presidential election

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Argentina Elects 'New Evita'
Argentina Elects 'New Evita'

Argentina Elects 'New Evita'

President Cristina to replace husband

(Newser) - Argentine first lady Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has become the country's first elected female leader after trouncing 13 rivals in the presidential election yesterday, Reuters reports. A glamorous 54-year-old lawyer and center-left senator, she will take over from husband President Nestor Kirchner in December. Kirchner is credited with leading Argentina's...

Rudy, Mitt Mix It Up in NH
Rudy, Mitt Mix It Up in NH

Rudy, Mitt Mix It Up in NH

Giuliani, Romney get serious about pivotal primary state

(Newser) - GOP presidential frontrunners Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney have been stumping hard in New Hampshire in advance of the primary, desperately trying to highlight their differences. Romney is blasting Giuliani's record as mayor of New York City and claims he backs unlimited government spending. Giuliani, capitalizing on his renown in...

Mitt Veils His Mormonism
Mitt Veils His Mormonism

Mitt Veils His Mormonism

Disguising a central biographical peg leaves candidate Romney with authenticity problem

(Newser) - In downplaying his Mormonism, Mitt Romney is a candidate “who seems to have no history, and, as a result, no heart,” argues Newsweek. When Mitt boasts of his “Judeo-Christian tradition” roots, calls Jesus his “personal savior”—not Mormon terms—and says he hasn’t “...

Kasparov in Presidential Gambit
Kasparov in Presidential Gambit

Kasparov in Presidential Gambit

Former world chess champ maneuvering to replace Putin

(Newser) - Former world chess champion Garry Kasparov has been overwhelmingly chosen by an opposition coalition to run for president of Russia when Vladimir Putin's current term ends next March, reports the Daily Telegraph. His place on the ballot is not guaranteed until he registers, a process likely to be checked by...

Clinton 2008 Looks Oddly Like Gore 2000

Frontrunner forces warmth and seems too calculating, Rich says

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is riding high in the polls now, but so was Al Gore around this time in 2000, Frank Rich warns. Worse, the New York Times columnist says, Clinton displays an alarming number of the ex-VP’s worst qualities as a campaigner. During TV appearances, she provides “rambling...

Dems Have Few Options on Iraq
Dems Have Few Options on Iraq

Dems Have Few Options on Iraq

Political hands are more or less tied to the situation on the ground

(Newser) - No matter who wins the White House in '08, he or she will preside over a significant US troop presence in Iraq through the majority of their first term, say Democratic presidential candidates and their short-list picks for defense secretary. And at last week's Democratic debate, the Washington Post reports,...

Rudy Tells Moral Critics: 'Cast the First Stone'

And he leads among churchgoers

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has compared critics of his personal life to the biblical villagers Jesus rebuked when he said, “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone.” The Republican frontrunner cited the parable in a Christian Broadcasting Network interview, saying those...

Edwards Will Accept Public Financing
Edwards Will Accept Public Financing

Edwards Will Accept Public Financing

Candidate points to principle, analysts to necessity

(Newser) - With the deadline to report third-quarter fundraising looming, John Edwards said yesterday his campaign will accept public financing. He calls the unexpected shift “a principled stand,” but the Politico deems it “probably also the only lifeline he has to stay in the race." The ex-senator urged...

Despite Assassination, Lebanon Will Hold Elections

Defiant government says it won't retreat

(Newser) - As the country mourns yesterday's death of anti-Syrian politician Antoine Ghanem, Lebanon's government is determined to hold presidential elections as scheduled next week, the BBC reports. "The hand of terror will not win," Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said today. "The Lebanese will … have a new president...

Flip-Floppers See Light—Or Just Want Job

Romney and Kerry stand in long line of political mind-changing

(Newser) - Maybe Mitt Romney and John Kerry should hold their flip-flopping heads high: Changes of mind have furthered the causes of abolition and civil rights over the centuries. Ronald Reagan defiantly claimed his biggest reversal—promising feet “in concrete” about raising taxes, then singing “the sound of concrete cracking”...

