
Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>

Blago Scandal Will Test Obama's Cred
Blago Scandal Will Test
Obama's Cred

Blago Scandal Will Test Obama's Cred

How fast, and how bluntly, will he move to censure corrupt pols?

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s first test was supposed to come from somewhere like Iran. Instead, write Charles Mahtesian and Jonathan Martin at Politico, it sneaked up from his home turf in the form of Rod Blagojevich—not to mention blossoming charges against Rep. Charlie Rangel. If Obama wants his change message...

Illinois' New Eliot Ness Bags Another Scalp

From twin towers to Valerie Plame, Fitzgerald is relentless

(Newser) - With the arrest of Rod Blagojevich, federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald notched up his second indictment against an Illinois governor in five years. But it's just another scalp for the US attorney who's brought down everyone from World Trade Center bomber Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman to media mogul Conrad Black, not...

A 'Shady' Guv Is Brought Down by Vanity
A 'Shady' Guv Is Brought Down by Vanity

A 'Shady' Guv Is Brought Down by Vanity

Blagojevich always seemed sketchy, but never 'Nixonian'

(Newser) - Of the six Illinois governors who preceded Rod Blagojevich, three have gone to prison—a 50% conviction rate that makes dealing crack on Chicago’s West Side look safe. Still, writes Edward McClelland in Salon, nobody was prepared for the breathtaking scale of Blagojevich's corruption. "Illinoisans have always had...

Obama's 'Pull' on Ethics Bill Helped Spark Gov. Case

But past ties also reveal Obama's ascendency through machine politics

(Newser) - Barack Obama isn't as distant from the scandal surrounding the indicted governor of Illinois as he has let on. The president-elect used his pull in the Illinois senate to get an ethics bill passed that contributed to Gov. Rod Blagojevich's indictment on corruption charges, reports the New York Times. While...

Even for Chicago, Blago Scandal 'Jaw-Dropping'

(Newser) - Even in the context of Illinois' sleazy political standards, it's hard to find the right words to describe the Blagojevich allegations, writes Eric Zorn in the Chicago Tribune. He tries "eyepopping, gobsmacking, jaw-dropping, appalling," and "unprecedented in their alleged brazenness." He also notes that a Chicago...

Obama: No Dealings With Blago
 Obama: No Dealings With Blago 

Obama: No Dealings With Blago

Illinois governor now out on bond as deputy calls for resignation

(Newser) - President-elect Barack Obama today denied having any dealings with Rod Blagojevich over his Senate replacement, and said news of the Illinois governor’s alleged corruption “saddened and sobered” him, the Chicago Tribune reports. Blagojevich, meanwhile, walked out of federal court on a $4,500 bond after hearing that he...

Despite Reforms, Russian Firms Most Likely to Bribe

Survey names Belgium, Canada most graft-free nations

(Newser) - Russian and Chinese companies are most likely to mix business with bribes when traveling abroad, a corruption watchdog found, despite promises from their governments to root out graft. Transparency International, which said the kickback trend points to firms from emerging economic powers, cited the practice’s “damaging impact on...

Arrest Will Ripple Beyond Illinois Politics

Will Blagojevich still appoint Obama replacement?

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich’s arrest will reverberate well beyond Illinois, Chris Cillizza writes in the Washington Post. Most immediately, it drastically reshapes the race to fill Barack Obama’s Senate seat, which the Illinois governor still has power to fill. If he even makes a pick, it’ll have to be...

Blago Charges Go Beyond Obama Seat
Blago Charges Go Beyond Obama Seat

Blago Charges Go Beyond Obama Seat

'Breadth of corruption' would 'make Lincoln roll over in his grave'

(Newser) - In addition to bartering over President-elect Obama’s vacant Senate seat, Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich sought campaign contributions in return for government action, and attempted to influence the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune, the Sun-Times reports. The FBI released transcripts of incriminating conversations today. “The conduct would make...

Blagojevich Sought Cabinet Post for Obama's Senate Seat

FBI tapes reveal wish for health secretary post

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich had said he wanted “something real good” in exchange for his choice of a replacement for the president-elect in the Senate, Politico reports. Otherwise, he said in FBI tapes the day before the election, “I’ll just send myself.” A Senate seat is a "...

