Edith Piaf

2 Stories

Letters Bare Intimate Details of Edith Piaf's Love Affair

No, not the one with Marcel Cerdan; the one after him, with Louis Gerardin

(Newser) - Edith Piaf's affair with married boxer Marcel Cerdan, who died in a plane crash en route to see her, is widely known. What you may not know is that she followed up that affair with another, with world championship cyclist Louis Gérardin. The extent of their passion has been...

Oscar Winner Is 9/11 Doubter
Oscar Winner Is 9/11 Doubter

Oscar Winner Is 9/11 Doubter

French Oscar winner sees a conspiracy to burn the building and pass it off as a terrorist attack.

(Newser) - In year-old video just now resurfacing, best-actress Oscar winner Marion Cotillard says she doesn't believe the "official story" of  the 9/11 attacks—and she's not sure the moon landing was real, either, the Telegraph reports. In a TV interview, the French star of La Vie en Rose speculates that...

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