
Stories 721 - 740 | << Prev   Next >>

Apple Files Patent for Hydrogen-Powered Phones

They say it could make portable devices lighter, thinner

(Newser) - Apple is working on a new way to power its fleet of consumer electronics: Hydrogen fuel cells. Apple has applied for two patents that cover using the fuel cells on portable electronics like iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks, which it boasts could make those products smaller, lighter, and able to run...

Apple iPhone Slipping in Europe
 iPhone Losing Ground Abroad 

iPhone Losing Ground Abroad

Europe's economic mess, cheaper competitors a problem for Apple

(Newser) - There's actually a pocket of the world that's beginning to be less iPhone obsessed—and it's a big pocket. While Americans and Brits are still snapping up the latest Apple phones, the company's share of the continental European market is slipping, thanks to a weakened economy...

E-Books Now Pricier Than Real Books

Publishers set own prices, and set them high

(Newser) - If you're hoping Santa drops a Kindle or Nook under your tree, be forewarned: e-book bestsellers don't cost $9.99 anymore. These days, electronic tomes can cost as much or more than their print counterparts, the Wall Street Journal reports, thanks to a move from the six top...

Could Google's Alfred Rival Siri?

After criticizing Siri, Android looks to follow

(Newser) - Less than two months after Google's mobile chief panned Siri and said Google had no interest in adding a Siri-like assistant to Android , the company yesterday announced that it has bought the tech company that makes Alfred, a personal assistant smartphone app. In a look at the move, Reuters...

Founding Apple Papers Sell for $1.6M

1976 contract goes way beyond estimates

(Newser) - A modest business contract signed about 35 years ago sold for a staggering $1.6 million at Sotheby's today, more than 10 times the highest estimate. It is, of course, the deal signed by Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and a poor soul named Ronald Wayne that founded Apple, reports...

Apple Names Instagram Its iPhone App of the Year
iPhone App of
the Year Is...
in case you missed it

iPhone App of the Year Is... Instagram

Apple recognizes its faves as Angry Birds remains top-seller

(Newser) - The retro-styling photography app Instagram scored the honor of 2011's "iPhone App of the Year," as bestowed by Apple in its annual year-in-review rankings called iTunes Rewind. Instagram allows users to retool photos with Polaroid-esque filters and then share the snapshots through social media. The iPhone app...

Apple Looking for Help With Siri

Pair of job listings go up for engineers

(Newser) - Hey iPhone 4S users, is Siri all you hoped and dreamed it would be? No? Well don't worry, Apple plans to fix it—just as soon as it hires someone up for the job. 9to5 Mac spotted a pair of new job postings on Apple's site, seeking new...

Apple: Siri's Abortion Blind Spot Not Intentional

Company reiterates product is officially in beta

(Newser) - Apple says Siri isn’t trying to hide abortion clinics or places to buy birth control from users, characterizing its apparent inability to find reproductive health services as a glitch, and noting that the voice-activated search software is still technically in beta testing. “While it can find a lot,...

iPhone's Siri 'Can't Find' Abortion Clinics

But it will point users toward escorts, marijuana, and body dumps

(Newser) - Siri, the iPhone 4S' virtual assistant, can tell you how much wood a woodchuck could chuck or where to hide a dead body, but it draws a blank when asked for the location of abortion clinics or emergency contraception services. In Washington, DC, users are directed to anti-abortion pregnancy centers...

Ron Johnson: Why Apple Stores Work
 Why Apple 
 Stores Work 

Why Apple Stores Work

Former boss of stores says it's all about customer relationships

(Newser) - Apple Stores’ success is about much more than Apple products; after all, you can get Macs, iPhones, and iPads elsewhere for less money. What draws customers is the fact that an Apple store is “more than a store to people,” writes Apple's former VP of retail, Ron...

Apple Now Takes Chinese Currency for Apps

It welcomes the yuan, and a huge new market

(Newser) - iPhone, iPod, and iPad apps can now be paid for with Chinese yuan. Customers of more than 20 Chinese banks are now able to use the yuan to purchase apps for their Apple devices, while previously they were required to use a dual-currency credit card—an obstacle that encouraged many...

Google Tries Again with Gmail iPhone App

This time it loads, but still lacks some key functions

(Newser) - Google is trying again with its Gmail app for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch after its first attempt two weeks proved to be a quick failure . The new app is out today, and Business Insider reports progress: It loads this time without errors, and Google fixed the problem related...

iPhone Battery Fix Doesn't Seem to Be Working

Lots of users still complaining after iOS 5 update

(Newser) - The early reviews are in, and Apple's software update to fix the fast-draining battery of the iPhone 4S isn't working for everyone, reports Gizmodo . Sample complaint in the Apple Support forums: "New update is not help at all. I opened Safari and lost 2% just by opening...

Apple Releases iOS 5 Battery Fix

Software update designed to correct weak battery life in iPhone 4S

(Newser) - The battery troubles of the iPhone 4S may be over. After acknowledging that “a small number of users” were having issues with their batteries when using iOS 5, Apple has produced a new version of the operating system, iOS 5.0.1, aimed at fixing the bug. The source...

Steve Jobs: Genius at Tweaking, Not Inventing

He was brilliant at perfecting the ideas of others: Malcolm Gladwell

(Newser) - Forget those Thomas Edison comparisons to Steve Jobs—the man was far more of a "tweaker" than an inventor, writes Malcolm Gladwell in the New Yorker . It's not a slight. As the new biography makes clear, Jobs could take the ideas and inventions of others, zero in on...

Apple Boots Developer Who Exposed Security Hole

Finding App Store bug costs Charlie Miller his license

(Newser) - Security guru Charlie Miller found himself kicked out of Apple's developer program just hours after he announced that he had found a major security flaw. Miller discovered a hole that allows iPhone and iPad applications to grab potentially malicious code from third-party servers even after they have been approved...

Disabled Oregonians Voting by iPad
Disabled Oregonians
Voting by iPad

Disabled Oregonians Voting by iPad

Apple device being used to fill out mail-in ballots in national first

(Newser) - In a nationwide first, some Oregonians voting in a primary to replace disgraced Rep. David Wu are being assisted by iPads. Election workers in five counties are seeking out voters who might otherwise have trouble voting and helping them use the Apple device to fill out ballots, which are then...

iPhone Has 4% of Mobile Market—But 52% of Profit

And it's got room to grow

(Newser) - Apple is officially making ridiculous money on the iPhone. How ridiculous? Well, the phone now generated a whopping 52% of all mobile phone profits worldwide last quarter—despite controlling just 4.2% of that market, according to a new report from the Canaccord Genuity research firm. And amazingly, the analyst...

Lost Steve Jobs Footage Coming to Big Screen

Former Apple chief recalls crank call to the Vatican

(Newser) - From the back of a British garage, filmmakers have salvaged an old interview with Steve Jobs and plan to screen it in theaters across America, the Los Angeles Times reports. Initially recorded for a PBS/Channel 4 miniseries nearly 20 years ago, the footage was lost until the director of the...

Apple Promises Fix for iPhone 4S Batteries

Software glitch affects some, but a patch is coming

(Newser) - Apple today acknowledged that some iPhone 4S users are getting lousy battery life but promised that a fix is on the way, reports AllThingsD . The glitch appears to be with the iOS 5 software, not the phone itself. Apple's statement: “A small number of customers have reported lower...

Stories 721 - 740 | << Prev   Next >>