Joakim Noah

5 Stories

Bulls' Noah: $50K Fine for Slur Is 'Fair'

Chicago Bulls center was caught saying 'f*** off, f*****' to a fan

(Newser) - Chicago Bulls center Joakim Noah said the NBA's decision to fine him $50,000 for directing a gay slur toward a fan is "fair." As the Bulls prepare for Game 4 of the Eastern Conference finals, Noah again—albeit briefly—acknowledged that he messed up: "I...

Chicago Bulls Star Caught Using Gay Slur

Joakim Noah appears to use the same phrase that got Kobe fined

(Newser) - Joakim Noah of the Chicago Bulls apparently hurled the same profanity-plus-gay slur combo that Kobe Bryant used last month —and, like Bryant, he got caught on tape. After getting called for a foul during last night’s Eastern Conference Finals game, Noah can be seen on TNT’s telecast...

Obama to LeBron: How About Chicago?

President talks hoops, shills for home town with Marv Albert

(Newser) - If LeBron James decides to go to Chicago, he'll have some good teammates in place—and an exceedingly famous No. 1 fan. President Obama wants the King to sign with his hometown Bulls, he told Marv Albert in a recent interview. “You know, I don't want to meddle,”...

LeBron Shines Again, But Bulls Best Cavs

Chicago's third-quarter run sparks 107-96 win over Cleveland

(Newser) - King James tried his best, but Cleveland was unable to overcome the Bulls tonight, losing 107-96. Just one day after scoring 50 points in New York, he netted another 39 in Chicago. Ben Gordon and Luol Deng each scored 23 points for the Bulls, with most of their damage coming...

Bulls Win Shootout With Nuggets
Bulls Win Shootout With Nuggets

Bulls Win Shootout With Nuggets

Chicago has season-high in points, but needs late surge to beat Denver

(Newser) - The Chicago Bulls got 37 points from Ben Gordon, scored at least 30 points in each quarter, and still had to hold on for a 135-121 win over the Denver Nuggets tonight, reports the Associated Press. Chicago led by 23 midway into the third quarter, but Denver went on a...

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