Iraq war

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Forget Bush; Brown Talks to Candidates
 Forget Bush; Brown 
 Talks to Candidates 

Forget Bush; Brown Talks to Candidates

British PM looking ahead to better relations with successor

(Newser) - Gordon Brown pointedly met with all three US presidential candidates before meeting with President Bush today. Britain’s unpopular prime minister seems eager to look to the future, Reuters reports, lest he be labeled “Bush’s poodle” as predecessor Tony Blair was. Brown said he wouldn’t endorse any...

Iraqis Buck US, Flee Front Line in Sadr City Fight

'We don’t see any progress being made at all,' American soldier says

(Newser) - An Iraqi Army unit fled its position in Sadr City last night, despite American protestations, the New York Times reports, breeding further doubt among US commanders. A captain begged the Iraqi in charge to reconsider. “If you turn around … those soldiers will follow you,” he said. “...

Cindy McCain's Soft Talk Masks Deep Resolve

GOP candidate's wife is quiet on trail, crusader off it

(Newser) - Cindy McCain is reserved on the campaign trail—a marked contrast to the sometimes-pugilistic style of husband John—but outside the public eye she has been a “one-woman philanthropic operation,” reports the Chicago Tribune in a profile. The would-be first lady has brought medical relief missions to Rwanda...

Rumsfeld to Pen Memoirs
 Rumsfeld to Pen Memoirs 

Rumsfeld to Pen Memoirs

Proceeds will go to foundation

(Newser) - Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, one of the architects of the war in Iraq who resigned from the Bush administration when the US became mired in the insurgency, is writing his memoirs, Reuters reports. The 75-year-old former congressman won't take an advance and will donate the book's proceeds to a...

Death of Sadr Aide Sparks Battles in Baghdad

Iraqi prez condemns attacks but meets al-Sadr MPs

(Newser) - The murder of a Moqtada al-Sadr aide triggered heavy fighting in Baghdad today after al-Sadr’s men attacked US and Iraqi forces, Reuters reports. The cleric blamed “the hand of the occupier” for the death of Riyadh al-Nuri, a close relative, and vowed not to forget “this precious...

Bush to Shorten Iraq Tours, Halt Drawdowns

Combat tours shortened to one year

(Newser) - President Bush is expected to announce today that the drawdown of US troops in Iraq will be suspended—once forces reach their presurge level in July—because of a resurgence of fighting, reports the Washington Post. The decision, urged by Gen. David Petraeus, means the number of troops in Iraq...

Petraeus Sees No New Troop Buildup in Iraq

General wraps up two days of testimony before Congress

(Newser) - Gen. David H. Petraeus told the House Armed Forces Committee today that he does not foresee another buildup of US armed forces in Iraq, calling the possibility of a new surge "a pretty remote thought in my mind." If violences escalates again, the Army will make do with...

Condi Debunks Veep Rumors
 Condi Debunks Veep Rumors 

Condi Debunks Veep Rumors

She's 'last to know about it,' quips aide

(Newser) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has once again quashed speculation that she is seeking the vice presidential nomination as John McCain's running mate, reports the Washington Post. A McCain-Rice ticket would satisfy many of McCain's conservative critics and represent a formidable challenge to a Dem ticket headed by a woman...

McCain Blasts Dems on Iraq
 McCain Blasts Dems on Iraq 

McCain Blasts Dems on Iraq

Presumptive GOP nominee says departure calls are 'imprudent and dangerous'

(Newser) - John McCain slammed his Democratic presidential rivals today over their calls for an Iraq troop withdrawal, calling the notion “the height of irresponsibility.” Speaking to veterans in Kansas City, McCain said a quick departure would be “imprudent and dangerous." The remarks foreshadowed political heat over this...

On Iraq, Petraeus Has Bush's Ear
 On Iraq, Petraeus Has Bush's Ear

On Iraq, Petraeus Has Bush's Ear

Close ties fuel fears that other commanders aren't heard

(Newser) - George Bush and top Iraq commander David Petraeus have a close relationship unusual for wartime presidencies, the Washington Post reports. The president skips over several middlemen, including Defense Secretary Robert Gates, to speak directly and regularly with Petraeus, and has fully deferred to the general on controversial Iraq decisions. But...

