Ted Kennedy

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Kennedy Delays Senate Return

Liberal lion needs more recovery time before final health care push

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy, still recuperating from cancer surgery, is postponing his return to the Senate until January, reports the Washington Post. Kennedy is undergoing radiation and chemotherapy, aides said. He has has only appeared publicly twice since surgery for a malignant brain tumor—to endorse Barack Obama at the Democratic Convention,...

Novak: Cancer Helps Heal Old Wounds
Novak: Cancer Helps Heal
Old Wounds

Novak: Cancer Helps Heal Old Wounds

Fiery columnist bonds with Kennedy, explains hit-and-run accident

(Newser) - Although Robert Novak has antagonized many in Washington, that hasn’t stopped the political columnist's targets from encouraging him as he battles brain cancer. “I have had few good things to say about Teddy Kennedy since I first met him,” Novak admits in a syndicated column distributed today,...

High Marks for Michelle's Passion, Kennedy's Emotion

Obama cleans up her image as Teddy draws tears

(Newser) - How did the speakers do on the first night of the Democrats’ big show? There’s no shortage of opinions:
  • Mark Halperin, in Time, gives good grades to Caroline Kennedy and Michelle Obama, the latter of whom likely convinced the country she’s ready to be first lady “in

Kennedy: 'Dream Lives On'
 Kennedy: 'Dream Lives On'

Kennedy: 'Dream Lives On'

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy, vowing that "nothing is going to keep me away," made an impassioned plea for Barack Obama tonight at the Democratic convention, MSNBC reports. Kennedy, who's battling brain cancer, declared it a "season of hope" and said the nation needs Obama's lofty ambitions. "When John...

Kennedy Speech Among 5 Things to See at DNC

Watch for Clinton supporters, Jesse Jackson

(Newser) - Here's what to watch at the Democratic National Convention tonight, Politico reports:
  1. Ted Kennedy, still recovering from surgery, "is definitely speaking tonight," one Dem said, and plans a memorable torch-passing to Barack Obama.
  2. Michelle Obama will try to sell herself as a strong but inoffensive first lady; whether

Dems, Still Bruised, Open Convention

Hillary slams Mac attack ad, will call for Obama support on floor

(Newser) - The Democrats opened their 2008 presidential nominating convention today in Denver, a four-day political festival to nominate Barack Obama for president and fellow Sen. Joe Biden as his running mate. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer, was in Denver for the opening and might speak tonight to...

Ted Kennedy in Denver; Plans to Speak Tonight
 Ted Kennedy in Denver;
Plans to Speak Tonight


Ted Kennedy in Denver; Plans to Speak Tonight

Determined to address convention tonight

(Newser) - Democratic titan Ted Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer, is in Denver and plans to address the Democratic National Convention tonight, reports the Boston Globe. The Kennedy clan is gathering for what is certain to be an emotionally powerful and highly symbolic moment. Doctors are concerned that Kennedy's immune system...

FBI Looks to Expand Powers of Investigation

Agency wants to open cases without reason for suspicion

(Newser) - The Department of Justice is aiming to relax restrictions on the FBI so agents can investigate people without any clear reason for suspicion, congressional Dems tell the New York Times. The plan, which may be revealed in September, has attracted concern, including a letter from four Democratic senators warning that...

DNC Plans Tribute to Teddy
 DNC Plans Tribute to Teddy

DNC Plans Tribute to Teddy

Kennedy not expected in Denver... but who knows?

(Newser) - Camera crews spent the weekend on Cape Cod, collecting footage for a 15-minute tribute to Edward Kennedy to air during the Democratic National Convention. The video will include statements from the senator, who many expect won't make it to Denver while he battles brain cancer. But as a source reminded...

Behind Kennedy Tumor Surgery: Rally of Top Experts

Senator is able to summon leading experts to advise on his case

(Newser) - After his brain cancer diagnosis, Ted Kennedy wielded extraordinary clout to convene a  panel of more than a dozen top experts from around the country for a conference—with some doctors flying to Boston and some on the phone—that changed the course of his treatment. Kennedy opted for surgery...

