
Stories 41 - 56 | << Prev 

Conservative Sees Future in Palin
 Sees Future 
 in Palin 

Conservative Sees Future in Palin

Movement needs 'plain spoken' leader like VP candidate, not 'over-delicate' Noonans

(Newser) - Conservative commentators who shamelessly jump on the Barack Obama bandwagon are blinkered to the new face of conservatism, Tony Blankley writes in the Washington Times. Just like “me-too” Republicans of the New Deal era, “they all cast their admiration for Mr. Obama in contrast to Sarah Palin—who...

Voters Flee GOP Fury Like It's 1964
 Voters Flee GOP 
 Fury Like It's 1964 

Voters Flee GOP Fury Like It's 1964

Angry base has handed election to Obama, writes Cohen

(Newser) - Eight years ago George W. Bush made it to the White House as a "compassionate conservative," with plans to reform education and build a multiracial coalition. In 2008, writes Richard Cohen, that vision of the GOP is dead—replaced by "a mean, grumpy, exclusive, narrow-minded and...

Right Opens Fire on High Court's Gun Ruling

2nd Amendment call was a question for states: legal scholars

(Newser) - Last summer's Supreme Court decision that ruled citizens have an individual right to possess guns drew hosannas from the American right wing. But now the court's ruling is coming under attack—from conservative legal scholars. As the New York Times reports, two Reagan-appointed judges have called DC v. Heller the...

Sorry, Fellow Conservatives, Palin Doesn't Cut It: Noonan

Noonan: VP choice bad for the right and the country

(Newser) - For seven weeks, Peggy Noonan has really, really tried to find Sarah Palin worthy of the role she's running for. She's scrutinized every appearance for signs the Alaska governor could turn out to be the next Harry Truman. Unfortunately, she writes in the Wall Street Journal, "there is little...

Populism Killed the Republican Party
Populism Killed the Republican Party

Populism Killed the Republican Party

Anti-elite attitude personified by Palin drove away base

(Newser) - Anti-intellectual populism has reduced the Republicans to a resentful rump party, writes David Brooks in the New York Times. A movement that once prized good ideas began to rely on bashing the educated as a political tactic. “What had been a disdain for liberal intellectuals slipped into a disdain...

Where Conservatives Have it Wrong
 Have it Wrong 

Where Conservatives Have it Wrong

Individualism can't solve everything for a social species

(Newser) - Barry Goldwater wrote that the key to conservatism is “maximizing freedom,” and since his time, individual liberty has been the party’s central tenet. But people are a “deeply interconnected,” social species, as study after study has found —and today’s conservatives need to recognize...

How Did Dems Inherit Ozzie &amp; Harriet Mantle?
How Did Dems Inherit
Ozzie & Harriet Mantle?

How Did Dems Inherit Ozzie & Harriet Mantle?

Evangelical love for Palin family highlights dramatic switch in 'family values'

(Newser) - The enthusiastic evangelical reaction to a working mother with an unwed pregnant teenage daughter on the GOP ticket highlights the dramatically changing face of conservative Christian America and could spell trouble for the Dems, Hanna Rosin writes in Slate. Evangelicals now actually score worse than the rest of America on...

In Drilling, Right May Find Gold Mine of Support

Gingrich's 'Drill Now' online drive has seen huge conservative response

(Newser) - Insiders warned it was risky for John McCain to reverse himself on offshore drilling, but the issue might yet prove the nucleus for a “right roots” movement to counter MoveOn, Politico reports. In the few weeks since the proposal entered the national conversation, 1.2 million people have signed...

How Fair Is the 'Third Term' Jab?
 How Fair Is the
 'Third Term' Jab? 

How Fair Is the 'Third Term' Jab?

McCain offers some differences, but largely agrees with Bush

(Newser) - With President Bush posting record disapproval ratings, Democrats have gleefully dubbed a John McCain presidency a "third Bush term." The claim is at least partially justified, reports the New York Times in an analysis of the "McBush" charge—McCain agrees with Bush on taxation, health care, the...

Left Has Won (Whoever Wins)
 Left Has Won (Whoever Wins) 

Left Has Won (Whoever Wins)

The conservative counter-revolution has failed

(Newser) - After 4 decades, the conservative revolution launched by the likes of Goldwater and Buckley is not only washed up, Michael Lind writes in Salon, it  failed "completely, undeniably and irreversibly." The structure of 20th-century American liberalism is intact, if battered, he writes, and liberals should stop worrying so...

West's Right Wingers Are Banking Left
West's Right Wingers Are Banking Left

West's Right Wingers Are Banking Left

Conservatives taking a more moderate tack in face of unfriendly world

(Newser) - There’s a distinct leftward tilt rippling across the western world, Gabor Steingart observes in Der Spiegel. From John McCain to England’s David Cameron to Germany’s Angela Merkel, conservative leaders are softening up and drifting toward the middle. To see why, one needs only look at three of...

Masseuse Chastity Pants Spark Uproar in Indonesia

Parlor rules could become national bill

(Newser) - Reacting to clients’ demands for sex, some Indonesian masseuses have begun wearing locked pants reminiscent of ancient chastity belts, the Los Angeles Times reports. What began as one parlor entrepreneur's idea to deflect pushy clients has spread and may now spawn legislation. But many, including Indonesia's minister for women’s...

Buckley Leaves Conservatism Up the Creek
Buckley Leaves Conservatism Up the Creek

Buckley Leaves Conservatism Up the Creek

No clear inheritor to his thoughtful movement, says Newsweek writer

(Newser) - William F. Buckley may have been the architect of the modern conservative movement, but what will it do without him? Evan Thomas even wonders, in Newsweek, if what he created still exists at all. Buckley was “a man who could spar intensely with the late liberal icons…and then...

Dallas Morning News Endorses Huckabee

Influential paper calls on voters to send GOP elite a message

(Newser) - While acknowledging success for Mike Huckabee is "mathematically impossible," the Dallas Morning News today endorsed the ex-Arkansas governor. The editorial board praised his “good-natured approach to politics” and acknowledged that its continuing support is more symbolic than practical, calling a vote for Huckabee “a good investment...

Writers Parse Buckley's Legacy
Writers Parse Buckley's Legacy

Writers Parse Buckley's Legacy

What ended his brand of conservatism—or does it endure?

(Newser) - William F. Buckley Jr. was a titan on the political scene, carving out his own brand of conservatism. But one day after his death, writers differ on his legacy:
  • At Slate, Timothy Noah notes Buckley’s more noxious stances—defending segregationists and Joe McCarthy—and says it’s good fortune

William F. Buckley Jr. Dies at 82
William F. Buckley Jr. Dies at 82

William F. Buckley Jr. Dies at 82

Influential conservative columnist founded National Review

(Newser) - Conservative columnist and editor William F. Buckley Jr. died today at age 82; he suffered from diabetes and emphysema. Buckley founded the opinion magazine National Review, hosted the show “Firing Line” and wrote 45 books. The author of God and Man at Yale and defender of Joe McCarthy was...

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