Newser) - The mayor of Los Angeles wants to allow outside groups to place bids for control of hundreds of the city’s schools, the LA Times reports. Antonia Villaraigosa’s education reforms would allow bidding by charter-school organizations and other education nonprofits to run 50 schools scheduled to open over the...

Duncan Poised to Be Most Powerful Ed Sec Ever

Tight with prez, Duncan holds keys to $5B in stimulus funds

(Newser) - Tight with President Obama and with $5 billion at his disposal, Arne Duncan may become the strongest education secretary in history, writes Nia-Malika Henderson for Politico. “Never ever have they had $5 billion to decide what to do in the education system,” says an education advocate. And it’...

Prez to Unveil $4B Education Boost Today

Rewards states that push charter schools, teacher performance

(Newser) - President Obama will offer struggling states a carrot and a stick today, as he unveils draft guidelines for a new $4.35 billion education initiative designed to push charter schools, linking teacher pay to performance, and adopting common academic standards. The Race for the Top program, part of the stimulus...

Michelle: Sotomayor 'Ready'
 Michelle: Sotomayor 'Ready' 

Michelle: Sotomayor 'Ready'

(Newser) - Michelle Obama threw herself into the Sotomayor debate today in a commencement address she gave to a DC charter school, Politico reports. She likened Sotomayor’s experience to hers and her husband’s, recalling people “sowing seeds of doubt” about them. “Judge Sotomayor is more than ready,”...

Duncan to Schools: Uncle Sam Is Watching
Duncan to Schools: Uncle Sam Is Watching

Duncan to Schools: Uncle Sam Is Watching

Education sec says they'd better spend bailout money wisely

(Newser) - States should be careful when spending their stimulus education windfall, because Uncle Sam will be watching, the US education secretary writes in the Wall Street Journal. “We will require an honest assessment of key issues like teacher quality, student performance, college readiness, and the number of charter schools,”...

Obama to Push Merit Pay for Teachers in Schools Plan

Prez to push teacher merit pay, lower dropout rates

(Newser) - In a speech today before the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, President Obama will lay out his plan for American schools, reports the Wall Street Journal. Most controversially, the president aims to expand merit pay for teachers, a measure that Democratic teacher unions are traditionally leery of. If teachers develop...

Obama Runs to Center on Education, Touts Charters

Democrat will support charter schools, merit pay for teachers

(Newser) - Barack Obama will come out today in favor of merit pay for teachers, doubled federal support for charter schools, and other centrist strategies to boost American education, reports Time. In the draft of a speech he's giving in Ohio, Obama warns that teachers who fail to improve will “be...

GOP Must Strike Back in the 'Burbs
 GOP Must Strike 
 Back in the 'Burbs 

GOP Must Strike Back in the 'Burbs

Republicans should go after the affluent upper middle class

(Newser) - The GOP coalition—seemingly indomitable 4 years ago—is in shambles, losing ground “on nearly every demographic and geographic front,” write Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam in the National Review. Republicans must expand their base, and the writers have a plan: Seduce “the affluent, well-educated, increasingly liberal...

Obama Quits School Reform Talk on Trail
Obama Quits School Reform Talk on Trail

Obama Quits School Reform Talk on Trail

Senator may be caving to old guard where he'd been breath of fresh air

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been backing off post-partisan rhetoric on education, looking more like a stick-in-the-mud Democratic regular on schools and less like the reformer who supported test-based accountability and performance pay for teachers. The Chicagoan had bucked teachers' unions and other stodgy liberals, supporting charter schools in Illinois and mentorship...

NYC Charter School To Pay Teachers $125K

Only public funds and grants to be used in test of teacher quality

(Newser) - A New York City charter school plans to employ a radical new setup meant to test the value of teacher quality over extras in the educational experience, the New York Times reports. Though the Equity Project, set to open in 2009, will have large classes and fewer classroom resources, teachers...

Stories 21 - 32 | << Prev