Look Who's Given Up on the White Male

Democrats dumped NASCAR dads in 2008

(Newser) - One constituency the Democrats have conspicuously not been courting this primary season is the blue-collar white male, and they shouldn't start any time soon, recommends Salon's Thomas Schaller. Bubba went to the other side in the late '80s and never looked back. The Dems didn't give up easily, but this...

Barack's Team Stacked With Bill's People

Obama's policy group boasts more than a few Clinton heavy hitters

(Newser) - Belying the rebel image that his campaign has sculpted out of his relative lack of political experience, the formidable team surrounding Barack Obama is full of Democratic policy veterans. Oddly enough, given the identity of his his main rival, many of them are pulled from the top ranks of the...

Obama: Bring Troops Home by End of '08

Senator supports pullout of one or two brigades each month

(Newser) - Iraq troop withdrawals should be completed by the end of next year, Barack Obama says in a speech obtained by Reuters that was to be delivered in Iowa tonight. “We have to begin to end this war now,” the Democratic presidential candidate demands; his plan calls for one...

Clinton, Obama Oppose Primary Leapfrogging

Candidates bow to pressure from states protecting their early primaries

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama joined three of their presidential rivals yesterday in pledging not to campaign in states that have defied Democratic primary rules by pushing their primaries to early 2008. In recent weeks, Michigan and Florida have announced votes before February 5, challenging the first dibs the party...

Congress' Only Iraq War Vet Backs Obama

Ex-paratrooper's endorsement seen as blow to Clinton

(Newser) - The only Iraq War combat vet in Congress endorsed Barack Obama yesterday, saying, "I'm inspired by his call to action to change how business is done in Washington." Pennsylvania's Patrick Murphy, who served as a paratrooper in Baghdad in 2003 and 2004, has worked with Hillary Clinton...

Bloomberg Denies Oval Office Bid
Bloomberg Denies Oval Office Bid

Bloomberg Denies Oval Office Bid

New York mayor vows he won't run for VP position either

(Newser) - Bloomberg’s billions aren’t going to propel him on a bid for president in 2008, Reuters reports. The New York City mayor told Dan Rather that "The answer is 'no.’ If somebody asks me where I stand, I tell them. And that's not a way to get...

New Hampshire Could Give McCain a Jolt

Vote-second state has rescued flailing frontrunners before

(Newser) - John McCain’s candidacy may be getting dragged through the mud lately, but the presidential hopeful might have an ace up his electoral sleeve—New Hampshire. The Granite State has a history of rescuing listless frontrunners, the Boston Globe reports, and the straight talker understands the state’s importance better...

Obama Would Ease Cuba Travel Limits
Obama Would Ease Cuba Travel Limits

Obama Would Ease Cuba Travel Limits

Candidate backs looser rules on money transfers, family visits

(Newser) - Barack Obama says that as president, he would reverse the Bush administration's increased restrictions on travel to Cuba, the AP reports. Visiting or sending money to relatives on the Communist-controlled island became more difficult in 2004, a policy change the candidate calls "strategically blundering" in an op-ed published in...

Obama Brushes off Fall Debates
Obama Brushes off Fall Debates

Obama Brushes off Fall Debates

(Newser) - Barack Obama's campaign declared forum fatigue today, announcing that the presidential hopeful will decline requests to speak at debates and forums for the rest of this fall, beyond those they've already committed to. “Unfortunately, we simply cannot run the kind of campaign we want and need to," campaign...

Rudy's Foreign Policy Opus Riles Pundits

In 17-page manifesto the candidate tackles Iraq, Palestine

(Newser) - Bloggers are having a heyday parsing the rambling 17-page essay Rudy Giuliani has published in Foreign Affairs, laying out his big-picture foreign policy views. "Lengthy, pompous and ultimately very confused," writes Salon, and Slate is no kinder: "The breadth and depth of his cluelessness are vaster than...

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