Ted Kennedy

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Thousands Come Out for Day 2 of Kennedy Wake

(Newser) - Thousands more well-wishers flocked to the Kennedy Library in Boston today to pay their respects to Ted Kennedy, the Globe reports. Mourners stood in an eight-wide line that snaked back and forth throughout the parking lot. Among the mourners were several state lawmakers, a group from the Democratic Republic of...

Senior Bushes Will Skip Kennedy Funeral

43rd president will represent family at service

(Newser) - George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush won't attend Ted Kennedy's funeral tomorrow, the AP reports. All of the living presidents had been expected at the senator's service in Boston, but the 85-year-old Bush changed his mind after learning his son would be among the mourners, a rep says. Bush...

Nixon Had 'Crude Swingers' Teddy and Joan Followed

"She was going to wear hot pants but Teddy told her she couldn't"

(Newser) - Richard Nixon hoped to embarrass Ted Kennedy in a scandal and huddled with aides in 1971 to make sure people were keeping an eye on him, the AP reports. "You watch, I predict something more is going to happen," Nixon tells HR Haldeman and press chief Ron Ziegler...

Brilliant, Loyal Kennedy Staffers the Envy of DC

Lion has cubs to thank for many legislative victories

(Newser) - When they discovered their old boss had died, about 100 former Kennedy staffers headed to Boston to help with the funeral. “We are a family,” says one former communications adviser. They have also been a formidable political asset, both to the senator and the Democratic Party, the Washington ...

Noonan on Reagan and Kennedy: 'Grace Met Grace'

How two political families forged a friendship across the aisle

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan recounts the unlikely friendship of the Kennedys and the Reagans and the time "grace met grace"—when President Reagan ventured to Ted's house in 1985 to make a speech honoring JFK and raise money for his new library. "A friendship that had already begun deepened,...

Kennedy Legacy Testament to Power of Compromise
Kennedy Legacy Testament to Power of Compromise

Kennedy Legacy Testament to Power of Compromise

US political system 'rewards negotiators'

(Newser) - The political agenda outlined in Ted Kennedy’s speech at the 1980 Democratic convention was radical: Kennedy called for a policy of full employment, government intervention to “reindustrialize” American cities, and universal health care. Having lost the Democratic nomination, “his liberalism was unbound," writes David Brooks for...

Obamas Cut Vacation Short
 Obamas Cut 
 Vacation Short 

Obamas Cut Vacation Short

(Newser) - With a tropical storm bearing down on the Northeast, President Obama and Michelle Obama will leave Martha's Vineyard tomorrow, a day ahead of schedule, to ensure he arrives in Boston in time to deliver a eulogy at Ted Kennedy's funeral Saturday. If possible, they'll return to the Vineyard afterward; if...

Throngs Turn Out to Bid Kennedy Farewell

(Newser) - Thousands of constituents and admirers turned out this afternoon to honor Ted Kennedy as a motorcade bearing the senator's body from his Cape Cod home to his brother's presidential library wound through the streets of Boston. Some wept, some applauded as both locals and out-of-towners flooded to say goodbye. "...

Kennedy Leaves Cape Cod for the Last Time

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy's body is en route to Boston, where he will lie in repose at his slain brother's presidential library for 2 days of public visitation. The motorcade carrying the senator's body and members of his family departed the family compound on Cape Cod for the 70-mile trip to the...

Three Speeches That Define Ted Kennedy

(Newser) - He wasn't always the most articulate person in one-on-one conversations, but Ted Kennedy gave powerful speeches, writes Gail Russell Chaddock in the Christian Science Monitor. Three that resonate:
  • His 1980 concession: “For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope

All Living Presidents Will Attend Kennedy's Funeral

(Newser) - All four living former presidents will attend Ted Kennedy’s invitation-only funeral, the Boston Herald reports. President Obama will also be there, breaking off his Martha’s Vineyard vacation to deliver a eulogy. Gordon Brown also plans to attend, as will Irish PM Brian Cowen. “Sen. Kennedy is being...

Enough Already: Kennedy Was No Hero
 Enough Already: 
 Kennedy Was No Hero 

Enough Already: Kennedy Was No Hero

(Newser) - You wouldn’t know it from the tearful plaudits in the "echo chamber of the mainstream media," but Ted Kennedy was no hero, Howie Carr writes for the Boston Herald. Kennedy was actually a ruthless partisan—he accused Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork of wanting "segregated lunch...

Today's Senate Won't Produce Another Ted
 Today's Senate Won't Produce 
 Another Ted 

Today's Senate Won't Produce Another Ted

(Newser) - If you ask leading Democrats who can replace Ted Kennedy as the Senate’s liberal standard-bearer, the most frequent answer is “nobody,” writes Doyle McManus of the Los Angeles Times. No one has a record to match Kennedy’s, and in today’s Senate, building one would be...

Gov. Patrick Backs Kennedy Push to Fill Seat

Move to change Mass. election law gains momentum

(Newser) - Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick came out in support yesterday of Ted Kennedy’s request that he be given the power to appoint someone to fill Kennedy's Senate seat until a special election can be held, the Boston Globe reports. “I’d like the Legislature to take up the bill...

Limbaugh on Kennedy: I Told You So
on Kennedy:
I Told You So

Limbaugh on Kennedy: I Told You So

Shock jock crows over his prediction of the senator's death, fallout

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh gave himself a big pat on the back yesterday for predicting that Ted Kennedy would kick the bucket—and that it would be used as an “inspirational technique” to boost health care reform efforts. “Before it’s all over it’ll be called the Ted Kennedy...

Kennedy's Senate Class Full of Lions
 Senate Class 
 Full of Lions 

Kennedy's Senate Class Full of Lions

Giants abound in 88th Senate

(Newser) - It’s no wonder Ted Kennedy became a lion of the Senate, writes Tom Schaller of FiveThirtyEight.com: he learned from the best. Kennedy began his first full term with the 88th Congress in 1963, and the list of senators sworn in alongside him contains “a safari’s worth...

After Diagnosis, Kennedy Wanted a 'Good Ending'

(Newser) - When Ted Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer, he insisted that he would have a "good ending for myself," and friends tell the New York Times that the late senator's last 15 months were filled with joy. He and his wife Vicki spent evenings watching 24 and James...

Kennedy a Green Warrior Before His Time

Kennedy a  
Green Warrior  
Before His Time 


Kennedy a Green Warrior Before His Time

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy was a crusader for environmental protection and energy efficiency long before those causes became fashionable. Climate Progress lists his accomplishments:
  • He eliminated the “oil depletion allowance,” which excluded 22% of oil producer’s revenue from taxes.
  • Kennedy created the 2007 American COMPETES Act, which funds clean

Kennedy First on Hill With Own Site
 Kennedy First on Hill 
 With Own Site 

Kennedy First on Hill With Own Site

(Newser) - Amid the praise for the late Ted Kennedy, one blogger reminds that the Massachusetts senator was the first member of Congress with his own website. “Back in 1993, this was no small feat,” writes Paul Blumenthal for the Sunlight Foundation. “At the time there were no congressional...

Kennedy Honored at Fenway
 Kennedy Honored at Fenway 

Kennedy Honored at Fenway

(Newser) - His hometown Boston Red Sox honored the late Ted Kennedy tonight, the Globe reports, with an Air Force sergeant playing Taps before a pre-game moment of silence at Fenway Park. The team also played a video tribute midway through the first inning to the Massachusetts Democrat—who, the team owner...

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