traffic accident

Stories 41 - 53 | << Prev 

Snow Frosts New Orleans
 Snow Frosts New Orleans 

Snow Frosts New Orleans

(Newser) - For the first time since Christmas 2004, snow fell today in New Orleans, shuttering schools and causing accidents on the region’s roads, the Times-Picayune reports. The snowfall has mostly tapered off or turned to freezing rain, leaving some damage behind. About 7,000 homes lost power statewide, and numerous...

Culkin Sister Hit by Car, Dies

(Newser) - Macaulay Culkin’s older sister, Dakota, died yesterday at UCLA Hospital after being hit by a car the night before, E! reports. She was struck by a vehicle when she stepped into a Los Angeles street; the driver attempted to help her, and police determined he was not under the...

Honked Off: Car Horns More Harm Than Good

Horns are hard to ban, but may make drivers more reckless

(Newser) - The next time you honk your car’s horn, you might want to ask why you're doing it. Grabbing the horn by the bull for Slate, Dave Johns thinks you’re probably too close to do anything but tell your obstacle to get out of the way. That’s because...

Kate Busted Driving While Yakking

Nabbed chatting on cell on country road

(Newser) - Royal and apparently naughty girlfriend Kate Middleton was snapped by a photographer happily chatting on her cell phone while driving, in defiance of Britain's strict ban on using the devices behind the wheel, reports the Sun. Prince William's 26-year-old gal pal was deep in conversation as she tooled along a...

Nissan's New Safety System Uses Bee Logic

Lasers will mimic compound eyes to detect, avoid obstacles

(Newser) - Nissan is set to unveil new collision-avoidance technology modeled on the behavior of bees, PC World reports, with a small robot car to demonstrate the system in Japan next week. The automakers’ engineers have developed laser range-finders that mimic the insects’ ability to adjust their path and avoid collisions by...

High Gas Prices Mean Fewer Traffic Deaths

People are changing where, when, and how they drive

(Newser) - The number of traffic deaths may drop this year to their lowest since Kennedy was president—thanks in large part to higher gas prices, the AP reports. As they rose above $3.20 a gallon, fatalities plummeted 22.1% in March and 17.9% in April, a study found. The...

Motorcycle Deaths Rise 6.6%
 Motorcycle Deaths Rise 6.6%

Motorcycle Deaths Rise 6.6%

Overall traffic deaths down but motorbike deaths up for 10th year in a row

(Newser) - The number of motorcyclist deaths rose in 2007 for the 10th year in a row, the New York Times reports, jumping 6.6% even as the overall number of vehicle deaths continued to drop. Motorcycle deaths now account for one in eight traffic fatalities, totaling 5,154 last year—a...

Waiting for Green Has Gas-Conscious Seeing Red

Needless idling in turn lanes irks Calif. drivers

(Newser) - Though their safety value in heavy traffic isn't disputed, some Californians are starting to see left-turn arrows as a drag on ever-pricier gas and an avoidable threat to the environment, the Riverside Press-Enterprise reports. The California Energy Commission estimates that idling for 2 minutes (often a needless waste of time,...

Londoner Dies in Double-Decker Crash

Bus runs into tree, killing bystander and injuring 19

(Newser) - A double-decker bus crashed into a tree this morning near Tower Bridge, one of London's most famous landmarks, leaving one woman dead and 19 people injured. The victim was believed to be a pedestrian in her early 20s. Bystanders told the Times of London that the bus windows had been...

2 Dead, 21 Hurt in Chicago Truck Crash

Semi barrels into bus stop and train station during rush hour

(Newser) - A speeding semitruck barreled into a Chicago train station today, killing two people and injuring 21—11 critically, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. Coming off a freeway in rush hour, the truck hit a bus stop, wedged under a train overpass, and crashed "several steps" up the train platform escalator,...

44 Children Killed in India Bus Plunge

Rescuers only save four

(Newser) - At least 44 children and three adults were killed today when a school bus plunged into a canal in the western Indian state of Gujurat. Most of the victims were on their way to a school exam, reports Reuters. Only four children were rescued and several were still missing. "...

Oops! She Screwed Up Again!
 Oops! She Screwed Up Again! 

Oops! She Screwed Up Again!

Britney in new traffic accident

(Newser) - Troubled pop tart Britney Spears was in yet another traffic incident yesterday when she ran her 2008 Mercedes into a car in front of her in stalled traffic on a Los Angeles freeway. That car, in turn, hit the one in front of it. No one was injured and no...

Power Returns to Millions in Fla.
Power Returns to Millions in Fla.

Power Returns to Millions in Fla.

Authorities rule out terrorism but disagree on cause

(Newser) - A blackout that cut off millions of Florida residents today is ending, authorities say, but they disagree on the cause. Florida Power & Light blames a substation west of Miami for sparking the outage, and a state emergency office says a station south of Miami suffered a mechanical failure that...

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