
Stories 3181 - 3200 | << Prev   Next >>

China Blocks iTunes Over Pro-Tibet Album

Compilation was offered free to Olympians

(Newser) - The Chinese government has blocked access to Apple’s iTunes music store for providing free downloads of a pro-Tibet compilation to Olympic athletes, the Telegraph reports. Users reported a blackout Monday, shortly after the Campaign for Tibet notes that 40 Olympians had downloaded the record. Only the Chinese iTunes store...

China Overtakes US as Top Market for Japan Goods

Exports to US from Japan fall for 11th consecutive month

(Newser) - China imported $11.8 billion in Japanese goods in July, MarketWatch reports, barely surpassing the US as the world’s largest importer of products and services from Japan for the first time. The 11.5% drop in shipments to the US was the 11th consecutive month of declines; exports to...

China Sentences 2 Aged Women to 'Re-education'

Pair, nearly 80, face forced labor for attempt at housing protest

(Newser) - Officials in Beijing had promised that Chinese could hold demonstrations during the Olympics, so long as they applied for permission. But of 77 applications, none have been approved—and now, writes the New York Times, two old women upset about the small compensation for the demolition of their homes have...

Mao Successor Hua Dies at 87
 Mao Successor Hua Dies at 87

Mao Successor Hua Dies at 87

'Gang of Four' arrest credited with preventing civil war

(Newser) - Hua Guofeng, the man who succeeded Mao Zedong as China’s second Communist leader, died today at age 87, the Daily Telegraph reports. Guofeng was most noted for arresting the “Gang of Four,” a group of radicals, led by Mao’s widow, bent on miring China in isolated...

Public Recreation Suffers as China Pays Olympic Bills

Exercise options include illegal swims in a frozen lake

(Newser) - While elite athletes reap the benefits of Beijing’s lavish Olympic spending, Chinese citizens complain that public recreation programs are suffering, reports NPR. The government has directed $430 million to public sports facilities since 2000, but that’s only half its annual budget for training athletes. “Government resources aren't...

Chinese Adoption: Anguish Along With Joy
 Chinese Adoption: 
 Anguish Along With Joy 

Chinese Adoption: Anguish Along With Joy

One woman's reflections on life with her adopted daughter

(Newser) - A proud but troubled mother of an adopted Chinese girl is wondering how to cope. Diane Clehane grieves for the woman who was forced to give up little Madeline under China's "one child" policy, she writes in Vanity Fair. She also wonders how to explain it to Madeline without...

China Likely to Use Georgia War to Justify Crackdowns

Beijing sees conflict as new lesson to keep minorities in line

(Newser) - The Chinese government will likely seize upon the Georgia conflict to justify crackdowns on its own separatists in Tibet and Xinjiang, according to a Bloomberg analysis. Chinese officials view the Georgia conflict "as the result of Russia's inability to control the country," and they don't want to make...

Hostesses Wow after Grueling Preparation
Hostesses Wow after Grueling Preparation

Hostesses Wow after Grueling Preparation

Stand-and-smile boot camp preceded duty at medal ceremonies

(Newser) - The hostesses helping to hand out medals at the Beijing Olympics are earning high praise for their glamor and grace. But while they make their jobs look simple, a whopping amount of training and a meticulous selection process brought the women to the world stage. Candidates were chosen using precise...

Obscure Tiebreaker Gives China's He Gold Over Liukin

0.033 margin on deductions puts American in second place in uneven bars

(Newser) - Chinese gymnast He Kexin won a gold medal on the women’s uneven bars today, despite exactly same score as American Nastia Liukin, the New York Times reports. Liukin and He each scored 16.725, but since gymnastics no longer gives out dual medals, He was awarded the gold, thanks...

China Seizes US Missionaries' Bibles

Christian group refuses to leave airport without their books

(Newser) - Four American Christians whose Bibles were confiscated by authorities are refusing to leave a Chinese airport until the books are returned. The Vision Beyond Borders group had planned to distribute 315 Chinese-language Bibles during the Olympics, but religious proselytizing is banned in China, reports AP. Bibles in China are legally...

