
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Anguished Pats Nation: Say It Ain't So, Bill

Coach apologizes as cameragate spying taints top team

(Newser) - After a Patriots employee was caught videotaping the Jets coaches signaling during Sunday's blowout in the Meadowlands, commissioner Roger Goodell is weighing the punishment for football's most stacked team. Patriots Coach Bill Belichick said he was sorry about the incident. "I want to apologize to everyone who has been...

Mugabe Critic Quits Over Sex Scandal

Archbishop's supporters suspect regime is behind adultery lawsuit

(Newser) - An archbishop and prominent critic of Robert Mugabe's regime has resigned his Catholic Church leadership position after being accused of having an affair with a married woman. Pius Ncube remains a bishop, and his supporters say they see the authoritarian Zimbabwean regime behind the scandal, which Ncube calls "a...

Craig Moves to Retract Guilty Plea

Strategy could delay resignation and stave off ethics probe

(Newser) - Toe-tapping Senator Larry Craig will file a motion today to retract his guilty plea to charges linked to allegedly soliciting sex in a public men's room. Minnesota law allows convicts to recant pleas if they can prove they were not intelligently made, but such strategies rarely succeed. The legal proceedings...

Craig Lawyer Courts Public Opinion, Too

Billy Martin has done damage control for Lewinsky, Vick

(Newser) - The man embattled Sen. Larry Craig turned to in his quest to clear his name, DC superstar lawyer Billy Martin, is a master at both legal strategy and managing public opinion, Politico reports. He shepherded the Lewinsky family through the Clinton sex scandal, positioned Wesley Snipes as the "victim...

Sen. Larry Craig Resigns
Sen. Larry Craig Resigns

Sen. Larry Craig Resigns

Apologizes for 'what I have caused'; thanks governor for support

(Newser) - Idaho Sen. Larry Craig held a press conference this morning to announce his resignation at the end of September. Noting the presence of his family and Gov. Butch Otter behind him, he said, "For any public official at this moment in time to be standing with Larry Craig is,...

Gonzo's Exit Handcuffs White House
Gonzo's Exit Handcuffs
White House

Gonzo's Exit Handcuffs White House

New prosecutor will probe prez, Bork argues in National Review

(Newser) - Dems will blitz Bush with document hunts and witness prep until election 2008, Robert Bork argues in the National Review, by demanding a special prosecutor along with the next attorney general. "A special prosecutor with unlimited funds, a soon-developed addiction to publicity, and a broad mandate" will go after...

Republican Scandal Level Approaches Self-Parody

GOP insider: 'You can’t make this stuff up'

(Newser) - Sen. Larry Craig's bathroom toe tap is only the latest in a seemingly endless string of scandal that has Republicans at wit's end, the NY Times reports. Such episodes are fueling voter suspicion of a party already tied to an unpopular president and the Iraq war. "We are approaching...

Idaho Paper Spills Years of Dirt on Craig

Some question why story wasn't released earlier

(Newser) - The Idaho Statesman today released the results of a five-month investigation into charges of sexual improprieties against Sen. Larry Craig—including an encounter in a Washington, D.C., train station described to the paper by the other man. The paper held the story for months after Craig denied the allegations....

Senator Caught in Men's Room Sex Sting

Pled guilty in return for suspended jail term

(Newser) - Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig was arrested after allegedly soliciting sex from a male plainclothes police officer in a men's room at Minneapolis airport June 11. The incident is  spelled out in graphic detail in Roll Call, which obtained the arrest report. August 8th, Craig appeared in the Hennepin County...

Thompson Balanced in Probes
Thompson Balanced in Probes

Thompson Balanced in Probes

Thompson split difference between partisanship and truth

(Newser) - With a critical role in several high-profile congressional investigations over three decades, Fred Thompson struggled to balance investigating targets and defending them. In its effort to illuminate the presidential hopeful’s political biography, the Times looks at Thompson’s role in the Watergate hearings, the probe into Reagan’s CIA...

