presidential election

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Esquire Endorses Obama ... Kinda

He might be unable to define what change means, but Barack's the only horse in the race, say mag's editors

(Newser) - Barack Obama "is the only possible choice to lead the country," says Esquire, though the magazine’s position is less an endorsement of Obama and more a treatise against John McCain. Obama has failed to define his key campaign theme of change “except as all those things...

Mac Still Taking Weekends Off
Mac Still Taking Weekends Off

Mac Still Taking Weekends Off

But with 29 days to go, neither candidate is exactly galloping to the finish line

(Newser) - There are 29 scant days until Nov. 4, but you might not know there was a tight race for the White House given the leisurely schedules both candidates have been keeping—especially John McCain, reports Politico. McCain and Barack Obama have each been averaging barely more than one campaign event...

Clintons Want McCain to Win, Says Morris

Ex-adviser argues they're shooting for another run in 2012

(Newser) - The Clintons may be campaigning for Obama, but they really want McCain to win so Hillary can run in 2012, friend-turned-foe Dick Morris tells the UK Telegraph. And if that happens, get ready for a historic Clinton-Palin showdown (Morris thinks McCain would not run again) that will shake up the...

Zardari Breezes Into Pakistani Presidency

Bhutto's widower backed by Parliament, US

(Newser) - Asif Ali Zardari, widower of assassinated Benazir Bhutto, easily won Pakistan’s presidential election today in an unsurprising outcome favored by the US, the New York Times reports. Zardari, who has little governing experience, gains significant authority, including the ability to dissolve Parliament—a power he has pledged to forego....

Pakistan's Sharif Faces Charges of Corruption

Prosecutors go after former PM days before presidential vote

(Newser) - Nawaz Sharif, whose party recently pulled out of Pakistan's ruling coalition, is about to face corruption charges, Pakistani prosecutors said today. A two-time prime minister whom Pervez Musharraf deposed in 1999, Sharif will be charged with money laundering and loan defaults, as well as "the accumulation of wealth beyond...

McCain Raised $47M in Aug.
 McCain Raised $47M in Aug.

McCain Raised $47M in Aug.

With $10M since bringing Palin on board, GOP looking amply financed

(Newser) - John McCain’s presidential campaign raised $47 million in August, its biggest monthly take yet, the AP reports. The campaign has apparently received $10 million in donations since McCain announced Friday that Sarah Palin would be his running mate. Officials say the total Republican general-election chest will be at least...

Obama Machine Knows What You Want

'Extraordinarily professional' data-mining operation enables focus on voters

(Newser) - Although Barack Obama's campaign might have your email, you probably don’t know how much more data it's got on you, and how effectively it's using it to try to win in November. Salon looks into Obama’s incredible effort to glean powerful demographic information from voters—address, income, grocery...

Obama Family Goes Hollywood
 Obama Family Goes Hollywood 

Obama Family Goes Hollywood

'Access Hollywood' interviews include Malia, Sasha for first time

(Newser) - Barack Obama took the unusual step of sitting down with Access Hollywood, but the interview took a decidedly precocious tone when daughters Malia and Sasha joined in, dishing on mommy and daddy holding hands and potential White House bedroom decor. The first interview of the Obamas is airing over four...

Forget Iraq, US Is in Need of Nation-Building

Healing country is top priority in November, Friedman writes

(Newser) - The key issue in the presidential election won’t be national security or Iraq, as many once believed—it will be how to fix our ailing nation at home, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times. “We are a country in debt and in decline—not terminal, not...

Obama Grabs 15-Point Lead Over McCain: Poll

Youth vote gives hopeful long-awaited bump

(Newser) - Breaking out of a tight race, Barack Obama registered a 51% to 36% lead over John McCain in the newest Newsweek nationwide poll, released today. Obama's bounce, expected after Hillary Clinton conceded him the Democratic nomination, comes courtesy of younger voters, who prefer him by 66% to 27%. Among registered...

