
Stories 481 - 500 | << Prev   Next >>

Gadhafi to Obama: Good Luck in 2012, Please Stop Bombing Me

He writes another letter to the president

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi has written a rambling but cordial letter to President Obama in which he wishes him luck in 2012 but pleads with Obama to stop "an unjust war," reports AP . Some excerpts, complete with typos:
  • "You are a man who has enough courage to annul a

250 Migrants Fleeing Libya Missing at Sea

Their boat capsized off the coast of Italy

(Newser) - Unintended casualties of the fighting in Libya: About 250 African refugees fleeing the violence remain missing at sea after their boat capsized near Italy. Authorities managed to rescue about 50 people off the coast of the Italian island of Lampedusa, reports the BBC , but they estimate that 300 people were...

Ex-Congressman to Meet With Gadhafi in Libya

Curt Weldon once proposed selling arms to Tripoli: Wired

(Newser) - A former GOP congressman is in Libya today to meet with Moammar Gadhafi to try to persuade him to step down, reports CNN . "I’ve met him enough times to know that it will be very hard to simply bomb him into submission," writes Curt Weldon in a...

Libyan Rebels Consider Two- State Solution

Rebels creating their own government, infrastructure in east

(Newser) - The Libyan rebels insist they want one state, with Tripoli as its capital, but as the fighting drags on, Benghazi is starting to look an awful lot like the capital of a separate state, with its own government and even its own oil business , the Washington Post observes. “We...

Libyan Rebels to NATO: Do Job Right or Just Stop

Rebel leader complains NATO is slow to react, ignoring Misrata

(Newser) - Libyan rebels are none too pleased with NATO, complaining that Moammar Gadhafi is advancing because of the alliance's inaction. And the harsh words didn't stop there. Rebel leader Abdel Fattah Younes griped that it takes hours for NATO to respond to what's happening on the battlefield, and said that they...

In Libya, Photos Bear Witness to Gadhafi's Torture

Meanwhile, ICC claims Libya ordered killing of civilians

(Newser) - In pictures uncovered by journalists in Zawiyah, the dead prisoners of Moammar Gadhafi's forces are shown naked or clad only in underwear, hands bound, backs scarred. Other pictures depict ominous scenes: Puddles of blood, a saw. The pictures were discovered in a burned-out police station, where one worker pointed to...

Gadhafi's Nurse Dishes on Her Generous 'Papa'

He likes couscous, camel meat, and handing out watches

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi: ruthless dictator ... with a soft spot for couscous and camel meat. That's the portrait painted by Oksana Balinskaya, one of Gadhafi's nurses who returned to Ukraine after war broke out in Libya. "Papa," as she calls him, inspired no complaints amongst his personal staff. "In...

FBI Tracking Down Libyans in US

It's afraid Gadhafi will launch terrorist counterattacks

(Newser) - The FBI has begun questioning the thousands of Libyans living in the US, in the hopes of routing out any that might be agents of Moammar Gadhafi. The interviews, which began this week, will initially focus on people with personal or professional ties to Libya, with a particular emphasis on...

Libya Defector's Money Freed, 'Victims' Fume

Move will encourage others to desert Gadhafi, says administration

(Newser) - The Obama administration has lifted financial sanctions against high-profile Libyan defector Moussa Koussa. The official, formerly Moammar Gadhafi's intelligence chief and foreign minister, is suspected of involvement in numerous terrorist acts over the last 30 years, including the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, and the decision...

Libyan Rebel Commanders Can't Stand Each Other

'They behaved like children' at meeting

(Newser) - As rebel fighters suffered battlefield defeats last week, the movement's ad-hoc leadership council called a meeting of its three top commanders and discovered something disheartening: They can’t stand each other. “They behaved like children,” committee head Fathi Baja tells the New York Times . What’s more, the...

