
Stories 2721 - 2740 | << Prev   Next >>

Ford in Deal to Sell Volvo to Chinese

Final agreement with China's Geely expected early next year

(Newser) - Ford says it is close to selling its loss-making Volvo unit to China's Geely and expects a final deal in the first quarter of next year. "All substantive commercial terms relating to the potential sale have been settled," Ford said in a statement. Ford chose Geely as the...

Tibetan Mastiff Fever Sweeps China

Majestic breed becomes status symbol

(Newser) - A dog bred to guard farms and herds on the Tibetan plateau has become the latest status symbol for China's wealthy elite. Purebred Tibetan mastiffs, one of the biggest breeds of dogs, can sell for over $500,000 in China. Celebrity mastiffs, weighing in at close to 180 pounds, can...

Obama's Pact Is Slap at Progressive Ideals

Copenhagen deal creates 'league of super-polluters'

(Newser) - The Copenhagen climate deal President Obama struck with China, India and South Africa flies in the face of progressive values, environmental writer Bill McKibben rages. Here’s how:
  • Obama made the UN obsolete: “The clear point is, you poor nations can spout off all you want on questions like

Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions
Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions
climate summit

Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions

Copenhagen summit yields basic deal to fight climate change

(Newser) - President Obama and the leaders of China, India, and South Africa reached a "meaningful agreement" tonight in Copenhagen on steps to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the White House announced. The deal requires the nations of the world to list their actions to curb emissions and sets up a framework...

Obama, Wen Meet, Report 'Progress'
 Wen Meet, 
copenhagen talks

Obama, Wen Meet, Report 'Progress'

But world leaders still seem far apart on fundamental issues

(Newser) - The two men who hold the fate of the Copenhagen climate talks in their hands met face-to-face for nearly an hour today. President Obama and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao discussed a possible accord, with the White House saying only that they "made progress." Earlier, Obama declared that the...

Obama Challenges China: We Need Emission Monitors

President addresses Copenhagen summit, urges action

(Newser) - President Obama took direct aim this morning at China's resistance to climate change monitoring, saying any deal that emerged from Copenhagen "would be empty words on a page" without such measures. They “need not be intrusive, or infringe upon sovereignty,” said Obama. The issue's been a sticking...

China Bans Personal Web Sites
China Bans
Personal Web Sites

China Bans Personal Web Sites

Only businesses may launch sites

(Newser) - China has banned individuals from registering personal domain names as part of its toughest crackdown yet on the Internet. Anyone seeking to register web sites must now supply a business license under the new regulations. Millions of existing web sites in China are being checked and will be taken offline...

Copenhagen Summit a Face-off Between US, China
Copenhagen Summit a Face-off Between US, China 

Copenhagen Summit a Face-off Between US, China

Tensions flaring over whether China deserves international aid

(Newser) - The Copenhagen talks are starting to look like an economic face-off between Washington and Beijing, with the US concerned by China’s growing footprint and China accusing the US of not living up to its responsibilities. Nearly half the growth in global greenhouse gas emissions over the next 20 years...

New Proposals Boost Hopes of Copenhagen Deal
New Proposals Boost Hopes of Copenhagen Deal
climate summit

New Proposals Boost Hopes of Copenhagen Deal

Negotiators appear ready to extend, build on Kyoto protocol

(Newser) - New draft proposals at the Copenhagen summit have renewed optimism that negotiators will find consensus on a substantial deal. One plan would renew and extend the Kyoto protocol—this time, presumably, with a US endorsement—which is set to expire in 2012. Another draft proposal, framed as a "Kyoto...

Developing Nations Were In on 'Danish Text'
 Developing Nations 
 Were In on 'Danish Text' 
CLIMATE summit

Developing Nations Were In on 'Danish Text'

China, India helped draft leaked agreement they railed against

(Newser) - The “Danish text”—the leaked climate change agreement that infuriated developing nations in Copenhagen and sparked accusations of bullying by rich countries—was actually drafted by a group that included China, India, and Brazil, among other countries. They had “input into the process and product” of the...

