media bias

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Trump Is Getting Historically Bad Press: Report

Media coverage of his first 100 days is historically negative, new report says

(Newser) - If it seems President Trump gets almost nothing but bad press, you're not imagining things: A new report from Harvard Kennedy School's Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy finds that the media coverage of Trump's first 100 days in office is historically negative. The report...

CNET Reporter Quits Over Meddling CBS

Network forced review site to switch top gadget choice

(Newser) - A CNET reporter has left the tech review site after owner CBS stepped in to alter a story. When the CNET team picked a Dish Network product as the best home theater and audio item at the Consumer Electronics Show, CBS rejected the choice. That's because CBS is in...

Journalists Face Taliban Threats Over Malala

Reporting has been 'biased,' say militants

(Newser) - The Taliban is threatening journalists over reports on the shooting of Malala Yousufzai—coverage the militant group deems "biased." Pakistani and international journalists are facing threats, a news executive tells the Guardian , which adds that one reporter in the Swat region is under police protection after his name...

Sorry, GOP: Polls Aren't Biased
 Sorry, GOP: Polls Aren't Biased 

Sorry, GOP: Polls Aren't Biased

Also, a rundown of the latest polls

(Newser) - The GOP has spent a lot of time lately decrying the bias driving polls that show President Obama opening up a lead over Mitt Romney, but Nate Silver takes a look at how final polls have historically performed against results, and finds that while they have occasionally missed the mark,...

My Husband Works for Romney. So What?

 My Husband 
 Works for 
 So What? 
campbell brown

My Husband Works for Romney. So What?

Former anchor: spouse's job doesn't define my views

(Newser) - Former CNN and NBC anchor Campbell Brown is tired of people hammering her over her marital ties: Her husband, Dan Senor, is a Mitt Romney aide, and readers of her opinion pieces have raised concerns about disclosure. But to assume that her views are deeply intertwined with her husband's...

Walters Sorry for Trying to Score Job for Assad Aide

She tried to help Syrian leader's media adviser find job, university place

(Newser) - Barbara Walters has apologized for trying to find a job and a spot at an Ivy League university for one of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's aides. Emails obtained by the Telegraph reveal that the veteran ABC journalist struck up an ill-advised friendship with Assad media adviser Sheherazed Jaafari as...

Media Bias? Republicans May Have a Point
 Media Bias? Republicans 
 May Have a Point 

Media Bias? Republicans May Have a Point

Politico looks at recent coverage in the big papers

(Newser) - Republicans like to complain that the mainstream media is pro-Obama and anti-Romney, and a Politico analysis of recent coverage thinks they have a point. It notes, for example, that the New York Times ran a front-page story Sunday about Ann Romney's horse-riding, only days after burying a small item...

Fox Backtracks on Obama Attack Video

Fox & Friends video was unauthorized, Fox chiefs say

(Newser) - In a move that even Roger Ailes might have trouble describing as "fair and balanced' with a straight face, Fox & Friends morning show twice aired an anti-Obama video yesterday that strongly resembled a campaign ad. The 4-minute video, credited to a Fox producer and titled "Four Years...

Obama's Kill Counts Are Vile Propaganda
 Obama's Kill Counts 
 Are Vile Propaganda 
Glenn Greenwald

Obama's Kill Counts Are Vile Propaganda

Glenn Greenwald dares the media to keep using Obama's definition of 'militant'

(Newser) - In case you missed it, this morning's New York Times contained a staggering revelation : The Obama administration has been counting every military-aged man it kills as a "militant," unless it can specifically prove that they're not. "That's nothing less than sociopathic, a term I...

Think the Media Leans Left? Not So Fast

Plenty of bias, but it all balances out, writes Paul Farhi

(Newser) - Now more than ever people are convinced that the media tends to "favor one side"—77% of people said so in a recent Pew Research Center poll, up from 53% in 1985. But is reporting really becoming more favorable to the left or right? Not really, writes Paul...