Illinois Guv Charged With Corruption

Feds focus on 'pay-to- play politics' in choice of Obama successor

(Newser) - Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested at his Chicago home today, and taken into federal custody on charges of “pay-to-play politics,” the Tribune reports. Amid questions over whether such practices were involved in the selection of a senator to replace President-elect Obama, a federal probe had been recording...

Indicted La. Rep Jefferson Loses to GOP Newbie

Victor becomes first Vietnamese-American in Congress

(Newser) - An election delay caused by Hurricane Gustav likely helped tip the vote away from scandal-plagued Louisiana Rep. William Jefferson, whose nine-term Congressional career came to an unexpected end yesterday, the Times-Picayune reports. Republican newbie Anh "Joseph" Cao unseated the 2nd district’s incumbent African-American Democrat in an election marked...

Stevens Won't Rule Out Pursuing Prez Pardon

Convicted senator may seek clemency from Bush

(Newser) - Even as Ted Stevens appeals of his seven-count felony conviction, the disgraced senator isn't ruling outthe possibility of seeking a pardon from President Bush, the Anchorage Daily News reports. "If I were counsel to him, I would encourage him," says Alaska's former US attorney, a Stevens supporter. "...

Olmert Will Face Corruption Charges

PM double-billed travel, police allege

(Newser) - Outgoing PM Ehud Olmert will be charged with fraud, abuse of confidence, and falsification of documents, Israel’s attorney general said today, a move that could force Olmert to leave office sooner than his intended February departure, the Times reports. The scandal—involving Olmert’s political appointments, travel expenses, and...

China's Richest Man Vanishes Amid Probe

Tycoon was said to be under investigation for insider trading

(Newser) - China's biggest electronics retailer is trying to find out what happened to its founder, Marketwatch reports. Huang Guangyu, ranked the richest man in China in a recent report, has been not been seen since last week. The tycoon was being investigated for insider trading, but company representatives said government officials...

Mexico Busts Former Drug Czar
 Mexico Busts Former Drug Czar 

Mexico Busts Former Drug Czar

Former head of elite 'corruption-proof' unit accused of passing info to drug cartels

(Newser) - The former chief of Mexico's anti-drug operations has been arrested on suspicion of taking massive bribes from drug cartels, the Wall Street Journal reports. Noe Ramirez, accused of  pocketing $450,000 for passing information on investigations to drug kingpins, is the highest-ranking official arrested so far in "Operation Cleanup,...

Stevens Yields the Floor a Last Time

Alaska Republican closes 'privileged' 40-year tenure

(Newser) - Ted Stevens said goodbye to colleagues in the US Senate today, ending a 40-year career after losing his Alaska re-election bid and being convicted on corruption charges, the Anchorage Daily News reports. “I really must pinch myself to fully understand that I’m privileged to speak on the floor...

GOP Delays Vote to Oust Stevens

GOP senators wait for race to be decided

(Newser) - Senate Republicans will wait until Alaska announces a victor in the still-tight race for Ted Stevens' seat before voting on whether he will be allowed to keep it. The last batch of ballots in the race is expected to be counted today, as the longest-serving conservative senator—who trails by...

Iraq Firing Corruption Watchdogs

Up to 17 officials dismissed as cost of fraud hits $13B

(Newser) - After the invasion of Iraq, the American transitional administration installed dozens of anticorruption officials to bring order to the nation's bureaucracy. But in recent months the Iraqi government has systematically fired these inspectors without making any public announcement, reports the New York Times. Only recently a senior Iraqi official testified...

Proof Mounts of Impropriety by Feds in Siegelman Case

US Attorney continued to guide case after recusing herself over GOP ties

(Newser) - New court documents call further into question the actions of Justice Department officials in their prosecution of former Alabama governor Don Siegelman on corruption charges, Time reports. With the Democrat’s appeal scheduled for next month, the House Judiciary Committee disclosed violations by the Bush-appointed US Attorney, Leura Canary, who...

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