
Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>

WHO Wants to Trace Pandemic to Its Beginning

Standing group also will make plans to deal with other outbreaks

(Newser) - The World Health Organization has tried before to discover the origins of the coronavirus but found no clear answer, at least partly because of a lack of cooperation from China. But the organization launched a second attempt Wednesday by naming a more formal, standing panel of scientists to what it'...

Xi Jinping Warns World to Butt Out of 'Taiwan Question'

Chinese leader says he hopes to keep things 'peaceful,' but that 'reunification ... must be realized'

(Newser) - Tensions have been growing of late between China and Taiwan, with an incursion last weekend of Chinese fighter jets into Taiwan's air defense zone, and Taiwan's defense chief stressing the "urgency" of the situation. On Saturday, Chinese President Xi Jinping noted he wants all remain to peaceful...

Taiwan Defense Chief: China Could Soon Mount 'Full-Scale' Invasion

Chiu Kuo-cheng says tensions are worst in 40 years

(Newser) - After a weekend incursion of Chinese fighter jets into Taiwan's air defense zone, relations between the two states are—well, not great. In fact, Taiwan's defense chief on Wednesday said that military tensions with China are the "most serious" they've been in more than four decades,...

Evergrande Indicates News of 'Major Transaction' Coming

Shares in the company were suspended from trading Monday in Hong Kong

(Newser) - Shares in the beleaguered China Evergrande Group were suspended from trading by the Hong Kong exchange Monday ahead of what the company says is "an announcement containing inside information about a major transaction." The Guardian reports that generated buzz that it would be selling its profitable property management...

China Buzzes Taiwan Zone With Scores of Military Aircraft

US wants an end to the flights it calls concerning and provocative

(Newser) - Scores of Chinese fighter jets have encroached on Taiwan's air defense zone in the past few days, an action threatening enough to cause the self-ruled island to scramble its own military aircraft. Taiwan reported 16 incursions on Sunday, 39 on Saturday, and 38 on Friday—the most ever, NBC...

On China's National Day, HK Cops Break Up 4-Person Protest

Demonstrators chanted pro-democracy slogans

(Newser) - Police in Hong Kong halted a four-person pro-democracy protest on China’s National Day Friday amid an expanding crackdown on free speech and opposition politics. Chanting and carrying a placard calling for the release of Hong Kongers arrested in the crackdown and chanting pro-democracy slogans, the four members of the...

Gen. Milley Defends His Calls to China Before Congress

'My job was to de-escalate,' he testifies

(Newser) - The top US military official appeared before Congress on Tuesday and defended controversial calls he made to his Chinese counterparts near the end of the Trump administration. While critics have accused Milley of overstepping his authority, he said the calls were just part of his job:
  • 'De-escalate': Milley said

Detained Huawei CFO Headed Back to China After US Deal

Meng Wanzhou had been held on fraud charges in Canada since 2018, awaiting extradition to US

(Newser) - For nearly three years, Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou has been detained in Canada, awaiting extradition to the United States on fraud charges. On Friday, all of that changed, as the US and China reached an agreement and the US Justice Department dropped its extradition request, allowing Meng to go free,...

Closely Watched Deadline in China Passes in Silence

Investors in limbo as Evergrande does not make payment

(Newser) - The world's financial markets waited anxiously all day Thursday to see what the teetering Chinese behemoth Evergrande would do as a big bond payment came due. Aaaand ... crickets. The real estate conglomerate on the brink of default made no public statements, and, more crucially, apparently did not make the...

Lithuania to Citizens: Dump Those Phones From China

Nation warns that devices from Huawei, others could be vulnerable to cyberattacks, censoring

(Newser) - Citizens in Lithuania may want to double-check what country their smartphones were made in, as there's now a new warning out from the defense ministry telling them to dump devices manufactured in one particular country. "Our recommendation is to not buy new Chinese phones, and to get rid...

China&#39;s &#39;Lehman Moment&#39;? Wall Street Is Skeptical
All Eyes on How Beijing
Handles a Financial Landmine
the rundown

All Eyes on How Beijing Handles a Financial Landmine

Developer Evergrande could be about to default and collapse

(Newser) - US markets tanked on Monday , and those reading about the plunge would have learned that much of the blame was placed on a Chinese company called Evergrande. Which may have prompted many to wonder: What on earth is Evergrande and why did it dent my 401K? Coverage:
  • The company: Evergrande

One Man Has Lost $27B So Far This Year

China's Colin Huang has the world's biggest wealth drop in 2021

(Newser) - Colin Huang is still a very rich man, estimated to be worth $35 billion by Bloomberg . But the founder of Chinese e-commerce business Pinduoduo also has the distinction of having lost more money this year than anyone else in the world—more than $27 billion. That is by far the...

Milley Defends China Calls in First Public Comments

Top military leader says they were 'routine,' will go into more detail before Congress

(Newser) - The nation's top military officer has offered his first public comments on the controversy over his newly revealed calls to China in the waning days of the Trump administration. In an interview with the AP , Gen. Mark Milley says the calls were above board. Coverage:
  • In defense: Milley, chairman

New Outbreak Grows as China Announces 1B Vaccinations

More than 300 cases have been detected in Fujian

(Newser) - China has reported another 62 cases of COVID-19, even as the number of fully vaccinated Chinese citizens has topped 1 billion. All but one of the cases was detected over the previous 24 hours in the eastern coastal province of Fujian in China’s latest outbreak of the delta variant,...

US, UK, Australia Form New Security Alliance
China Slams New
US-UK-Australia Pact

China Slams New US-UK-Australia Pact

Deal will give Australia its first nuclear subs

(Newser) - President Biden was joined via videolink by the leaders of Australia and the UK on Wednesday to announce AUKUS—a new security alliance between the three countries in the Indo-Pacific region. The pact, which includes a deal to equip Australia with its first nuclear-powered submarines, is widely seen as an...

White House Says Biden Had 'Broad' Discussion With Xi

It was their first phone call in 7 months

(Newser) - President Biden spoke with China's Xi Jinping on Thursday amid growing frustration on the American side that high-level engagement between the two leaders' top advisers has been largely unfruitful in the early going of the Biden presidency. Biden initiated the call with Xi, the second between the two leaders...

Tiananmen Vigil Organizers Charged With Subversion

Hong Kong police seize items from June 4 museum

(Newser) - Three leaders of the group that organized an annual Tiananmen candlelight vigil were being held in custody Friday after they were charged with subversion under Hong Kong's national security law, as authorities intensify a crackdown on dissent in the city. The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic...

Fallout at Alibaba After Worker Details Rape Allegations
Alibaba Manager Accused
of Rape Is Released

Alibaba Manager Accused of Rape Is Released

Authorities in China say his 'forcible indecency' does not constitute a crime

(Newser) - Update: Authorities in China on Monday dropped a rape case against a former manager at Alibaba, saying that his actions did not constitute a crime, reports the New York Times . The man was released after 15 days of detention. He had been arrested after a female Alibaba employee went public...

China Bans 'Sissy Men' From National Airwaves

Government tells broadcasters not to show males deemed too effeminate

(Newser) - China’s government banned effeminate men on TV and told broadcasters Thursday to promote "revolutionary culture," broadening a campaign to tighten control over business and society and enforce official morality, per the AP . President Xi Jinping has called for a "national rejuvenation," with tighter Communist Party...

China's New Law: No Video Games on School Nights

And children can only play for one hour per day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

(Newser) - China just put a new law in place that's sure to have Americans of all ages doing a double-take. Kids can no longer play videos games on school nights. What's more, they can play for only one hour per night on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from 8 to...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>