Summer of Scandals Leaves BBC in Crisis

Top anchor accuses net of 'catastrophic loss of nerve'

(Newser) - The Brits are having a crisis of conscience over the BBC: A summer of scandals has left the BBC's squeaky-clean image compromised. The UK's public broadcaster has aired rigged call-in games, sneakily edited news stories, and credulity-straining reality shows. A leading broadcaster charges the station has suffered "a catastrophic...

Disgraced Ref Breaks Silence, Says He's Sorry

Donaghy retreats to Fla. home to await sentencing, possible other charges

(Newser) - Tim Donaghy spoke directly to the press yesterday for the first time since the scandal surrounding the ex-NBA ref broke, but with his sentence pending and reports of possible charges in other jurisdictions swirling, he wasn't able to say much. "I'm very sorry about what happened," the confessed...

Thailand Orders Arrest of Ex-PM
Thailand Orders Arrest of Ex-PM

Thailand Orders Arrest of Ex-PM

(Newser) - After failing to appear in a Bangkok court to hear charges that he abused power while in office, Thailand's deposed PM is now a fugitive of justice. The country's Supreme Court has issued a warrant for the arrest of Thaksin Shinawatra, who took refuge with his wife in England last...

Spin Control: A Scandal Survival Guide

A high-profile madam (you know the one) has your number. What do you do?

(Newser) - You thought you were safe by confining your philandering to professionals, but now the cat's out of the bag. Portfolio offers tips for controlling the damage:
  1. Tell your spouse
  2. If you know you'll be ratted out, fess up first
  3. Go directly to the press
  4. Act quickly, then move on

Lance&rsquo;s Team Bites the Dust
Lance’s Team Bites the Dust

Lance’s Team Bites the Dust

Biking outfit loses sponsorship amid doping scandals

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong’s former cycling team is shutting down after failing to find a new corporate sponsor. The Discovery Channel squad would normally have no trouble staying afloat after one of its riders won the Tour de France this summer, the New York Times reports. But  doping scandals have...

Bush Aide Stonewalls Senators
Bush Aide Stonewalls Senators

Bush Aide Stonewalls Senators

Rove snubs Judiciary Committee; 29-year-old staffer pleads for sympathy

(Newser) - Karl Rove didn't show up, but the White House sent a 29-year-old aide to field Senate Judiciary Committee questions about the US attorney firings today. Scott Jennings, the first administration figure to testify while still in office, followed the path laid out by ex-boss Sara Taylor in refusing to answer...

Fed Raid on Stevens Casts Pall on Senate

Scandal-plagued colleague attracts tepid support, challenges ethics bill

(Newser) - Already shell-shocked Senate Republicans are lending only tepid support to Ted Stevens, the Politico reports. Both parties are withholding judgment on the Alaskan elder statesman until the federal corruption probe that came to light this week is complete, and they won't pressure the 83-year-old to quit his committee posts unless...

Let Gonzo Off the Perjury Hook
Let Gonzo
Off the
Perjury Hook

Let Gonzo Off the Perjury Hook

He's a creep but not a criminal, says Post ’s Marcus

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales’ Senate testimony last week was a disgraceful exercise in dodging, but the perjury charge Democratic senators have been hawking ever since doesn’t hold water, says  the Washington Post’s lefty Ruth Marcus. In an “unexpected position,” the writer defends Gonzales, saying he may have minced...

Japanese PM Refuses to Pack It In
Japanese PM Refuses to
Pack It In

Japanese PM Refuses to Pack It In

After crushing defeat, Shinzo Abe holds on as political gridlock looms

(Newser) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will keep his job despite a humiliating defeat for his ruling party in Sunday's election, party officials said today. Only 10 months into his term, Abe and his Liberal Democratic Party lost their majority as voters reacted to a series of government scandals. Now government...

Ex-Qwest CEO Gets 6 Years
Ex-Qwest CEO Gets 6 Years

Ex-Qwest CEO Gets 6 Years

Nacchio's insider-trading penalty includes paying $71M

(Newser) - Qwest's former CEO was sentenced to 6 years in prison today for engaging in insider trading while the company's stock plummeted. Joseph Nacchio committed "crimes of overarching greed,'' a federal judge in Denver said as he fined him $19 million in addition to the $52 million he must...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>