Hurdler Drops Out, Stunning China

Liu had been one of China's favorite storylines

(Newser) - Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang, whose rock-star status had made him his nation's favorite Olympic storyline, dropped out of his first race today after just two painful steps, the Washington Post reports. Liu had recovered from a hamstring injury since pulling out of a May 31 meet in New York, but...

In China and Russia, a 'Springtime for Autocrats'
In China and Russia,
a 'Springtime for Autocrats'

In China and Russia, a 'Springtime for Autocrats'

Is the Age of Authoritarianism upon us?

(Newser) - The autocratic world powers that were crumbling in the late 1980s may yet have their day, and sooner than we think, writes executive editor Bill Keller in the New York Times. As China keeps its stranglehold on free speech despite promises to the IOC, and Russia tests how far it...

Another Global Crisis, Another Vacation
 Global Crisis,
 Another Vacation

Another Global Crisis, Another Vacation

President still not taking job seriously: Dowd

(Newser) - “America’s back in the cold war and W.’s back on vacation,” writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times, observing that as another global crisis begins, the president is again failing to take it seriously. After condemning Russia’s push into Georgia, Bush skipped off...

Why China's Rooting for Us
 Why China's Rooting for Us

Why China's Rooting for Us

(Newser) - China hopes that its Olympic team will do the country proud—but many Chinese are openly rooting for US athletes. Why the love? Francesco Sisci, an Italian diplomat who lives there and whose wife is Chinese, writes in the Washington Post that the idea of "America," even with...

Cops Turn China Protesters Into Propaganda

Beijing police feed arrested visitors fried chicken, deport them

(Newser) - The Rev. Patrick Mahoney posed for pictures during his interrogation in Beijing—half of it, anyway. Over 7 hours, police ran a classic good cop/bad cop routine on Mahoney, who had unfurled a “Jesus Christ is King” banner in Tiananmen Square, he tells the Washington Post. "They wanted...

Twitter Helps Chinese Blogger Tell His Story
Twitter Helps Chinese Blogger Tell His Story

Twitter Helps Chinese Blogger Tell His Story

Citizen journalist is forced to leave Beijing, but he plans to return

(Newser) - Twitter gets a bad rap for its often less-than-substantive musings, but every now and then the service proves its "true potential" as an Internet tool, writes Mathew Ingram in the Toronto Globe and Mail. Case in point: When a Chinese citizen journalist recently traveled to Beijing, the authorities hustled...

Pickup Ping-Pong Rules Chinese Playgrounds

Columnist gets schooled playing pick-up in Beijing

(Newser) - China’s domination in table tennis is well documented—the top nine players in the world are Chinese, and the country nearly always takes the gold medal. But the LA Times’ Bill Plaschke wanted to see the sport in its natural habitat: in the park. Ping-pong tables dot Beijing the...

Foreign Adoption Getting Harder
Foreign Adoption
Getting Harder

Foreign Adoption Getting Harder

Could be boon for thousands in US foster care

(Newser) - Heightened awareness of child trafficking and improving economies abroad are making it harder for Americans to adopt foreign kids. US officials are taking a closer look at visa applications and discouraging adoptions from countries that don’t comply with a new international adoption agreement, USA Today reports. At the same...

China Defends 'Olympic Karaoke'
 China Defends
 'Olympic Karaoke'

China Defends 'Olympic Karaoke'

Bucktoothed girl not 'flawless' enough for Olympic image

(Newser) - Chinese officials are defending Friday’s lip-synched performance of its national anthem, reports the AP. "There were a number of candidates to sing that song and at the end of the day the artistic directors picked the best voice and the best performer," a spokesman said. The actual...

Chinese Dancer Paralyzed in Fall
 Chinese Dancer Paralyzed in Fall

Chinese Dancer Paralyzed in Fall

Liu Yan was rehearsing for opening ceremonies; may never walk again

(Newser) - One of China’s top classical dancers may have been paralyzed for life during rehearsals for the Olympics' opening ceremonies, the New York Times reports. Liu Yan was to perform the show’s only solo number, until she missed a jump to a malfunctioning platform 12 days ago, falling 10...

Stories 3181 - 3200 | << Prev   Next >>