Iraq war

Stories 921 - 940 | << Prev   Next >>

Labour Party Escapes Election Catastrophe

Pro-independence faction takes control of Scottish parliament

(Newser) - Tony Blair's Labour Party took a beating in yesterday's local elections, winning just 27 percent of the vote. But both the party—wildly unpopular because of Blair's Iraq war stance and several recent scandals—and pundits scored the result a minor victory because Labour lost only 410 local council seats...

Hill Calls For Repeal Of War Powers
Hill Calls For Repeal Of
War Powers

Hill Calls For Repeal Of War Powers

Hard-line stand may help her stake out leadership on war

(Newser) - Hillary wants a do-over on Iraq, calling on Congress to withdraw the war powers they gave Bush in 2002. In a clear bid to stake out her own hard-line anti-war territory, Clinton says Congress should repeal the authority granted Bush as of Oct. 11, the fifth anniversary of the vote....

Combat Soldiers' Blogs Make Brass Queasy

(Newser) - Some of the most riveting reporting about the war in Iraq is coming from the soldiers fighting it. As blogs from deployed soldiers proliferate, higher-ups are biting their nails over the ensuing transparency. Bloggers like Capt. Danjel Bout say posting provides "online therapy" and helps keep friends and the...

Iraqi PM Begs for Debt Forgiveness
Iraqi PM Begs
for Debt Forgiveness

Iraqi PM Begs for Debt Forgiveness

US, Iran, Syria to cross paths at Egypt summit

(Newser) - Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is begging other nations to write off Iraq's debt, saying the country needs reconstruction funds. He spoke today at a regional summit that will feature the first high-level talks between the U.S. and Syria since 2005; prospects of Secretary of State Rice sitting down with...

Hoon Admits Iraq Screwups
Hoon Admits
Iraq Screwups

Hoon Admits Iraq Screwups

British defense minister regrets mistakes, underestimating Dick Cheney

(Newser) - In a confessional interview about his Iraq war regrets, the former British defense secretary tells the Guardian that the Brits' biggest miscalculation was underestimating Dick Cheney. Geoff Hoon said he and other senior ministers would air disagreements with Bush, Rumsfeld, and Powell, and they'd come away thinking they'd made their...

Some Mahdis Going Freelance
Some Mahdis Going Freelance

Some Mahdis Going Freelance

What's worse than Moqtada al-Sadr? The Mahdi Army ignoring him

(Newser) - The Madhi Army is letting loose. Officially locked down by leader Moqtada al-Sadr during the troop surge, renegade Mahdis are unleashing a wave of random violence on once-peaceful areas of central and southern Iraq, Newseek reports. That worries even al-Sadr's commanders, who are now seeking U.S. help to control...

Blair Points To Successor
Blair Points
To Successor

Blair Points To Successor

After 10 years at No. 10, PM says he'll pass torch to Brown within weeks

(Newser) - As he marked a decade in power, British prime minister Tony Blair said yesterday he'll step down within weeks. Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown is expected to succeed Blair, who stopped short of officially anointing Brown but told a Labour rally, "In all probability, a Scot will become...

Dems, President Get Serious On Iraq Compromise

A day of pomp and American flags leads back to the drawing board

(Newser) - After a day of partisan theatrics—what the Politico notes may rank as the Capitol's most celebrated sendoff for a doomed bill—work gets serious on a compromise war spending bill that may include benchmarks but no timelines. Bush meets with congressional leaders to begin formal negotiations today, even as...

Bush Vetoes War Funding Bill
Bush Vetoes War Funding Bill

Bush Vetoes War Funding Bill

(Newser) - As good as his word, President Bush made short work of vetoing the war appropriations bill Congress put on his desk today, objecting to its provision for a strict timetable for pulling the troop out of Iraq. With the veto a fait accompli for weeks, lawmakers are already girding to...

Democracy Depends on Kurdistan
Democracy Depends on Kurdistan

Democracy Depends on Kurdistan

Human-rights activist sees region as harbinger of Iraq's fate

(Newser) - While the U.S. focuses on Baghdad, a potentially defining crisis is developing in Kurdistan, according to Mark Lattimer, director of Minority Rights Group International. He argues in the Guardian that bloodshed in the only relatively secure region of Iraq is increasing as Kurds forced out of Kirkuk by Saddam...

