
Stories 21 - 31 | << Prev 

Home Sales Send Dow Over 9,000
 Home Sales Send Dow 
 Over 9,000 

Home Sales Send Dow Over 9,000

(Newser) - The Dow Jones industrials are back above 9,000 today for the first time since the beginning of January. A report of a jump in home sales eased investors' worries about one of the economy's biggest trouble spots. They responded by buying stocks across the market, lifting the major indexes...

Soaring Candy Sales Sweeten Hard Times

Confectioners' profits rise as people seek comfort

(Newser) - Tough times don’t seem to be trickling down to inexpensive candy shops, where adult customers are flocking for a sugar-coated escape from their troubles, the New York Times reports. “People may indulge themselves a little bit more when times are tough,” says an analyst. And indulge they...

Binge Now: Chocolate Prices May Spike
Binge Now: Chocolate
Prices May Spike

Binge Now: Chocolate Prices May Spike

Soaring cocoa prices slim down candy makers' profit margins

(Newser) - Soaring cocoa prices have left chocolate makers wondering how far they can hike prices without souring business, the Wall Street Journal reports. Crop woes in Africa have kept cocoa pricey despite the global commodities slump. Chocolate companies are mostly holding prices steady for now but many are expected to fatten...

Solution to 11th-Century Mystery: Hot Chocolate

Hershey's helps anthropologist solve mystery of old vessels

(Newser) - Patricia Crown, an anthropologist at the University of New Mexico, spent years puzzling over the round clay jars decorated with intricate zigzagging shapes, dating from the 11th century, found in Pueblo ruins in Chaco Canyon. But a scientific study led her to a surprising conclusion: they weren't drums or holders...

Chocolate Sales Are Bittersweet

 Chocolate Sales Are Bittersweet 

Chocolate Sales Are Bittersweet

Battle to elevate taste to expensive brands proves bittersweet as economy sours

(Newser) - Chocolate sales, reputed to be recession-proof, are taking a hit in this downturn as consumers’ taste for more expensive brands has soured, reports the Financial Times. Companies that jumped into premium candies have been hurt by the downturn, and analysts say the market has been “trading down” from premium...

Food Makers Tweak Recipes to Cut Costs

Hershey, others quietly substitute cheaper ingredients, fillers

(Newser) - Food manufacturers are adjusting their recipes to cut costs as ingredient prices climb, the Wall Street Journal reports. Hershey is replacing some of its cocoa butter with vegetable oil, while General Mills is dumping pecans for walnuts in one cookie. McCormick, McDonald's, and other companies are making similar moves. But...

EU Probes Chocolate Price Fixing
EU Probes Chocolate Price Fixing

EU Probes Chocolate Price Fixing

Hershey, Mars, others suspected of conspiracy

(Newser) - The European Commission suspects candy giant Hershey of conspiring with other chocolate and candy manufacturers in an industry-wide price-fixing scheme, AP reports. Both Hershey and rival Mars recently received requests for information from the commission after some 50 civil lawsuits in the US have alleged price fixing. The two companies...

Chocolate Makers Face Sticky Probe
Chocolate Makers Face Sticky Probe

Chocolate Makers Face Sticky Probe

US and Canada investigate possible price-fixing

(Newser) - Following a similar investigation in Canada last month, the Justice Department has launched a probe into possible price-fixing in the US chocolate industry. The suspects form a rich, creamy lineup: M&M maker Mars acknowledged it has been contacted by the DOJ, the Wall Street Journal reports. Nestle, too, says...

10 Sweet Spots to Visit
10 Sweet Spots to Visit

10 Sweet Spots to Visit

Willy Wonka may be a fictional persona, but these ten real-life fun-food factories will bring out the kid in anyone.

(Newser) - Travel & Leisure takes you on a tour of a fun-food factories, where delights range from twisting your own pretzel to sampling donuts hot off the line.  Some factory tours can even be experienced from home.
  1. Twinkie: Twinkies.com
  2. Tootsie Pop:  Tootsie.com
  3. Ben and Jerry's:  Waterbury,

Dark Chocolate Gets Sweeter Every Day

Milk chocolate's healthier sibling grows more popular than ever

(Newser) - Overall chocolate sales are down, but Americans are increasingly indulging their sweet tooth with dark chocolate. The bitter, coffee-flavored treat is on the rise: Last year, dark chocolate sales surged 15% while sales of more popular milk chocolate dipped 5.5%. And boosted by claims of health benefits, dark chocolate...

Globalization Has a Hard Chocolate Shell

Hershey to shutter Calif. operation, cut thousands of jobs

(Newser) - In a "global supply-chain transformation," Hershey will slash its domestic workforce and build a plant in Mexico. The chocolate giant projects savings of tens of millions of dollars a year, but the numbers don't mean much in Oakdale, Calif., where 575 employees will be our of their jobs...

Stories 21 - 31 | << Prev