
Stories 21 - 22 | << Prev 

Want to Vote, O'Connor? Think Again
Want to Vote, O'Connor? Think Again

Want to Vote, O'Connor? Think Again

Apostrophes, hyphens, and spaces in names confuse computers

(Newser) - The Information Age has been bad news for O'Connors, D'Angelos, Al-Husseins, and Van Kemps everywhere. Apostrophes in Irish, French, Italian, and African last names; hyphens in Arab names; and spaces in Dutch ones cause their owners endless headaches when computer systems reject or mis-record them, reports the AP, blocking them...

Garcias Catching Up With Smiths
Garcias Catching Up With Smiths

Garcias Catching Up With Smiths

Hispanics rising in latest surame survey

(Newser) - Smith is still the most common US surname, but Garcia and Rodriguez are hot on its tail, the New York Times says. Those two Hispanic names cracked the Census Bureau’s latest top 10, likely marking the first time a non-Anglo name has been so prevalent. After seeing their ranks...

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