Iraq war

Stories 801 - 820 | << Prev   Next >>

US Kills 30 in Baghdad
US Kills 30 in Baghdad

US Kills 30 in Baghdad

Women and children may counted among the dead

(Newser) - The US killed 30 militants and detained another dozen in an overnight air strike on a military stronghold in a Shiite district of Baghdad. Witnesses counted women and children among the slain, though the US claims all 30 were insurgents linked to radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.

UN Offers to Boost Iraq Presence
UN Offers to Boost Iraq Presence

UN Offers to Boost Iraq Presence

New Baghdad compound and mediation aid also on the table

(Newser) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has offered to increase personnel in Iraq for the first time in more than 3 years and is seeking $130 million to build a reinforced compound in Baghdad for the growing UN mission. Ban faces a backlash from member states afraid of inheriting a...

Elbows Keep Getting Sharper
Elbows Keep Getting Sharper

Elbows Keep Getting Sharper

In Chicago, the testy senators spar on Iraq and Pakistan

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama delivered their sharpest attacks yet at each other's foreign policy visions at a debate last night in Obama's hometown. Newsday writes that the two senators went after each other with unprecedented ferocity: Clinton suggested that Obama was naive and unschooled in diplomacy, while Obama cited...

Marine Gets 15 Years for Killing Iraqi

Sergeant was instigator of kidnap, killing to intimidate insurgents

(Newser) - A jury of Iraq veterans sentenced a Marine sergeant to 15 years in prison and dishonorable discharge today for conspiracy to commit murder and unpremeditated murder, the Los Angeles Times reports. Sgt. Lawrence Hutchins offered no apology for leading a mission of Marines to kidnap and murder an Iraqi man...

YearlyKos Gets Ready for Its Closeup

With big day tomorrow, Bloggers ponder their clout with Dems

(Newser) - Bloggers contemplating the off-again, on-again appearance of Hillary Clinton at tomorrow's YearlyKos convention can't quite get over how much more respect—would fear be an exaggeration?—they're inspiring in Democrats this year, compared to the last go-round. Joe Gandelman at the Moderate Voice asks whether it means the Democratic center...

Kossaks Will Wield Real Power in '08

National Review writer oozes respect for Daily Kos

(Newser) - As Daily Kos opens its second annual YearlyKos convention in Chicago today, National Review’s Byron York takes stock of the Kossacks' accomplishments since he dubbed them the "Vast Left Wing Conspiracy" in his book two years ago. Then, they had the power to shake up the Democratic Party...

Joint Chiefs Nominee Offers Straight Talk on Iraq

Admiral points to political solution

(Newser) - The White House nominee to lead the Joint Chiefs of Staff said yesterday the troop surge has helped security, but without political progress "no amount of troops and no amount of time will make a difference." Admiral Michael Mullen toed the administration line at his confirmation hearing, saying...

Fed Raid on Stevens Casts Pall on Senate

Scandal-plagued colleague attracts tepid support, challenges ethics bill

(Newser) - Already shell-shocked Senate Republicans are lending only tepid support to Ted Stevens, the Politico reports. Both parties are withholding judgment on the Alaskan elder statesman until the federal corruption probe that came to light this week is complete, and they won't pressure the 83-year-old to quit his committee posts unless...

Antiwar Band Tours Mideast With State Dept. Backing

Ozomatli incorporates Arab musician's beats into its Latin music

(Newser) - In an effort to bolster its image in Muslim countries, the US is sending a group of Los Angeles musicians to the Arab world as cultural ambassadors. The band Ozomatli, whose members frequently bash Bush administration policies and the Iraq war, is touring the Mideast on the government's dime, drawing...

Cheney: 'I Erred on Insurgency'
Cheney: 'I Erred on Insurgency'

Cheney: 'I Erred on Insurgency'

VP doesn't back off other Iraq, Afghanistan decisions

(Newser) - Dick Cheney admitted yesterday that he was wrong when he said the Iraqi insurgency was "in its last throes" in 2005. "My estimate at the time was wrong, it turned out to be incorrect," the VP told CNN's Larry King. He said he had been optimistic that...