Hatch Pens Ditty for Teddy
 Hatch Pens Ditty for Teddy 

Hatch Pens Ditty for Teddy

GOP senator's ballad may be played at Democratic convention

(Newser) - Orrin Hatch is not only a veteran senator but also a songwriter, and he’s put pen to paper again—this time for longtime friend Ted Kennedy, who’s battling cancer. The Utah Republican was approached by several senior Democrats, and the resulting song, Headed Home, could be played at...

Kennedy Returns to Senate
 Kennedy Returns to Senate 

Kennedy Returns to Senate

Ailing senator makes his first trip back since brain surgery

(Newser) - Edward Kennedy returned to the Senate today for the first time since his surgery for brain cancer to cast a vote on Medicare legislation, CNN reports. Fellow senators greeted him with a long standing ovation. Kennedy, 76, made a thumbs-up gesture after casting his vote with a loud "aye....

Kennedy Doing Well, Wife Reports

Senator responding to cancer treatment

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy is responding well to cancer treatment, according to his wife, Vicki. Although he's experiencing some fatigue—a “word that has never been in Teddy’s vocabulary before”—he is exercising every morning and sailing nearly every day. The venerable senator is halfway through 6 weeks of...

Caroline's Support of Obama Wise Move for the Kennedys

The partnership may serve her family even better than Obama

(Newser) - No doubt the endorsements of Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg and her uncle were a major boon for Barack Obama, but Michelle Cottle writes in the New Republic that the union may have been “an even shrewder move” for Caroline. JFK's daughter, long the “anthologist of family memories,” has...

How Congress Can Help Ted Kennedy
How Congress Can Help
Ted Kennedy

How Congress Can Help Ted Kennedy

New bill would give terminally ill access to unproven drugs

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy has, at best, about two years to live. A drug exists that might extend his life, but Kennedy, and legions of other cancer sufferers, won’t get it because it hasn’t been through Phase III FDA trials. But congress could yet come to the rescue; a bill...

Kennedy Back Home in Mass. After Surgery

Dem's focus now on healthcare bill, Obama campaign, son says

(Newser) - Sen. Ted Kennedy returned to his Massachusetts home today, a week after undergoing a chancy surgery to remove part of a malignant brain tumor, WBZ-TV reports. The Democrat's plane landed at a Cape Cod airport around 11:30 this morning, the Boston Globe adds; Kennedy, 76, told reporters it was...

What Obama, Clinton Don't Get
 What Obama, Clinton Don't Get 

What Obama, Clinton Don't Get

Halperin runs down what the 2 top Dems are underestimating

(Newser) - Mark Halperin runs down what Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton aren’t counting on the day after the nomination was secured: For Obama:
  • How intensely Clintonites feel about Hillary.
  • Delaying his VP pick will only exacerbate the Obama-Clinton scrutiny.
  • The sensitivity of the former first couple.
  • The intense scrutiny he'll

If Brain Surgeons Only Use Their Cells on Speaker ...

... perhaps we all should worry about brain cancer—though studies unclear on link

(Newser) - Experts, including the American Cancer Society, say cell-phone use doesn’t increase the risk of cancer. So why do three prominent neurosurgeons avoid holding phones up to their ears? The debate has been reopened, the New York Times reports, by the surgeons’ recent comments on CNN and by Ted Kennedy’...

'Recuperating Well,' Kennedy Is Up and About

Family time follows brain surgery for Mass. senator, 76

(Newser) - Sen. Ted Kennedy is "recuperating well" after yesterday's surgery on his brain tumor, the Boston Globe reports. The 76-year-old Democrat was "walking the hallways, spending time with family, and actively keeping up with the news of the day," his office said today, following yesterday's 3½-hour procedure...

Brain Cancer Vaccine Doubles Survival Time

Kennedy could be a candidate for breakthrough therapy

(Newser) - A new vaccine more than doubles the expected survival time of patients with the most common form of brain cancer, Reuters reports. Although the test group was small, patients lived an average of 33 months—"almost unheard of" compared to the average of 14 months, says one doctor. The...

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