Huey Lewis

6 Stories

Huey Lewis Was Jogging When He Wrote Famous Lyrics

Huey Lewis
Was Jogging
When He Wrote
Famous Lyrics
in case you missed it

Huey Lewis Was Jogging When He Wrote Famous Lyrics

Hearing-impaired singer reflects on 'Power of Love' as he releases what may be his last album

(Newser) - Huey Lewis and the News just released a new album, Weather, but Lewis himself won't be able to listen to it. And longtime fans might have to reconcile with this being the group's last-ever release—thanks to the disease that has robbed the 69-year-old Lewis of his hearing....

Huey Lewis on Hearing Loss: 'I Was Suicidal'

His band no longer performs but is coming out with a new album next year

(Newser) - Huey Lewis and the News used to do an average of 75 shows per year, but Lewis can no longer perform after being diagnosed last year with Ménière’s disease, an inner-ear disorder that causes fluctuating hearing loss . "This [pointing to his ear] has ruined everything,"...

Huey Lewis Loses Most of His Hearing, Cancels Shows

Musician says he has Meniere's disease but hopes to improve

(Newser) - Huey Lewis has had to cancel the rest of his tour dates in 2018 for one of the worst of reasons as a musician: He's nearly deaf. In a statement , the singer says he "lost most of my hearing" a few months ago before a show in Dallas,...

12 Weird Celebrity Duets
 12 Weird Celebrity Duets 

12 Weird Celebrity Duets

Ozzy Osbourne and ... Jessica Simpson?!

(Newser) - Get ready for the smooth sounds of Michael Bublé and ... Reese Witherspoon? Yep, the two are pairing up for a duet on the Canadian crooner's next album. Fortunately we already know Witherspoon can sing, thanks to her role in Johnny Cash biopic Walk the Line, but one has to...

Huey Lewis: 'I Am the World'
 Huey Lewis: 'I Am the World' 
Solo Remake on Kimmel

Huey Lewis: 'I Am the World'

Left out of remake, singer tries to make a better day ... 'just me and me'

(Newser) - If you, like Jimmy Kimmel, were saddened by the dearth of original "We Are the World" participants who showed up for the remake, get excited: Huey Lewis did his own solo version on Kimmel’s show last night. “There comes a time when I heed a certain call,...

Kimmel's Revenge Scores Big
Kimmel's Revenge Scores Big

Kimmel's Revenge Scores Big

Video rebuttal to squeeze Silverman is star-studded sensation

(Newser) - Take that, Sarah. A star-studded—and very much tongue-in-cheek—ode to Jimmy Kimmel's lust for Ben Affleck has become an Internet sensation, Billboard reports. The late-night host's video is a rebuttal to girlfriend Sarah Silverman's "I'm F---ing Matt Damon." The latest salvo, with Kimmel and a host of...

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