Los Angeles

Stories 1141 - 1160 | << Prev   Next >>

New LA Buildings Going Green
New LA Buildings
Going Green

New LA Buildings Going Green

Planners pass tough new rules that critics grouse will boost prices

(Newser) - The Los Angeles Planning Commission has approved an ambitious package of rules that would require new buildings to cut energy use by 15%. Measures include wiring buildings for solar energy, installing water-saving appliances, and using recycled materials in construction, the Los Angeles Times reports. The regulations would reduce energy use...

Oops! She Hit it Again: Britney Drives Over 3rd Foot in a Month

Paparazzo is pop star's latest rollover victim

(Newser) - Britney Spears caught another photographer flat-footed last night, the Los Angeles Times reports, driving over a paparazzo's paw as she left a Beverly Hills hotel. It's the third such incident in the past month—another photographer and a sheriff's deputy were previous victims—and the LAPD has told Spears she...

LAPD Scraps Muslim Mapping Program
LAPD Scraps Muslim Mapping Program

LAPD Scraps Muslim Mapping Program

Mayor rips 'counterproductive' police plan

(Newser) - Following a frenzy of controversy, the Los Angeles police department is scrapping its much-criticized plan to "map" Muslim communities. The department had hoped to pinpoint isolated Muslim communities in an attempt to identify problem hot spots. Critics said the plan was a form of religious profiling, and that it...

LAPD Plan to Map Muslims Raises Furor
to Map Muslims Raises Furor

LAPD Plan to Map Muslims Raises Furor

Police say they need data to reach out; critics call it religious profiling

(Newser) - A plan by the LAPD to map Muslim communities in the city is drawing flak from civil libertarians and others who say it smacks of religious profiling, the LA Times reports. Police officials, though, defend the plan as a way to help them reach out to Muslims through social services....

'I Spy' With My Little Eye: an Elephant

Veteran actor Robert Culp sues LA Zoo to block new exhibit

(Newser) - Robert Culp, best known for his 1960s TV show "I Spy," in which he starred with Bill Cosby, has sued the Los Angeles Zoo and accused it of being cruel to elephants. He seeks to stop the zoo from building a $40-million elephant exhibit.  A judge allowed...

Where Do the Hotties Live?
Where Do the Hotties Live?

Where Do the Hotties Live?

Hotties pack these towns named by Travel & Leisure

(Newser) - If you want to see the most beautiful people in America, head to Miami or San Diego. That's what Travel & Leisure's readers think. Here are the 10 cities with the most head-turners:
  1. Miami
  2. San Diego
  3. Charleston, S.C.

Bush Declares Calif. Emergency
Bush Declares Calif. Emergency

Bush Declares Calif. Emergency

(Newser) - Federal aid will soon be pouring into Southern California: President Bush today declared a state of emergency for the fire-scorched region. Wildfires ripping across seven counties have forced half a million people to evacuate. “We extend our prayers and our thoughts” to them, Bush said. Homeland Security chief Michael...

500,000 Flee So Cal Firestorm
500,000 Flee So Cal Firestorm

500,000 Flee So Cal Firestorm

Powerful Santa Ana gusts drive wildfires; more than 800 buildings destroyed

(Newser) - High winds and hotter temperatures are forecast for Southern California today, frustrating firefighters struggling to contain the runaway blazes that have forced more than half a million people from their homes and consumed almost 900 buildings in the last two days. At least a dozen fires are still torching tinder-dry...

Wildfires Racing to San Diego
Wildfires Racing to San Diego

Wildfires Racing to San Diego

(Newser) - A wildfire bearing down on San Diego this morning, moving faster than expected, is forcing 10,000 to evacuate their homes, after one person was killed and 17 more injured in a series of fires across Southern California yesterday. Near hurricane-level winds have fanned a dozen outbreaks from Santa Barbara...

Hundreds Flee Malibu Fires
Hundreds Flee Malibu Fires

Hundreds Flee Malibu Fires

Hundreds evacuated as 1,000-acre fire rages out of control

(Newser) - Massive brushfires raged through Malibu today, causing hundreds to flee and destroying at least 6 buildings. Officials say that the 1,000-acre fire is out of control despite 500 firefighters on the scene and almost 1,000 en route. Twenty-to-thirty mile-per-hour winds will sustain the fire for days and threaten...

