Iraq war

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Sen. McConnell Asked Bush to Pull Iraq Troops

... while denouncing the Democrats for doing the same

(Newser) - The controversy keeps on flowing from the pages of George Bush's memoir . The top Republican in the Senate urged the president to "bring some troops home from Iraq" to help prevent the party from taking a beating in the 2006 mid-term elections, Bush writes in Decision Points. At the...

Iraq War Critic to Serve Final Tour in Iraq

Jon Soltz of VoteVets will see the end of the war he despised

(Newser) - Jon Soltz, the outspoken Iraq war critic who runs, will soon take a year-long leave of absence from the group—so he can be deployed to Iraq. “I'm not an idiot. I've known the possibilities of this for a long time,” Soltz, a longtime Army Reserve...

Muslim Website Publishes Kill List

Postings urges attacks on British politicians who backed war in Iraq

(Newser) - An extremist Muslim website has published a "kill list" of hundreds of British members of parliament who voted for the war in Iraq. The site,, urges readers to follow the example of a young "holy warrior" Muslim woman who stabbed former British Labor Minister Stephen Timms...

Navy SEAL Accused of Smuggling Guns From Iraq

He reportedly brought them home and sold them on black market

(Newser) - The spoils of war, apparently: A Navy SEAL is accused of smuggling 80 machine guns and other firearms into the US from Iraq and Afghanistan, then selling them on the black market with two civilian buddies. All three have been arrested after a 5-month federal sting. Cops say Nicholas Bickle...

Marine Will Be Vet's 'Legs' in Marathon

HBO special inspires stranger to help fellow veteran

(Newser) - Two former Marines will demonstrate their solidarity in this weekend's Marine Corps Marathon, where Bryan Purcell will act as the "legs" of Eddie Ryan, an Iraq veteran who was paralyzed in combat, AOL News reports. Ryan, 26 was shot twice in the head in 2005, and while he's recovered...

WikiLeaks: 15K Unreported Civilian Deaths in Iraq
 15K Civilian Deaths 
 Unreported in Iraq 
wikileaks files

15K Civilian Deaths Unreported in Iraq

Military logs show US did keep track

(Newser) - More from the analysis of WikiLeaks’ huge file dump: US military logs reveal 15,000 previously unrecorded civilian deaths in Iraq. As reported yesterday , the Iraq war logs show that, despite denying it did so, the US did keep records of Iraqi fatalities. Those fatalities totaled 109,032 between 2004...

'Big Reveal' May Be US Turning Blind Eye to Torture
'Big Reveal'
May Be US Turning Blind Eye to Torture
wikileaks files

'Big Reveal' May Be US Turning Blind Eye to Torture

Iraqi forces allowed to abuse detainees

(Newser) - It's still early, but it looks like the "big reveal" out the new WikiLeaks dump will revolve around the routine torture of detainees by Iraqi forces while the US did nothing to stop it, writes Marc Ambinder at the Atlantic . The US inaction can be blamed on something known...

WikiLeaks Files Detail Civilian Deaths, Iran's Aid

Site dumps nearly 400,000 secret military documents about Iraq

(Newser) - WikiLeaks has dumped its new trove of classified military documents, cataloging the Iraqi war's heavy toll on civilians, the systematic abuse of detainees by Iraqi police as the US looked the other way, and evidence that Iran has been helping anti-US militias more than has been acknowledged. The whistle-blowing site...

Pentagon Asks Media Not to Publish WikiLeaks' Iraq Files

Pushes against distribution of war material

(Newser) - The Defense Department is asking media organizations not to publish or post on websites classified US war files released by WikiLeaks. The department has been bracing for a possible leak of as many as many as 400,000 documents from a military database on the Iraq war. The documents are...

In Secret Talks, Iran Forged Deal for Pro-Tehran Iraq

It brokered the coalition between Nouri Al-Maliki, Muqtada al-Sadr

(Newser) - Iran was behind the recently struck deal between Nouri al-Maliki and Muqtada al-Sadr, and the result could be an Iraqi government friendly to Tehran and distanced from the West, the Guardian reports. According to the paper's sources, Syria, Hezbollah, and top Shia religious leaders were involved with a secret campaign...

