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Businessman: I Bribed Sen. Menendez With a Mercedes

Jose Uribe testified Friday he'd given luxury car to senator's wife to gain his 'power and influence'

(Newser) - On Friday, a "riveted" Manhattan courtroom filled for the corruption trial of New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez heard federal prosecutor Lara Pomerantz ask former insurance broker Jose Uribe if he'd ever committed a federal crime. When he answered in the affirmative, Pomerantz asked, "Does that include bribery...

Cops Raid Spanish Soccer Federation's Offices

More bad news for the organization, which was just rocked by a sexism scandal

(Newser) - Spanish police raided the offices of the country's soccer federation on Thursday as part of an investigation into the payment of millions of dollars over several years by FC Barcelona to a former vice president of Spain's refereeing committee. The Guardia Civil confirmed to the AP that its...

He Was Kidnapped, Then Got Prison Time Himself

'This is one of the strangest cases in the history of that courthouse,' man's own lawyer says

(Newser) - Two years ago, Jolen "Jay" Michael Ghorbani was kidnapped at gunpoint, beaten, and robbed, but luckily, the Virginia man survived the attack, and the perpetrators were arrested and sentenced to prison. Now, however, Ghorbani himself has been hit with jail time, after Maryland prosecutors say he threatened and attempted...

Tourists Accused of Trying to Bribe Their Way Into Hawaii

Louisiana couple didn't have negative COVID tests

(Newser) - If you're interested in visiting the Aloha State, you'll have to be OK with a 10-day quarantine when you first arrive, unless you've got COVID test results in hand confirming you tested negative within the past 72 hours. Two tourists allegedly thought they could get around those...

Lawyers: 'Devastating' New Evidence in Loughlin Case

Notes turned over by prosecution prove her innocence, defense team says

(Newser) - Lawyers for Full House actress Lori Loughlin and her fashion designer husband, Mossimo Giannulli, said Wednesday that new evidence shows the couple is innocent of charges that they bribed their daughters' way into the University of Southern California. An attorney for the couple said in a legal filing that prosecutors...

In Israel, an Unwanted First for Netanyahu

He's charged with corruption, the first sitting prime minister to face criminal charges

(Newser) - Israel’s attorney general on Thursday formally charged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a series of corruption cases, throwing the country’s paralyzed political system into further disarray and threatening the longtime leader's grip on power, per the AP . Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit charged Netanyahu with fraud, breach of...

In College Admissions Brouhaha, the Longest Sentence Yet

Toby MacFarlane gets 6 months behind bars in California

(Newser) - Felicity Huffman has served her time , Lori Loughlin awaits her own fate, and an ex-California real estate executive has been hit with the longest prison sentence yet in the college admissions scandal . Per NBC News , six months behind bars was the sentence given Wednesday to Toby MacFarlane, 56, who was...

Collins on Effort to Sway Vote on Kavanaugh: It's Bribery

Watchdog group wants DOJ to investigate groups crowdfunding to pressure Maine senator

(Newser) - More than $1.2 million has been raised to help convince Sen. Susan Collins she shouldn't cast her vote for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, but the Maine pol isn't exactly motivated by the cash influx. Mainers for Accountable Leadership, the Maine People's Alliance, and a group...

Planned Parenthood CEO: I Shut Down Kushner's Abortion Idea

Cecile Richards writes he suggested a trade: money for no more abortions

(Newser) - Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards' new memoir dropped Tuesday, and one passage in it is getting some attention. People reports that Richards writes of being encouraged by a "friendly acquaintance in the fashion industry" to reach out to Ivanka Trump in the wake of Hillary Clinton's loss, amid...

Man Allegedly Hid $31M Inside Pillows, Toilet, Ceiling

Pronab Adhikary is accused of taking bribes from real estate developers

(Newser) - Police in India last Friday found $31 million in cash hidden all over the six-room home of a municipal engineer, the BBC reports. Cash was stuffed in sofas, pillows, and mattresses; stored under floor tiles and in a false ceiling; and even filled the toilet in an unused bathroom. According...