Real Estate Is What Divides America Into Red and Blue

it's land-use laws, not religion, stupid

(Newser) - Real estate—as much as religion or politics—is what really divides America into red and blue regions, argues Atlantic Monthly’s Virginia Postrel. Comparing the housing markets in Dallas and Los Angeles, she notes that it's no coincidence that there's cheap, plentiful housing in the former, and expensive, scarce...

Peacock Flies Burbank Coop
Peacock Flies Burbank Coop

Peacock Flies Burbank Coop

NBC is moving operations to new studios near Universal

(Newser) - NBC Universal is pulling up stakes at its legendary Burbank studio home of 50 years and moving to new facilities across from Universal Studios in Hollywood. The company will switch operations to a massive new complex in 2011. The center will have a street-side studio modeled after the "Today"...

Cops' Arrest Contests Spark Outrage

LA police compete to rack up most busts for 'bragging rights'

(Newser) - Contests by Southern California cops to see who can arrest the most people are sparking outrage across the nation. The object of one, called "Operation Any Booking," was the maximum number of arrests in a 24-hour period. The reward? "Bragging rights," said a Los Angeles deputy....

US Cocaine Supply Plummets
US Cocaine Supply Plummets

US Cocaine Supply Plummets

Prices rocket to highest in 20 years

(Newser) - The cocaine supply has dropped sharply in the last year in 37 US cities, which law enforcement officials attribute to a crackdown on drug cartels by Mexican authorities and a record volume of drugs seized at sea. New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco were among major cities experiencing sharp...

The Oy Next Door
The Oy
Next Door

The Oy Next Door

New site lets users share complaints about those annoying neighbors

(Newser) - Does your neighbor have a yard full of yappy dogs? How about a subwoofer big enough to rattle your china? Now you can report the jerk on RottenNeighbor.com, a site dedicated to letting aggrieved homeowners and renters vent—and warn those considering moving  nearby. The program uses Google Maps...

Downtown LA Finally 'Happens'
Downtown LA Finally 'Happens'

Downtown LA Finally 'Happens'

Urbanites flock to new real estate hot spot

(Newser) - The clutter of buildings known as "downtown LA" is morphing from a nightly ghost town into a hip 'hood, the Washington Post reports. Recent laws have turned offices into lofts, and attracted hipsters to enjoy the high ceilings and roof parties. Artists are hightailing out as six-figure professionals come...

Ex-Gang Members Help LA Cut Homicides

Lowest rate since 1970 credited to 'gang interventionists' program

(Newser) - The Los Angeles homicide rate has dropped this year to the lowest level since 1970, a turnaround police credit in part to a new program using ex-gang members to prevent gang killings. Nine months after the mayor vowed to crack down on gang violence, homicides are down by 50% in...

Spector Walks After Mistrial
Spector Walks After Mistrial

Spector Walks After Mistrial

Judge declares mistrial as 2 jurors hold out against majority

(Newser) - Jurors announced a 10 to 2 deadlock in the Phil Spector trial today after more than 2 weeks of deliberations, sparking the judge to declare a mistrial. The jury was split more evenly a week ago, and did not reveal the position of its 2 holdouts. As Spector went home,...

Firefighter Settles for $1.5M in Dog Food Case

Fire officials called incident a prank

(Newser) - An LA firefighter who sued over a meal mixed with dog food has settled with the city for $1.5 million, the Los Angeles Times reports. Fire officials called the dog food incident a prank, but Pierce alleged racism. The city offered $2.7million last year, but Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa...

LA Still Leads in Traffic Delays
LA Still Leads in Traffic Delays

LA Still Leads in Traffic Delays

But Ventura, Inland Empire are catching up

(Newser) - Los Angeles and Orange counties are still tied for No. 1 in the nation in traffic delays, a study published today by the Texas Transportation Institute concludes. Motorists in either county lost an average of 72 hours in rush hour traffic in 2005—almost 2 work weeks. LA and Orange...

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