Media to Newt: We Can't Quit You!
 Media to Newt: 
 We Can't Quit You! 
Dana Milbank

Media to Newt: We Can't Quit You!

Dana Milbank on why reporters everywhere love Gingrich

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich said something hurtful recently. "All our friends in the news media are very excited and eager to end this race as soon as possible," he told a Florida crowd. But nothing could be further from the truth, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . "You...

Study Proves It: Media Snubs Ron Paul

He gets less coverage than people not in the race

(Newser) - Looks like Jon Stewart was right —the media is grossly ignoring Ron Paul. A new study from the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism has found that Paul is just the 10th leading newsmaker in the GOP field—behind even non-candidates like Donald Trump and Sarah Palin. Paul has...

Married Gay Couple Saved 40 Youths in Oslo Massacre

But lesbians' heroics seems to slipped under the radar

(Newser) - We’ve heard several stories of heroism following the Oslo massacre, but one big story seems to have slipped through the cracks: The story of Toril Hansen and Hege Dalen, who saved 40 teens from Utoya island in their boat. The couple made four trips to save the youths, even...

WSJ: Stop Using Hacking Scandal to 'Assail' Us

'Ideological' competitors aim to spread blame

(Newser) - Those at the Wall Street Journal—and "thousands of other journalists"—don’t deserve to be implicated in a mess caused by a single British tabloid, write the editors of the Journal , whose own publisher, Les Hinton, recently stepped down amid the phone hacking scandal . In a lengthy...

Stewart: Fox News Totally Edited My Interview

Cuts made Stewart seem crazy, and left out the best part

(Newser) - Jon Stewart appeared on Fox News for the third time on Sunday, and he kicked off last night's show by giving Comedy Central viewers the inside scoop. "One: I suggest you look at the unedited version online, where my emotional states don't seem to change so arbitrarily....

White House Brawling With Boston Herald

Paper up in arms over being 'shut out,' but White House denies

(Newser) - Two months after the Boston Herald ran a full, front-page promo for a Mitt Romney editorial that bashed Barack Obama during the president's visit to Boston, the White House and the newspaper are still sparring, reports the LA Times . The Boston Herald says it was " shut out "...

On NBC News, Not a Peep About GE Tax Story

But reps say that has nothing to do with the fact that GE is parent company

(Newser) - The GE tax avoidance story was kind of a big one—so why wasn't it covered on NBC News when it broke on Friday ... or on Saturday or Sunday or Monday? Critics were quick to point out that GE is NBC's parent company, but representatives insist that had nothing to...

Sarah Palin on Lamestream Media: I'm Through Whining About You
 Palin: I'm 
 Done Whining 

Palin: I'm Done Whining

... about the 'lamestream' media, anyway

(Newser) - Attention, lamestream media: Sarah Palin has had it with you, to the point where she's not even going to whine about you anymore. Seems Bill Maher called her a nasty name ever-so-subtly invoking female genitalia , NOW leaped to her defense, and Palin went on Fox yesterday to tell everyone to...

Steve Inskeep: NPR Isn't Biased, It's Honest and Attracts Conservatives, too
 NPR Isn't Biased, 
 It's Honest 

NPR Isn't Biased, It's Honest

Audience mostly middle-of-road, conservative, Morning Edition host says

(Newser) - James O’Keefe’s sting video purports to expose NPR’s liberal bias, but anyone who actually listens will realize it has “nothing to do with what NPR puts on the air,” argues Morning Edition co-host Steve Inskeep in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. “I congratulate Mr....

Is NPR Liberal? The Radio Station Should Speak Up: Meghan Daum

 Hey, NPR: 
 Stand Up 
 for Yourself 

Hey, NPR: Stand Up for Yourself

Station keeps mum in the face of widespread criticism: Meghan Daum

(Newser) - Accusations of a liberal slant are raining down on NPR, and its leaders are putting up with it. It’s time for the station to “show some self-respect and fight back,” writes Meghan Daum in the Los Angeles Times . Tell us: “Are you liberal? Are you neutral?...

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