Feds Renew Blackwater Deal

 Feds Renew
 Blackwater Deal 

Feds Renew Blackwater Deal

FBI still probing incident that left 17 Iraqis dead

(Newser) - Washington renewed Blackwater USA's multimillion-dollar contract for another year today pending two probes into the contractor's conduct in Iraq, the AP reports. The FBI is still investigating a Baghdad shooting last year in which Blackwater guards gunned down 17 civilians and sparked outrage among Iraqis; US lawmakers are also probing...

Troubled US off the Rails: Poll

81% say nation is chugging to grim future

(Newser) - The vast majority of Americans are pessimistic about the nation's future and believe the problem-plagued US is heading in the wrong direction. More than 80% believe that “things have seriously gotten off on the wrong track.” That's the highest dissatisfaction rate since the New York Times/CBS News poll...

Osama Bin Laden 'Alive &amp; Well'
 Osama Bin Laden 'Alive & Well' 

Osama Bin Laden 'Alive & Well'

Deputy touts his health on internet

(Newser) - Seven years after 9/11, Osama bin Laden is alive and well, according to his deputy. "Sheik Osama bin Laden is in good health. The ill-intentioned always try to circulate false reports about him being sick," said Ayman al-Zawahiri in a 104-minute recording posted on the internet. The comments...

Reporters Wounded in Iraq Win Peabody Awards

Woodruff and Dozier honored for their war reporting

(Newser) - Two journalists seriously injured in Iraq won Peabody Awards today for their stories on wounded veterans, the AP reports. Bob Woodruff of ABC and Kimberly Dozier of CBS each won for their profiles of soldiers returning home from Iraq. Woodruff suffered a brain injury in an IED attack in 2006,...

US Parts End Up in Insurgents' Bombs in Iraq

US technology exports to UAE getting diverted to Iraq via Iran

(Newser) - A year ago American technology started turning up in roadside bombs used to attack US troops in Iraq, the New York Times reports, and the rogue computer circuits were tracked to the United Arab Emirates. There investigators found the UAE's controls so lax that sensitive technology imported from the US...

World Attitudes Toward US Improving: Poll

Fewer believe US exerts negative influence

(Newser) - A worldwide wave of anti-Americanism appears to be abating a bit, though global views toward the US continue to be mainly negative, according to a BBC World Service poll. The average percentage of people saying the US is a negative global influence dropped to below 50% for the first time...

Justice Memo Backed Torture Interrogations

President's wartime powers override law, document argued

(Newser) - Laws banning torture and assault should not apply to US military interrogators overseas, argues a 2003 Justice Department memo released yesterday. The Defense Department was told not to rely on the memo nine months after it was issued, but it established a legal foundation for controversial interrogations, the Washington Post...

Foreign-Policy Bigwigs Duel on Wisdom of Ending War

Brzezinski says it can't finish soon enough; Boot says US mustn't leave Iraq in lurch

(Newser) - Advisors to Barack Obama and John McCain spar over ending the Iraq war in Washington Post editorials, with Zbigniew Brzezinski saying rapid departure will likely bring stability, and Max Boot arguing it would spell disaster. The former national-security adviser says much jihadism is product of anti-American fervor, a charge Boot...

Army Finds Remains of Soldier Captured in 2004

Ominous video showed Matt Maupin surrounded by masked men

(Newser) - The remains of an Ohio soldier who was captured in Iraq four years ago have been found, reports the Cincinnati Enquirer. DNA tests identified the remains as Matt Maupin, 20, an Army general told the young soldier's parents. Maupin had been listed as missing in Iraq since his fuel convoy...

Al-Sadr Orders His Militia Off Streets of Basra
Al-Sadr Orders His Militia Off Streets of Basra

Al-Sadr Orders His Militia Off Streets of Basra

He offers weakened Maliki a truce deal as violence continues

(Newser) - Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr ordered his fighters to leave the streets of Basra and other cities, reports the BBC, in an effort to end clashes with security forces. “Anyone carrying a weapon and targeting government institutions will not be one of us,” Sadr said, but minutes after...

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