Al-Obeidi: I Was Interrogated for 72 Hours

Libyan who charged rape speaks to reporters after disappearance

(Newser) - A Libyan woman who accused Gadhafi loyalists of rape spoke to CNN today after going missing last week . After authorities hauled Iman al-Obeidi away from reporters, she says she was aggressively questioned for 72 hours, with interrogators tossing food at her and dumping water on her face. “They did...

Why Obama Gets No Credit for Success

His presidency's been about 'preventing disaster,' writes Michael Grunwald

(Newser) - President Obama “prevented an atrocity” in Libya, but no one’s giving him credit. Why? “Because he prevented an atrocity,” writes Michael Grunwald in Time . It’s called the “counterfactual problem:” “It's hard to get credit for avoiding a disaster when it's impossible to...

In Tripoli, Gadhafi Reasserts Control as Support Wanes

No more protests for fear of being 'picked up'

(Newser) - With much of Libya's east firmly in rebel hands, Tripoli and most of western Libya are once again under the control of Moammar Gadhafi. Libyans in the west are no longer taking to the streets, and even in their houses, they are reluctant to talk about the protests. "As...

Al-Qaeda Grabbing Weapons in Libya: Report

RPGs, Kalashnikovs and missiles finding their way into terrorist hands

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda has emerged as a kid in a candy store in Libya, exploiting the conflict to get its hands on such high-powered weapons as anti-tank RPGs, Kalashnikov heavy machine guns, and even surface-to-air missiles, an Algerian security official tells Reuters . According to the official, a convoy of eight Toyota pick-up...

Gadhafi Sons: We'll Oust Dad for Democracy

But family appears split on country's direction

(Newser) - Two of Moammar Gadhafi’s sons have offered a plan for Libya: they would push their father from power, allowing son Seif al-Islam to helm a constitutional democracy, an insider tells the New York Times . It’s not known whether Moammar himself is on board with the proposal, which would...

IRA Bomb Linked to Gadhafi Regime

Defecting foreign ministers may have been involved in Semtex deal

(Newser) - An IRA bomb that killed a young police officer in Northern Ireland may be linked to plastic explosives obtained from Moammar Gadhafi's regime, according to investigators. The IRA purchased a large quantity of the explosive, Semtex, from Libya in the 1980s, reports the Telegraph . Former Libyan foreign minister Moussa Koussa...

Libyan Rebels Get Secret Training

Anonymous rebel says US, Egyptian forces teaching them

(Newser) - There have been reports that the CIA's on the ground in Libya, but al-Jazeera now says that Libyan rebels are receiving covert training and possibly weapons from US and Egyptian special forces. An unnamed rebel tells a Jazeera reporter in Benghazi that rebels had been supplied with "state-of-the-art, heat-seeking...

Nicholas Kristof: Libya Intervention Could Teach Us It's OK to Stop Genocide
 Libya's Lesson: 
 It's OK to Stop 


Libya's Lesson: It's OK to Stop Genocide

Stopping atrocities is most important, even if inconsistent

(Newser) - The US intervention into the bloody unrest in Libya has drawn a wide range of criticisms—President Obama has not explained US objectives, there's no exit strategy, it's inconsistent to get involved in Libya and not elsewhere—and "those critics are all right," writes Nicholas Kristof in the...

Gadhafi Regime Rejects 'Mad' Ceasefire Offer

Rebels offer truce if regime pulls back troops, allows protests

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's regime scoffed at a ceasefire offer from rebels yesterday and continued to attack rebel-held areas in the east and west of the country. The leader of the rebels' national council offered a ceasefire if Gadhafi's forces withdrew from besieged cities and allowed peaceful protests against the regime, reports...

David Brooks: President Barack Obama in Libya: Wrong Words, Right Strategy

 Obama in Libya: 
 Wrong Words, 
 Right Moves 

david brooks

Obama in Libya: Wrong Words, Right Moves

US pushes loyalists to defect, hopes for regime change: David Brooks

(Newser) - There’s a big gap between what the US is doing in Libya and how the administration is describing it—and while the White House’s explanation is "maddeningly ambiguous," the actual operation is right on, writes David Brooks in the New York Times . Regime change is the...

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