
Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

Gadhafi May Be Hiding Weapons at Historic Site

Development could endanger Roman ruins at Leptis Magna

(Newser) - Libyan rebels say Moammar Gadhafi is hiding weapons at a UNESCO World Heritage site—and if arms are there, NATO won’t "rule out" bombing it, CNN reports. "We will strike military vehicles, military forces, military equipment or military infrastructure that threaten Libyan civilians as necessary,” said...

Clinton Urges Africans to Abandon Gadhafi

African Union leaders should adopt democratic reforms, Clinton says

(Newser) - It's time for Moammar Gadhafi's remaining African allies to defriend the dictator, Hillary Clinton told African leaders yesterday. Clinton, the first American secretary of state to address the African Union, warned the 53-member organization that without reforms, other African leaders could fall to uprisings like the ones sweeping...

While Libyans Battle, Gadhafi Plays Chess

Libyan leader apparently had nothing better to do...?

(Newser) - His country is being bombed and he’s now a legitimate target of NATO , but Moammar Gadhafi nonetheless took time out of his busy schedule last night … to play chess. The Libyan leader appeared on state television playing against World Chess Federation President and Russian provincial governor Kirsan Ilyumzhinov,...

Rebels Launch Surprise Attacks in West Libya

Taking the oil port of Zawiyah could be devastating to Gadhafi

(Newser) - Surprise rebel attacks all over western Libya, including on the vital oil port of Zawiyah, could be the first step of a big push toward Tripoli, reports the Washington Post . “They are making very good progress,” said a rebel spokesman. “I think we’re headed for the...

Gadhafi Sends Congress a Thank-You Note

He's so glad they criticized Obama

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's letters are bizarre to say the least, and his latest doesn't do much to change that perception. In a note sent to Congress, he thanks them for scolding President Obama regarding his involvement in the attacks against Libya. "I want to express my sincere gratitude...

Suspects in PlayStation Attack Arrested in Spain

Alleged members of Anonymous accused of hitting Sony

(Newser) - It's game over for three alleged Spanish hackers. Police in Spain arrested three men suspected in the online attacks against Sony, including one that shut down the PlayStation Network for a month. The men—all in their early 30s—are alleged leaders of a local branch of the international...

International Leaders Pledge $1B to Back Libyan Rebels

Gadhafi regime close to exit: officials

(Newser) - Countries that stepped into the Libyan conflict are promising $1 billion in support for the rebel cause. The pledge from nations including Italy, France, Turkey, and Australia is backed in large part by Libyan assets, notes the New York Times , but some legal considerations still stand between the money and...

Gates: NATO Full of Freeloaders

Outgoing defense secretary says US picking up tab for Europe's defense

(Newser) - Robert Gates had some harsh words for NATO today, saying that many of the US’ allies are “apparently willing and eager for American taxpayers to assume the growing security burden left by reductions in European defense budgets.” Gates was speaking at a think tank in Brussels, where his...

NATO: Gadhafi Is a Legitimate Target

UN resolution authorizes killing leader, official says

(Newser) - As NATO jets continue to pound Tripoli, a senior military official in the alliance refused to tell CNN whether Moammar Gadhafi was being directly targeted. He did, however, stress that the leader, as head of the Libyan military, is a "legitimate target" to protect civilians. The UN resolution authorizing...

Slain Libyan Journalist's Wife Has Baby, Posts Video

Mo Nabbous was killed by sniper while working

(Newser) - A Libyan citizen journalist and CNN contributor who started his own Livestream news channel was killed by a sniper while reporting—but his legacy lives on, thanks to a tribute from his wife and baby daughter. Perdita Nabbous, who was pregnant when Mohammed “Mo” Nabbous died, posted a video...

Hillary Clinton: Gadhafi Broaching Possible Exit

Libyan leader's closest aides proposing a 'transition'

(Newser) - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she is aware of "numerous and continuing" overtures by people close to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to negotiate his departure from power. Proposals from "people close to Gadhafi" presented to unspecified countries include the "potential for a transition," Clinton...

Goldman Sachs May Face Bribery Charge in Libya Deal

Securities regulators investigating attempt to help Gadhafi recoup money

(Newser) - Securities regulators are looking into the possibility that Goldman Sachs may have broken anti-bribery laws by offering to pay Libya’s Sovereign Wealth Fund $50 million in penance for losing almost all of the money it invested with them. The deal was never actually completed, but just offering it may...

Mass Rapes Were Gadhafi's Idea: ICC

Chief prosecutor alleges Libyan leader planned everything

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi himself ordered the mass rape of women in Libya, according to the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor. Luis Moreno-Ocampo had accused Gadhafi’s troops of the rapes previously, but had not yet determined who organized them. Now he says Gadhafi made the decision and that authorities then...

Gadhafi Loyalists Launch Mammoth Misrata Attack

Thousands of troops attack rebel-held city

(Newser) - Forces loyal to increasingly cornered Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi launched a major offensive against the rebel-held city of Misrata yesterday. Thousands of troops attacked the city and it was shelled from three sides, a rebel leader tells CNN . Rebel fighters say their defenses held up under the onslaught, but at...

NATO Pounds Gadhafi Compound

Leader appears increasingly isolated amid sharp escalation

(Newser) - NATO continued to pound Moammar Gadhafi's compound into the wee hours today, dropping a total of 80 bombs on it and other targets around Tripoli, reports the New York Times. The compound was largely decimated in the shelling, and Gadhafi's whereabouts remain unknown, though he taunted NATO in...

Gadhafi's Daughter Sues NATO as Raids Intensify

Moammar speech: 'We will not kneel!'

(Newser) - Lawyers for Moammar Gadhafi's daughter filed suits today in Paris and Brussels, claiming war crimes by NATO and the alleged assassination in late April of four of the Libyan leader's relatives . State prosecutors said officials are assessing whether the case from Aisha Gadhafi can be admitted, a process...

Libyan Rape Accuser at Romanian Refugee Center

But UN rep won't say where Iman al-Obeidi will eventually end up

(Newser) - Iman al-Obeidi, the Libyan woman who made headlines when she claimed Moammar Gadhafi's troops raped her, is at a UN refugee center in Romania. Al-Obeidi had gone from Libya to Tunisia to Qatar, but was expelled from Qatar back to Benghazi on Thursday. A UN spokesperson confirmed that al-Obeidi...

Obama Unites Parties ... Against His Libya Evasions

It's time for him to obey the War Powers Resolution

(Newser) - President Obama has finally gotten Democrats and Republicans to agree on something. Unfortunately for him, it’s their distaste for his “odd stand on the Libyan war’s legality,” a Washington Times editorial observes. With this resolution , Congress told the president that his present stance on Libya—that...

Libya Rape Victim en Route to US

Iman al-Obeidi had been expelled from Qatar, returned to native Benghazi

(Newser) - Iman al-Obeidi, the Libyan who broke through Moammar Gadhafi's media control to accuse his troops of gang rape, is headed to the United States. Al-Obeidi had been staying in Qatar until that nation inexplicably expelled her Thursday, and she ended up back in her native Benghazi. Al-Obeidi's sister...

House Scolds Obama on Libya

But it rejects more drastic measure demanding withdrawal

(Newser) - President Obama has two weeks to convince Congress that involvement in attacks against Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi are in the best interest of the US, according to a resolution approved on Capitol Hill today. The House criticized the president for moving ahead with the 76-day-old military campaign without seeking congressional...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>