Your Guide to Wikileaks' Next Bombshell
 Your Guide 
 to Wikileaks' 
 Next Bombshell 

Your Guide to Wikileaks' Next Bombshell

Docs may touch on secret prisons, IEDS, Iran

(Newser) - Wikileaks is prepping for the biggest leak of military intelligence ever: A trove of documents from the toughest years of the Iraq war. The leak will include up to 400,000 reports from 2004-2009, notes Wired , and may shape America's tenuous relationship with the Iraqi people. Here's what to...

Iraq Fighters Ditch US, Rejoin al-Qaeda

Sunnis are quitting 'Awakening Councils' for al-Qaeda

(Newser) - A wave of Sunni fighters whose alliance with the United States has been critical in turning the insurgent tide in Iraq have rejoined al-Qaeda, or are acting as double agents, finds the New York Times . Though the number of defections is unclear, several hundred members of the Awakening Councils have...

Soldiers, Best Friends, Buried Side-by-Side

Two who were like brothers reunited in Arlington National Cemetery

(Newser) - Travis Manion and Brendan Looney grew to love each other like brothers when they roomed together at the Naval Academy for two years. But when they went their separate ways, Manion to Iraq and Looney to Afghanistan, their families never dreamed the friends’ reunion would take place at Arlington National...

Double-Amputee Returns to War

Dan Luckett joins 40 amputee vets fighting worldwide

(Newser) - Dan Luckett assumed he lost the Army when he lost one of his legs and part of his foot after a bomb exploded under his Humvee in Iraq. But two years later, the 27-year-old is back on duty—a double-amputee fighting on the front lines of America's Afghan surge in...

Abu Ghraib Victims Have Yet to See Payments From US

Rumsfeld had pledged in 2004 to compensate the abused

(Newser) - In 2004, a defensive Donald Rumsfeld told Congress that he had found a legal way to compensate Iraqi detainees who suffered "grievous and brutal abuse and cruelty at the hands of a few members of the United States armed forces." He continued, "It's the right thing to...

US Left 30K Iraqi Detainees to Be Tortured
 US Left 30K 
 Iraqi Detainees 
 to Be Tortured 

US Left 30K Iraqi Detainees to Be Tortured

Troop pullout leaves a slew of untried inmates

(Newser) - The US is turning a blind eye to the systematic abuse of detainees in Iraq's prisons, a report by Amnesty International claims. The transfer of prisoners from US-run detention centers to Iraqi facilities is a less-discussed aspect of the American pullout, but has flooded a system that remains rife with...

WikiLeaks Preps Biggest Leak Ever

Iraq info ever expected within weeks

(Newser) - WikiLeaks is preparing a leak of Iraq war records that will dwarf its publication of secret Afghanistan information, according to a nonprofit journalism organization working with the site. The material, which will be released in a few weeks, is the "biggest leak of military intelligence" in history, Iain Overton,...

Joe Biden: Hot Dog Guy to the Troops
 Joe Biden: 
 Hot Dog Guy 
 to the Troops 
Colbert Stunt

Joe Biden: Hot Dog Guy to the Troops

Vice president makes Colbert show appearance

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert celebrated the nominal end of the Iraq war last night in front of an audience full of military personnel. Determined to give them all the comforts of home, Colbert lined the rows with grass, served them beer, and wheeled out a hot dog cart manned by none other...

Iraqi Soldier Kills 2 American Troops, Wounds 9

First servicemen killed in non-combat phase

(Newser) - An Iraqi soldier fired a barrage of bullets at American troops protecting one of their commanders during a visit to an Iraqi army base today and killed two of them—the first US servicemen to die since President Obama declared an end to combat operations. Nine Americans were wounded.

Hawks Should Applaud Iraq Speech
 Hawks Should Applaud 
 Iraq Speech 
William Kristol

Hawks Should Applaud Iraq Speech

The president showed respect for a war he opposed

(Newser) - Even the staunchest Iraq war supporters had to be happy with the speech Barack Obama delivered last night to mark the end of combat operations, writes William Kristol of the Weekly Standard . “President Obama opposed the war in Iraq. He still thinks it was a mistake,” he reasons....

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