Terrorist Attacks Spiked in '06
Terrorist Attacks Spiked in '06

Terrorist Attacks Spiked in '06

Attacks rise 25% percent, driven by

(Newser) - Terrorist attacks rose 25 percent in 2006, with much of the rise attributable to Iraq, according to a State Department report released today. Terrorism claimed over 20,000 lives in 2006—two-thirds of those in Iraq—up sharply from 2005, raising doubts about the short-term success of the continued War...

News Outlets Bid Up Search Word Prices

"Virgina Tech Shooting" peaked at $5 before dropping to six cents

(Newser) - Online news outlets, usually the ones selling sponsored links to advertisers, are also buying them, to compete for traffic, especially during major news events like the Virginia Tech massacre. From CNN to Fox to the New York Times, news organizations are bidding on Internet keywords at auction from search engines,...

You Go to War With the Army You Need

Not the Army you have, says an active-duty Army officer

(Newser) - "America's generals have failed to prepare our armed forces for war and advise civilian authorities on the application of force to achieve the aims of policy," says Lt. Col. Paul Yingling. In an extraordinary article in Armed Forces Journal Yingling blames the military for not properly advising the...

Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney
Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney

Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney

Tenet's new book says "there was never serious debate" about going to war in Iraq

(Newser) - George Tenet offers a scathing attack on Dick Cheney and other architects of the war in Iraq in a new book to be released Monday, the New York Times reports.  The former CIA director alleges that "there was never serious debate" about whether Iraq was an imminent threat...

Dems Unite to Slam Iraq In First Debate

Candidates united to attack Bush for continuation of unpopular war

(Newser) - Eight Democrats butted heads last night in the first '08 debate, not so much with each other but with the president over the war in Iraq. Candidates at South Carolina State University  competed at panning the war for making the country less safe and Bush for ignoring the voters' will...

Democrats Dole Out Subpoenas
Democrats Dole Out Subpoenas

Democrats Dole Out Subpoenas

Congress gets tough on U.S. attorneys players—and calls Condi in to talk Iraq

(Newser) - The Democratic Congress flexed its oversight muscle today, with both houses dishing out subpoenas all the way up to Condi Rice. A House committee subpoenaed the Secretary of State to discuss the lead-up to the Iraq War, while both the House and Senate Judiciary Committees summoned aides involved in the...

Reid Declares War Is Lost
Reid Declares War Is Lost  

Reid Declares War Is Lost

Rhetorical bombshell fires up pundits, but will policy consequences follow?

(Newser) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has upped the ante in the Dems' rhetoric on Iraq, saying the U.S. has "lost" in Iraq, and warning that, "the surge is not accomplishing anything." But he stopped short of threatening to pull funding from the war, the biggest gun...

Wolves Circle Wolfowitz
Wolves Circle Wolfowitz

Wolves Circle Wolfowitz

Neocon World Bank president says he won't resign

(Newser) - Embattled World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz is hanging tough in the face of a crescendo of calls for his resignation after improperly promoting the interests of his live-in girlfriend. In a weekend of maneuvering, the bank's development committee offered no shelter, issuing a vague but harsh statement that the organization"...

Neocon No Sharper in Love Than War
Neocon No Sharper in Love Than War

Neocon No Sharper in Love Than War

Dowd on Wolfowitz: Where's the apology for Iraq?

(Newser) - The spectacle of Paul Wolfowitz clinging to his post at the World Bank after using it to promote his girlfriend is catnip to Maureen Dowd, an arch critic of the neocon cabal that cooked up the war in Iraq: "You will not be surprised to learn, gentle readers, that...

Sweetheart Deal May Sink Wolfowitz
Sweetheart Deal May Sink Wolfowitz

Sweetheart Deal May Sink Wolfowitz

World Bank staff boos his apology for pushing girlfriend's promotion

(Newser) - World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz faced mounting pressure to resign last night as details emerged over his role in ordering a promotion and pay raise for an employee with whom he is romantically involved. Wolfowitz apologized at a press conference and again to a gathering of bank staff members, where...

Stories 921 - 940 | << Prev   Next >>