Brown Sends Mixed Signals in Talks with Bush

British PM affirms shared values, remains muted on Iraq

(Newser) - On his first US visit as PM, Gordon Brown today reaffirmed that the US and the UK stand together in the war on terrorism. Wrapping up 2 days of meetings with President Bush, Brown expressed disappointment with progress in Iraq, CNN reports, specifically noting difficulty "getting political reconciliation within...

White House Proposes $43B in Mideast Military Aid

Rice pitches strategy to help contain Iran

(Newser) - More than $43 billion in US military aid is earmarked for the Middle East, Reuters reports, part of a strategy to fight terrorism and counterbalance Iran. The outlays, which require congressional approval, include $13 billion to Egypt, $30 billion to Israel, and an unspecified amount to Saudi Arabia and other...

‘Collateral Damage’ Is an Exact Science

Military projects civilian body count before operations

(Newser) - Technology allows US forces to know with precision how many civilians will die in targeted bombings—and at the beginning of the Iraq war, only those attacks expected to kill more than 30 civilians required approval from Rumsfeld or Bush, Salon reports. “‘Accident’ is not the right word,...

Third of Iraqis Need Critical Aid
Third of Iraqis Need Critical Aid

Third of Iraqis Need Critical Aid

Government of violence-riddled nation can't provide basics

(Newser) - A third of Iraq's population—some 8 million people—are in critical need of emergency aid because they have no food, water or shelter, according to an OXFAM report detailed in the BBC. Trapped in a maelstrom of sectarian violence, the Iraqi government is unable to provide basic needs. Some...

Brown Visits US Amid Talk of Cooling Ties

New PM walks political tightrope over relations with White House

(Newser) - Gordon Brown embarked today for his first call on President Bush, while the press at home speculated on whether the green PM's relationship with his counterpart was cooling or too warm. Brown's predecessor, Tony Blair, had a close relationship with Bush—too close for some UK observers. Iraq, a potential...

Brown Downplays US Fissure
Brown Downplays
US Fissure

Brown Downplays US Fissure

New PM will visit Camp David, insists he isn't 'America's poodle'

(Newser) - Britain's new Prime Minister is set to meet with President Bush at Camp David next week amid rumors that relations between the two nations have cooled since Tony Blair's departure. Brown is walking a tightrope between rebuffing this speculation and being seen as "America's poodle," an epithet Blair...

Saudi King Backs Iraq's Sunni Rebels

Ally undermining Bush strategy and fledgling government

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia is working at cross purposes with the Bush administration in Iraq by backing Sunni tribes engaged in sectarian violence there, the New York Times reports. King Abdullah has funded the Sunnis and is allowing insurgents to enter the country, US officials charge. Of up to 80 foreign fighters...

Bush Hate Hyped in Internet Age
Bush Hate
Hyped in
Internet Age

Bush Hate Hyped in Internet Age

Worse presidents had far better ratings

(Newser) - The president’s newest disapproval rating, a towering 65%, is surpassed only by Harry Truman's 67% during the Korean War and Nixon’s 66%—4 days before Tricky Dick’s resignation—the Washington Post reports. The figure suggests dissatisfaction far beyond Iraq, but it also suggests  that something new is...

Dems Remain Unsure of Censure
Dems Remain Unsure of Censure

Dems Remain Unsure of Censure

Feingold's effort gathers little support; Congress fears backlash

(Newser) - A proposed Senate resolution to censure President Bush for the Iraq war could have galvanized Democrats—but  instead they're sharply divided over what some see as grandstanding, Politico reports. Only a handful back Russ Feingold's plan, or another tied to the US attorneys firings, nervous that nonbinding censures will only...

Prez Pushes Osama's Link to Insurgency

Commander-in-chief adamant al-Qaeda in Iraq is key branch of broader network

(Newser) - President Bush insisted again yesterday that a Sunni insurgent group in Iraq is an integral part of Osama bin Laden's worldwide al-Qaeda network—-rebuffing several experts' claims to the contrary. Recent reports have suggested that Sunnis fighting under the "al-Qaeda in Iraq" banner are local insurgents with a weak...

Stories 801 - 820 | << Prev   Next >>