Kris Jenner Tries, Fails to Bribe Negative Reviewer

Sends her a fancy pen with which to write a nicer review

(Newser) - No one was expecting Kris Jenner's new talk show to get good reviews ... no one except Kris Jenner, apparently. A few hours after Linda Stasi wrote a particularly scathing take on the show in the New York Post (it's "soul-sucking," and Jenner "comes across as...

Strauss-Kahn Pals Offered to Pay Off Accuser's Kin

Plus: IMF head allegedly told victim: 'Don't you know who I am?'

(Newser) - Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s friends are reportedly hoping enough money can convince the maid he allegedly raped to drop the case—but because she’s in protective custody, they’ve instead made the pitch to her extended family, who live in an impoverished West African village, a French businesswoman close to...

Florida Law Firm Bribed Workers to Forge Foreclosures

...and big bribes at that: jewelry, cars, houses

(Newser) - Employees at Florida’s largest “foreclosure mill” routinely altered and forged documents to speed up the foreclosure process—and were rewarded with jewelry, cars, and other lavish gifts as a result, witnesses tell Florida’s Attorney General. Three former employees of the law offices of David J. Stern have...

Looks Like Bribery's Legal
 Looks Like Bribery's Legal 

Looks Like Bribery's Legal

Messy campaign finance system explains Blago verdict: Scott Turow

(Newser) - An Illinois jury's failure to convict Rod Blagojevich on bribery-related charges despite damning evidence starts to make sense when you look at America's shambolic campaign finance system, argues Scott Turow. The huge number of loopholes, together with the Supreme Court's decision to lift restrictions on corporate campaign donations, has turned...

Japan Bribes Reps on Whaling Commission
 Japan Bribes 
 Reps on Whaling 

Japan Bribes Reps on Whaling Commission

London 'Times' says it has video of officials who sold votes

(Newser) - Japan is marching toward a repeal of the 24-year-old ban on commercial whaling, momentum it's built largely by greasing the palms of the International Whaling Commission, reports the Times of London in an exclusive investigation. Japan denies impropriety, but the Times says it's got video of officials admitting Japan pays...

I Was Drinking Before Bribe Bid: Fergie

Disgraced duchess opens up to Oprah

(Newser) - Sarah Ferguson had been drinking before she discussed selling access to her ex-husband, Prince Andrew , with an undercover tabloid reporter, the Duchess of York tells Oprah in an interview scheduled to air tomorrow. And she says she hasn't watched the now-ubiquitous video, People reports . "I haven't faced the devil...

Pauper Fergie: 'I Haven't a Pot to Piss In'

She chose friendship with Queen over divorce settlement

(Newser) - When Sarah Ferguson got caught trying to sell access to ex-hubby Prince Andrew, it was only because she’s apparently broke. In a follow-up piece, News of the World charts Fergie’s path to destitution:
  • Her divorce settlement is just $21,000 a year: “That's why the Queen is

Fergie 'So Sorry' for Selling Access to Prince

'Judgment lapse' triggered by financial 'stress'

(Newser) - Mortified Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson is so "very sorry" after being caught accepting money in exchange for promised access to ex-husband Prince Andrew. "I very deeply regret the situation and the embarrassment caused," she said in a statement. "My financial situation is under stress. However,...

Fergie Busted Selling Access to Prince Andrew

Duchess of York filmed taking downpayment for intro to ex

(Newser) - Sarah Ferguson is scrambling to apologize after an undercover tabloid reporter filmed her offering to sell access to Prince Andrew for $723,000. "Look after me and he'll look after you," she told a News of the World staffer pretending to be a business exec. "I can...

Blackwater OK'd $1M Bribe Fund After '07 Iraq Shooting

Money was destined for officials critical after 17 killed

(Newser) - Security firm Blackwater set aside $1 million for secret payments to critical Iraqi officials after the 2007 Baghdad shootout that left 17 civilians dead. With Blackwater fearing it could lose its lucrative operating license in the country, former executives tell the New York Times , then-president Gary Jackson authorized the bribe...

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