E. coli

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Agriculture's 'Most Disgraceful' Problem: Antibiotics

Overuse of antibiotics threatens our entire food supply and our health

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's attacks on 9/11 killed nearly 3,000 people, completely transforming America's approach to national security. And yet food-borne illnesses kill 5,000 Americans each year and hospitalize 325,000, but there is little interest in improving food safety, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . Now,...

Germany on E. Coli Source: It Was the Bean Sprouts

Other veggies off the hook

(Newser) - On Sunday Germany’s E. coli outbreak—which has now killed 29 people—was blamed on bean sprouts ; on Monday it wasn’t . Now, apparently, the sprouts are once again being fingered as the culprit. “People who ate sprouts were nine times more likely to have bloody diarrhea than...

Germany: Bean Sprouts Probably Not to Blame for E. Coli Outbreak
Now Sprouts Probably
Not to Blame for E. Coli
officials say

Now Sprouts Probably Not to Blame for E. Coli

German officials reverse course on outbreak cause

(Newser) - Okay, so maybe it's not the bean sprouts after all. German officials did a 180 today, stating that initial tests showed no evidence that sprouts from an organic farm are actually to blame for the deadly E. coli outbreak. Of 40 samples, 23 have so far tested negative for...

One Way to Avoid E. Coli: Skip the Veggies

And many are, leading to decreased sales in Germany

(Newser) - In E. coli-ridden Germany, sandwiches in bakery windows look naked with only meat and cheese. Buffets serve mozzarella without tomatoes. Marked-down vegetables wilt, because even at a lower price no one wants to buy them. Some restaurants have stopped serving vegetables entirely. "Avoiding raw tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumbers is...

Germany: Beansprouts Caused E. Coli

Outbreak traced to one farm, recall issued

(Newser) - Locally grown beansprouts are the likely cause for Germany's E. coli outbreak, which has killed 22 people and sickened hundreds. Lower Saxony Agriculture Minister Gert Lindemann says definitive results will be available tomorrow, but that sprouts from a farm in the greater Uelzen area between Hamburg and Hannover could...

Why US Would Be Screwed if E. Coli Hit Our Crops

Also, new details emerge about strain that 'glues' itself to intestines

(Newser) - If the new E. coli strain rampaging through Europe ever found its way into US crops, Americans would be pretty screwed—because it would be totally legal to distribute the contaminated veggies. Farmers and processors aren’t required to test their produce for emerging pathogens like this one, the Washington ...

Deadly E. Coli Outbreak Is New Strain: WHO

Mutant form has never been seen before

(Newser) - The deadly outbreak of E. coli that has killed 18 in Europe so far is a new, never-before-seen strain of the bacteria, the World Health Organization said today. It looks to be a mutant strain formed by two different types of E. coli bacteria, which could be why the outbreak...

Deadly European E. Coli Outbreak Hits Americans

Strain found in 2 who had traveled to Europe

(Newser) - The strain of E. coli that has killed at least 17 people in Europe has been found in two people in the US, both of whom had recently traveled to Germany. Both are expected to survive, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The source of the outbreak—...

Spain's Cucumbers Not E. Coli Culprit— So It May Sue Germany

Meanwhile, number of sickest jumps to 470

(Newser) - Europe's E. coli mess may get a whole lot messier. Spain says it may take legal action against the German authorities "who have questioned the quality of our products." As the export of Spanish produce screeched to a halt, officials there griped that German authorities were quick...

16 Dead as Europe's E. Coli Outbreak Spreads

Hard-hit Germany blames cucumbers from Spain

(Newser) - A deadly E. coli outbreak in Europe linked to tainted cucumbers and other vegetables is getting worse, report the Wall Street Journal and AP :
  • The toll: Sixteen people are dead (15 in Germany and one woman in Sweden who had just traveled to Germany); more than 1,000 people are

Prozac Killing Great Lakes' Bacteria

Scientists fear for ecosystems

(Newser) - E. coli and other microbes in the Great Lakes are dying off thanks to traces of Prozac in the water, scientists find—and that’s not necessarily good news. “Your immediate thought is, 'Well, that's good, because they're not supposed to be there anyways,” a...