McCain Blasts Obama for Declining Funds

But Dem blames Mac for having to opt out of public financing

(Newser) - Following fast on Barack Obama’s decision to abandon public financing, a McCain rep said the Dem has failed “the true test of a candidate”—whether he'll stick to his word, Time reports. But Politico notes that an Obama rep blamed McCain: “Our campaign counsels met, and...

Obama Opts Out of Public Financing

Says system 'as it exists is broken,' and opponents 'masters at gaming' it

(Newser) - Barack Obama has opted out of public financing in the general election, the AP reports, reversing a joint pledge made last year with John McCain to spend only the $84 million in taxpayer cash between the party conventions and Election Day. While McCain appears set to accept public financing, Obama...

McCain Pays Price of Soaring Gas
 McCain Pays Price
 of Soaring Gas 

McCain Pays Price of Soaring Gas

Voters giving issue ever-more importance; holding Mac responsible for Bush

(Newser) - The party in power always suffers during an election year in which the economy is poor, and high gas prices are often the biggest barb. John McCain is suffering the most from high prices at the pump, a Politico analysis of Gallup polls show, with voters putting him behind the...

The Most Overrated VP Traits
 The Most Overrated VP Traits 

The Most Overrated VP Traits

Money, ties less important than discretion, trustworthiness

(Newser) - Fed up with a focus on local ties and attractiveness in vice presidential selection coverage, Mark Halperin of Time lists the qualifications most under- and -overvalued by the media. Among other things, don't overlook:
  • A candidate ready to be president from Day One.
  • A candidate trusted and liked by the

Pundits Blast McCain's 'Pathetic' Speech

Also, the lime-green background didn't go over well

(Newser) - McCain’s pre-buttal to Obama’s clinching speech last night didn’t go down well on either side of the press corps aisle. A sampling of the negative reactions, via Huffington Post:
  • Obamacan Andrew Sullivan laughs off Mac’s joust at Dem divisions, and says his “opening gambit in

Goldwater Vs. JFK Echoes in '08
 Goldwater Vs. JFK Echoes in '08 

Goldwater Vs. JFK Echoes in '08

Obama vs. McCain recalls race that never happened in '64

(Newser) - The coming Obama/McCain matchup is an echo of another presidential bout, David Talbot writes for Salon—one that never happened between JFK and Barry Goldwater in 1964. Then as now, a young idealist takes on a seasoned ex-soldier over negotiation with hostile governments, to debate a fundamental question of whether...

As Dems Hog Spotlight, GOP Is Under Siege

Republicans are losing seats held for decades

(Newser) - While Democrats sparkle in the media glare, the Republican Party is quietly crumbling off-stage, Politico reports. President Bush’s numbers are lower than Richard Nixon’s before he resigned, and the GOP is losing House seats that it has held for 20 or 30 years. “The anti-Republican mood is...

Who Are They Eyeing for VP?
 Who Are They Eyeing for VP? 

Who Are They Eyeing for VP?

Blogger runs down likely veep candidates for Obama and McCain

(Newser) - “Since McCain and Obama appear to have the nominations locked up,” it's time to start eyeing the veepstakes, Chris Cillizza writes in The Fix blog. Here are his top three for each presumptive nominee, GOP first:
  1. Tim Pawlenty: The Minnesota governor is a longtime McCain backer, and widely

Candidates Climb Into the Ring
Candidates Climb Into
the Ring

Candidates Climb Into the Ring

'Hillrod,' Obama, McCain play to the WWE audience

(Newser) - The three presidential candidates have each recorded a stilted video for tonight's episode of Raw, the WWE show that attracts 5 million viewers a week. In the segments, intended to promote voter participation, the candidates do some grandstanding with goofball quotes, including Clinton referring to herself as "Hillrod,"...

Ex-Bishop Wins Paraguay's Presidency in Historic Vote

Ends 61 years of single-party rule

(Newser) - Opposition leader Fernando Lugo won Paraguay’s presidential election yesterday, ending 61 years of one-party rule, Reuters reports. With nearly all votes counted, the former bishop beat Paraguay’s first female presidential contender by 41% of the vote to 10%. “We've made history,” the center-leftist Lugo told a...

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