
Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>

Google to App Makers: Use Google Wallet or Else

....your apps will be dropped from Android Market

(Newser) - Google is looking to follow in Apple's footsteps and simplify its app store—and that means pushing developers to change their payment systems. The search giant is calling on developers to drop PayPal and other methods in favor of Google Wallet. And, according to several developers, it's been...

With iPad, Apple Will Own the Future, Too

Even if new version doesn't seem much different: Dan Frommer

(Newser) - Sure, Apple's new iPad may seem only an incremental improvement over its predecessor. But for the company, yesterday's rollout was a very big deal, asserts Dan Frommer at ReadWriteWeb . The new device ensures Apple remains the undisputed king of tablets both in terms of quality and price. And...

Downside of Our New Gizmos: Mounting E-Waste

But we can mitigate the worst problems: Bryan Walsh

(Newser) - Apple's rollout of the new iPad comes with the usual fanfare, but Bryan Walsh at Time raises a related problem that gets only a fraction of the same attention: our rising piles of electronic garbage and their very real environmental risks. These days, tablets and smartphones aren't meant...

US to Go After Apple, Others Over E-Book 'Price Fixing'

Apple, publishers set up across-the-board prices: feds

(Newser) - The US Justice Department has informed Apple and five top publishes that federal attorneys are ready to go to court to prosecute them on charges that they colluded to boost e-book prices, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . Some of the companies are already in settlement discussions with the feds,...

Apple Unveils New iPad
 Apple Unveils New iPad 

Apple Unveils New iPad

Starting price is still $499

(Newser) - Apple launched its new iPad at a highly anticipated event today, the first major product announcement since Steve Jobs' death. As predicted, the new tablet features retina display and is available in a 4G LTE version on both Verizon and AT&T. With a resolution of 2048 x 1536, that'...

11 Things to Watch at Today's Big iPad 3 Reveal

But remember, with Apple, nothing is certain: Mashable

(Newser) - Apple is holding another one of its big events today, expected to be the unveiling of the iPad 3. Mashable runs down 11 things to watch for when it begins at 1pm ET:
  • Tim Cook will be "the main attraction." He may not be as theatrical as Steve

Apple Claims It Supports 514K US Jobs—Does It?

Experts question company's analysis

(Newser) - Apple has quantified its effect on the US economy in a new study. Its analysis says its products "create or support" 514,000 US jobs, ranging from the Kansas employees who manufacture glass for the iPhone to the UPS driver who brings that iPhone to your home—but that'...

Apple to Sell 100 Millionth iPad This Year

Next week's rollout of new version will help

(Newser) - Apple has sold about 55 million iPads to date, and Wednesday's rollout of the iPad 3 has analysts predicting a milestone by the end of the year: 100 million sold, reports USA Today . "There's real pent-up demand," says one industry analyst. Another thinks tablets will actually...

Apps Can Snatch iPhone Photos, Too

Apple loophole makes photos vulnerable

(Newser) - It's not only contacts that can be snatched from your cellphone by apps—photos, too, can be yanked, thanks to an Apple loophole. Once a user allows an application on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to have access to location information—to launch a mapping function, for example—...

Foxconn Caves to Pressure, Ups Wages

Apple supplier works to improve conditions following consumer outcry

(Newser) - Foxconn will bump workers' salaries by as much as 25% while decreasing the amount of overtime demanded of them, the company announced this weekend, in a bid to stem the tide of outrage against it and high-profile customers such as Apple, Hewlett-Packard, and Dell. The move is a victory for...

Google Skirted Privacy Settings, Tracked iPhones

Ducked Safari's default block on user tracking

(Newser) - Google has been quietly using computer code to get around default privacy settings on Apple's Safari browser—both on iPhones and computers. Safari automatically prevents tracking techniques that other browsers allow, including the use of cookies. But Google coding "tricks" Safari into allowing the tracking, the Wall Street ...

Top Apps Download Your Whole Address Book

Twitter, Path blamed in privacy controversy

(Newser) - Leading smartphone apps are taking a lot more of our information than we realize. If you use Twitter's "Find Friends" feature, the company receives every phone number and email address in your address book—a fact that Twitter hadn't clarified, the Los Angeles Times reports. The company...

You Should Buy Apple Stock
 You Should Buy Apple Stock 
Farhad Manjoo

You Should Buy Apple Stock

Farhad Manjoo thinks Apple still has nowhere to go but up

(Newser) - You might think that with its stock north of $500 a share, after rising 30% in six months, that Apple has peaked financially. But you'd be wrong, writes Farhad Manjoo of Slate . Apple's price-earnings ratio is still a humble 14—cheaper even than Google, Amazon, and even beleaguered...

Apple Asks Outside Group to Inspect Plants

FLA to audit working conditions at Apple suppliers

(Newser) - Apple, facing worldwide protests over conditions for workers who make its gadgets, says it has opened up its supply chain to a level of scrutiny unprecedented in the electronics industry. An outside group, the Fair Labor Association in Washington, DC, has been asked to audit conditions at the plants where...

iPad 3 to Be Unveiled March 7

 iPad 3 to Be Unveiled March 7 

iPad 3 to Be Unveiled March 7

New tablet to come in 4G LTE version

(Newser) - Apple's first major product launch since the death of Steve Jobs is set for March 7, sources tell iMore . The iPad 3 will be unveiled at an event in San Francisco, and the latest version of the company's tablet computer will be offered in models that run on...

Google Gets Europe's OK to Buy Motorola

But regulators in EU, United States will monitor for antitrust

(Newser) - Google's $12.5 billion takeover of Motorola Mobility Holdings, announced last August , finally cleared regulators in Europe and the United States yesterday, reports Reuters . But as Motorola owns so many patents that are vital to the telecommunications industry, regulators said they would monitor Google to ensure it continued to...

Apple Can Bring Those Jobs Back
 Apple Can 
 Bring Those 
 Jobs Back 

Apple Can Bring Those Jobs Back

Like BMW and Boeing, Apple can afford to have US manufacturing jobs

(Newser) - Apple's claim that it can't bring manufacturing jobs back to America rings false to Dan Lyons at The Daily Beast . "Apple says no, but of course it can: American workers build BMWs and Boeings, and they certainly could build all of an iPad’s components," Lyons...

Give Chipotle Same Respect as Apple
 Give Chipotle 
 Same Respect 
 as Apple 

Give Chipotle Same Respect as Apple

Matthew Yglesias: Steve Ells is to fast food what Steve Jobs was to tech

(Newser) - Steve Jobs, meet Steve Ells. Both men founded companies that have revolutionized American culture: Chipotle is doing for fast food what Apple did for technology, writes Matthew Yglesias at Slate . First of all, "Chipotle’s growth since its 2006 IPO should be seen as a great American success story,...

iPhone Kills Carrier Profits

AT&T, Verizon, Sprint lose out by subsidizing Apple's cell phone

(Newser) - Apple's profits are soaring , but at the expense of cell phone carriers who subsidize iPhone sales. AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint all pay about $600 for iPhones that they resell to customers for $200. The carriers figure they'll make up the loss with monthly cell phone bills—but...

Inside Steve Jobs' FBI File: 'A Deceptive Individual'

Apple founder's character questioned by many interviewees

(Newser) - Steve Jobs had an FBI file, assembled during a 1991 background check when Jobs was being considered for an appointment by George HW Bush, and the agency has just made it public after a FOIA request from the Wall Street Journal . Read all 191 pages here , or check out highlights...

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>