Iraq war

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GOP Defector: Republicans Are Reality- Challenged

Jeremiah Goulka explains why he had to leave party

(Newser) - Perhaps Karl Rove put it best when he described "creating our own reality": The GOP has a giant blind spot when it comes to the bigger picture, writes a former Republican and Justice department attorney in Salon . Jeremiah Goulka grew up Republican, and it wasn't until he turned...

Desmond Tutu: Haul Bush, Blair in for ICC Trial

Pair behaved 'like playground bullies' in falsely starting Iraq war

(Newser) - Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Desmond Tutu says Tony Blair and George Bush should face prosecution at the International Criminal Court for their role in the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq. Tutu, the retired Anglican Church's archbishop of South Africa, wrote in an op-ed piece for the Observer today that...

What's the US to Do After Exiting Iraq? Stay in Kuwait

13.5K soldiers will help secure the region: report

(Newser) - The US has no combat force in Iraq and a wary eye on Iran: What's a nervous country to do? Maintain a force in neighboring Kuwait, apparently. The AP obtained an advance copy of a congressional report by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, set to be released today, that...

Rupert Murdoch Lobbied UK for Republicans: 'Invade Iraq'

Tony Blair took "over-crude" call from News Corp owner

(Newser) - The owner of Fox News personally lobbied then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair to invade Iraq sooner rather than later, according to a journalist's diary. Rupert Murdoch reportedly made the 2003 call to Blair's cell phone, "pressing on timings" and promising News International would support the war, writes...

Obama Honors Fallen Troops at Arlington

Lays wreath at Tomb of the Unknowns

(Newser) - President Barack Obama paid tribute today to the men and women who have died defending America, saying the country must strive "to be a nation worthy of your sacrifice." He said the war in Iraq has ended after nine years and is "winding down" in Afghanistan. But...

US: We Won't Scrap Iraqi Police Training

But embassy in Baghdad doesn't deny program cuts

(Newser) - The US embassy in Baghdad today denied a New York Times report that Washington may scrap its Iraqi police training program, AFP reports. "The Police Development Program is a vital part of the US-Iraqi relationship and an effective means of standing by our Iraqi friends," an embassy rep...

Organs From US Troops Save Lives in Europe

Donations from mortally wounded troops have helped 140

(Newser) - Since 2006, organ donations from mortally wounded US troops have saved around 140 European lives, reports USA Today . The families of 36 American servicemembers who were declared brain dead from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan agreed to donate their hearts, kidneys, lungs, livers, and pancreases to patients in Europe. It'...

US Diplomat: &#39;We Lost the War&#39; in Iraq
US Diplomat:
'We Lost the War' in Iraq

US Diplomat: 'We Lost the War' in Iraq

Peter Van Buren says State is punishing him for blowing the whistle

(Newser) - Don't let anyone tell you the US "won" the Iraq war. During his stint in Iraq, State Department officer Peter Van Buren was so shocked by "the eye-watering waste and mismanagement" he saw that he wrote a blistering book about it. Nothing that's happened since has...

Bombings Sweep Iraq on Anniversary of US Invasion

And comes ahead of next week's Arab League summit

(Newser) - Car bombs exploded in cities across Iraq today, including Baghdad, Fallujah, and Kirkuk, in a spate of violence that both marks the ninth anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, and presages the Arab League's summit in Baghdad next week. The attacks struck eight cities in all, killing at...

Abu Ghraib Ex-Soldier: Prisoners Got Better End of Deal

Unremorseful Lynndie England 'won't apologize to enemy'

(Newser) - Poor Lynndie England. The female soldier linked to shocking abuse at the infamous Abu Ghraib military prison remains steadfastly unremorseful about what happened, and apparently believes the prisoners ended up faring better than she has. Prisoners' "lives are better. They got the better end of the deal,” Lynndie...

5 Questions to Ask Before Starting a War

Bill Keller offers lessons from Iraq

(Newser) - As the drum-beating grows louder on Iran and Syria, Bill Keller looks back on Iraq and beyond. To avoid a debacle, there are five questions we should ask ourselves before entering a war, he writes in the New York Times :
  1. "How is this our fight?" Are American interests directly

Al-Sadr Militia Releases US Hostage Held in Iraq

Randy Michaels appears on TV in military uniform

(Newser) - An Iraqi militia linked to Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr released a former US soldier today after keeping him prisoner for nine months, Reuters reports. Identified as Randy Michaels, the American appeared on television in a US military uniform without insignia, alongside two lawmakers from al-Sadr's movement. Speaking briefly...

Iraq, Afghan Wars Put 'Severe' Hit on US Finances

And limited lawmakers' ability to address downturn: Study

(Newser) - In the short term, wars might help the US economy—but the brief uplift is just a bubble, according to a report. In the long run, wars are a serious drag on the country's finances, the Institute for Economics and Peace finds after studying all major American wars since...

Last Missing US Soldier in Iraq Identified

Staff Sgt. Ahmed Kousay al-Taie was kidnapped at gunpoint

(Newser) - The US military has identified the remains of America's last service member missing in Iraq—an Army interpreter who was kidnapped at gunpoint in 2006, the AP reports. Staff Sgt. Ahmed Kousay al-Taie, a native of Iraq who lived in Michigan, had sneaked off base by motorcycle to visit...

US Will Halve Vast Iraq Embassy

Officials cite Iraqi obstructionism, mutual suspicion for thwarting mission

(Newser) - The United States' hulking $750 million Baghdad embassy is home to 16,000 staff and carries a $6 billion price tag annually—and it's about to get slashed in half in the wake of US troops' departure, reports the New York Times . It's quite the about-face for the...

No Jail Time for Marine in Iraqi Civilian Killings

Judge recommends Frank Wuterich rank be reduced to private

(Newser) - The only Marine convicted in the killing of two dozen unarmed civilians in Iraq in 2005 will not serve any jail time, reports the AP . Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich had faced up to three months in jail for dereliction of duty, a charge he pleaded guilty to this week as...

Marine's Plea Deal Ends Haditha Trial

Frank Wuterich pleads guilty over assault in Iraq

(Newser) - A US Marine pleaded guilty in a court martial today for his role in the infamous 2005 Haditha killings, the AP reports. Admitting to dereliction of duty, Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich faces up to 3 months confinement, loss of pay, and demotion to private. Nine counts of manslaughter were dropped...

Iraq Seeks Return of Saddam's Bronze Butt

British soldier's cheeky keepsake is 'cultural property,' Iraq says

(Newser) - Iraq is fighting for the return of Saddam Hussein's giant bronze buttock. The 2-foot cheek was brought back to Britain by former special-forces solder Nigel Ely, who, with the help of US Marines, pried it off a toppled statue soon after the fall of Baghdad in 2003. Iraq's...

Andrew Sullivan Defends President Obama; Conservative Bloggers React

 Obama Critics: 
 Really So 
'newsweek' cover story

Obama Critics: Really So 'Dumb'?

Conservatives react to Andrew Sullivan's article

(Newser) - Andrew Sullivan's unflinching defense of President Obama in Newsweek is irking conservative bloggers today. No wonder, considering the headline: "Why Are Obama's Critics So Dumb?" Taking on the right, Sullivan calls Obamacare a "moderate," fiscally responsible program, and says "a depression was averted" with...

Pentagon Readies Blueprint of Slim New Self

And with it, the Obama administration's defense priorities

(Newser) - The White House is poised to unveil its proposal to slim down the military to bring it in line with cuts agreed to in the recent debt ceiling deal, and in so doing give America a sense of Leon Panetta’s vision for the military’s future, the New York ...

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