China Binges on Luxury Cars
 China Binges on Luxury Cars 

China Binges on Luxury Cars

Mercedes, BMW, Audi get big bump from the dragon

(Newser) - The hottest new market for luxury cars is China, where Mercedes, Audi, and BMW all reported huge increases in sales in November. Mercedes delivered 8,700 cars to China last month, the company said, “nearly three times the number sold in November 2008.” Audi sales more than doubled...

Panda Fever Spreads to Crocs, Elephants

Thai zookeepers paint other endagered animals to compete

(Newser) - Panda fever is so intense in Thailand, since the birth of its cub, Li Ping, last May, that zookeepers are painting crocs and elephants in panda colors just to get some of the attention. Li Pang, whose parents are on loan from China, has millions of fans and a 24-hour...

DC's Beloved Panda Headed for China

Capital glum as Tai Shan's time runs out

(Newser) - The panda bear once called Washington's most important citizen by its mayor will soon be departing the capital for a homeland he's never seen. Tai Shan, born at the National Zoo in 2005, has always been Chinese property, and zoo officials are expected to announce his imminent return to China...

Chinese Weddings Fuel Real Estate Boom

Newlyweds help boost property prices by 80%

(Newser) - The biggest wedding boom in history is helping power China's economic growth and may push its housing market into dangerously overinflated territory. Children of China's baby boomers are coming of age in the tens of millions, and as coddled only-children who did not inherit their parents' thrift, are throwing lavish...

Chinese Gene Mapping Links Dialects, Disease

Study of 8,200 Chinese from north and south shows .3% variation

(Newser) - A massive gene study of ethnic Chinese in the north and south of the country has revealed key divergences that correspond to dialect groups and could account for some hereditary diseases. The study of 8,200 people from 10 provinces and Singapore found significant variation in .3% of the genome,...

Big Thinkers Reflect on 2009, Make 2010 Predictions
Big Thinkers Reflect on 2009,
Make 2010 Predictions
keep one eye on iran

Big Thinkers Reflect on 2009, Make 2010 Predictions

China ascendant, Pakistan dangerous, Iran is one to watch

(Newser) - Foreign Policy asked 100 luminaries—from Bill Clinton to Francis Fukuyama to David Petraeus—to weigh in on just what happened in the past year, and what the future holds. Some of their opinions and predictions:
  • Obama's doing all right: The average rating for Obama's first year in office

China Jails Radical US Environmentalist

He is sentenced to 3 years in prison on drug charges

(Newser) - An environmental activist from New Jersey who faces arson charges in the US has been sentenced to 3 years in prison in China on drug charges. Justin Solondz, 30, had been hiding out under a pseudonym in the mountainous town of Dali, which the New York Times describes as a...

Garlic Investors Smell Money
 Garlic Investors Smell Money 

Garlic Investors Smell Money

Hoarding, speculation create garlic millionaires in China

(Newser) - A massive rise in demand for garlic is making plenty of people in China stinking rich. Prices in China—the world's largest garlic producer by far—have risen 15-fold in big cities and even more in far-flung regions. Two key factors seem to be behind it: garlic's reputed powers to...

White House: UN Nuke Vote a 'Clear Message' to Iran

International community united against Tehran's nuclear program

(Newser) - The IAEA vote demanding that Tehran stop its nuclear enrichment demonstrates a broad international consensus against the nation’s nuclear program, the White House said today. "Our patience and that of the international community is limited, and time is running out," said press secretary Robert Gibbs. Gibbs noted...

China Pledges to Cut Greenhouse Gases
 China Pledges to Cut 
 Greenhouse Gases 
hope for copenhagen

China Pledges to Cut Greenhouse Gases

Beijing will peg its reductions to GDP

(Newser) - China said today that it plans to ramp up efforts to cut emissions of greenhouse gases and that Premier Wen Jiabao will attend next month's climate conference in Copenhagen. The announcement comes a day after President Obama said he, too, would attend to lay out US reductions. The developments raise...

Stories 2721 - 2740 | << Prev   Next >>