FDA Cracks Down on False Claims for Hand Sanitizers

Agency warns firms claiming their gels battle MRSA

(Newser) - Warning: Hand sanitizers will not make you invincible. They don’t, for example, protect against germs like MRSA, as the FDA pointed out yesterday in a consumer update. Nor do they kill E. coli, salmonella, or the H1N1 virus. It’s not just consumers who don’t get this: The...

New Way to Fight E. Coli: Cockroach Brains

Pests could be valuable new source of antibiotics

(Newser) - Scientists believe they've finally found a use for cockroaches. The brains and nervous systems of cockroaches and locusts hold molecules that can kill off up to 90% of MRSA and E. Coli bacteria without damaging human tissue, Bloomberg reports. Researchers believe the insects could be key to developing next-generation antibiotics...

Your Planet-Saving Grocery Bag Could Kill You
Your Planet-Saving
Grocery Bag Could Kill You

Your Planet-Saving Grocery Bag Could Kill You

There's a 12% chance it's covered in E coli. Wash it.

(Newser) - That planet-saving reusable grocery bag has the potential to kill something else: you. Some 12% of the 84 bags tested in a recent study contained traces of E. coli; scarier still, bacteria was found on all but one. The researchers, who reviewed bags used by grocery shoppers in Arizona and...

Lettuce Recalled in 23 States After E. Coli Outbreak

Firm pulls Freshway and Imperial Sysco brands

(Newser) - An E. coli outbreak linked to tainted lettuce has sickened at least 19 people in Ohio, New York and Michigan, prompting a massive recall of the vegetable. Ohio's Freshway Foods pulled romaine lettuce sold in 23 states under the Freshway and Imperial Sysco brands. Twelve of those sickened were hospitalized,...

Danger Lurks in Ammonia-Treated School Lunch Beef
Danger Lurks in Ammonia-Treated School Lunch Beef
it's in fast food burgers, too

Danger Lurks in Ammonia-Treated School Lunch Beef

E. coli, salmonella found in product exempted from testing

(Newser) - Most school lunches and fast-food burgers contain processed beef, a product considered so safe from contamination that the USDA exempted it from meat testing—but that has in fact been found to include E. coli and salmonella, according to a lengthy expose in the New York Times . The product, made...

Vaccine Tested to Prevent E. Coli-Tainted Beef

Cattle vaccine could curb strain of deadly bacteria

(Newser) - New vaccines are being tested that could make tainted beef scandals a thing of the past. The vaccines—currently undergoing large-scale trials after decades of bureaucratic delays—make cattle immune to the strain of E.Coli that kills dozens and sickens thousands of Americans every year. Scientists believe the combination...

E. Coli Outbreak in Northeast Ground Beef Kills 2

NY company recalls more than 500K pounds

(Newser) - A person each from Maine and New York has died in what authorities believe may be an outbreak of E. coli in ground beef that is suspected of sickening dozens of consumers. The suspect beef was produced by New York company Fairbank Farms, which has recalled more than half a...

Ground Beef Rife With E. Coli Risk
 Ground Beef Rife 
 With E. Coli Risk 

Ground Beef Rife With E. Coli Risk

NYT investigation shows industry practices that leave lots to be desired

(Newser) - A nausea-inducing feature in the New York Times tells you more than you wanted to know about what's actually in commercially produced hamburger, and why it's especially vulnerable, despite FDA regulation and several fatal outbreaks in recent years, to E. coli contamination. The Times follows the case of a 22-year-old...

UK Petting Zoos Skittish After E. Coli Outbreak

57 hit by illness at animal farms open to kids

(Newser) - British officials are considering cracking down on petting zoos after 10 children were hospitalized with E. coli contracted from touching animals, reports the Telegraph. Parents were urged yesterday to "think very hard"  about taking young children to petting zoos. Four petting zoos have been shut following the E....

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