Los Angeles

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Garden Yield Too Much? LA Eatery Will Take It
Garden Yield Too Much? LA Eatery Will Take It

Garden Yield Too Much? LA Eatery Will Take It

Forage won't let fruit and veggies go to waste

(Newser) - Ever felt guilty about not using all the bounty you’ve grown in your home garden? Well, if you’re in Los Angeles, now you don’t have to toss it. Just-opened (to say nothing of aptly named) Forage will take it, and use the fruits and vegetables on its...

Hollywood Casts Cheaper Cities as LA

California loses its grip on the movie business

(Newser) - LA is starting to feel like a has-been actor; the city can’t even get gigs playing itself. Next year’s Battle: Los Angeles, for example, was shot in Louisiana, while Starz’s TV version of Crash set up shop in New Mexico. New York is accustomed to being bypassed...

Polanski Must Be Sentenced in LA: Judge

Fugitive director can't learn fate in 1977 rape case in absentia

(Newser) - Roman Polanski can't remain under house arrest in Switzerland while he's sentenced in Los Angeles for statutory rape committed in 1977—he must appear in court in the US, a superior court judge ruled today. "I have made it clear he needs to surrender," said Peter Espinoza. "...

Tour Bus Shows Off LA's Gangland

Sign a waiver and hop aboard for your slice of thug life

(Newser) - Good news, aspiring gangbangers: Now you, too, can roll through the hood, inside a tour bus. LA Gang Tours is open for business, NPR reports. For a mere $65, tourists are guaranteed a “first-hand encounter” with “top crime scene locations in South Central,” led by a guide...

Khmer Rouge Murdered Star of Killing Fields

UN tribunal testimony implicates Pol Pot in '96 hit on Oscar-winner

(Newser) - The LAPD and FBI call the 1996 murder of actor Haing Ngor a closed case of gang violence, but many Cambodians and Cambodian-Americans remain convinced that Pol Pot ordered a hit on the Oscar winner—and recent testimony at a UN tribunal on the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime has boosted...

LA Residents Evacuated as New Storm Bears Down

Another pummeling for southern California

(Newser) - Evacuations have been ordered in mudslide-prone Los Angeles neighborhoods as the third storm in as many days bears down on the city. Heavy storms early this week resulted in flooding and a tornado warning. Police officers have been going door-to-door in vulnerable neighborhoods telling hundreds of residents to be out...

LiLo Involved in LA Hit-and-Run

 LiLo Involved in 
 LA Hit-and-Run 
at least she's not driving

LiLo Involved in LA Hit-and-Run

Lindsay Lohan's driver becomes subject of assault probe

(Newser) - A car in which Lindsay Lohan was a passenger struck and injured a paparazzo early this morning outside a Los Angeles nightclub, then quickly left the scene, police say. The BMW "sped away at a high rate of speed and hit a paparazzi photographer causing an injury to his...

Los Angeles Gangs Make Peace to Boost Profits

Blood red and Crip blue make green

(Newser) - After decades of violent conflict, Los Angeles gangs like the Bloods and Crips are joining together across racial divides and neighborhood turf lines—not to end their life of crime, but to make more money from it. Gang violence in Southern California has plummeted in recent years as longtime enemy...

'Overwhelmed' Polanski Thanks Supporters

Also thanks 'unknown friends' around the world

(Newser) - In his first public comments since he was locked up in September, Roman Polanski has written a letter of thanks to French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy and his many “unknown friends” around the world. “I would like every one of them to know how heartening it is when...

Thieves Snatch Lobsters From LA Aquarium

Crooks target educational facility's outdoor tanks

(Newser) - Two 30-pound halibut and 20 lobsters from an educational aquarium in Los Angeles are missing and presumed lunch. Officials at SEA Lab, which is visited by 20,000 schoolchildren a year, say thieves broke in and raided the tanks over the weekend, the Los Angeles Times reports. They suspect the...

Small Plates, Big Bars Are the Future of Dining

Jose Andres' Bazaar in LA rakes it in while others falter

(Newser) - Chef José Andrés’ newish Los Angeles restaurant, Bazaar, is all the things fine dining didn’t used to be—in a hotel, bar-centric, and focused entirely on small plates. It's also one thing few and fewer restaurants are now: profitable. It's the future, Katy McLaughlin predicts, for several reasons....

LA Caps Medical Marijuana Spots

City aims to reduce number of dispensaries to 70

(Newser) - The Los Angeles City Council has voted to shut down almost 90% of the city's estimated 1,000 medical marijuana dispensaries. The council decided to restrict the number of dispensaries in the city to 70. All of the 137 dispensaries currently operating that registered with the city early will be...

LA Lesbian Bishop Rattles Anglicans

Archbishop of Canterbury not happy

(Newser) - The decision by the US Episcopal Church in Los Angeles to elect the first openly lesbian Anglican bishop in the world has sparked a sharp new controversy over gay church leaders. "I feel deeply ashamed that this is happening," says a leader of a conservative branch of the...

LA Mayor Calls for Limits on Pot Spots

Villaraigosa says 900 marijuana dispensaries is way too many

(Newser) - The Los Angeles City Council has voted to allow dispensaries to continue selling medical marijuana, but the mayor wants to stop the outlets from sprouting like weeds. Antonio Villaraigosa is insisting a cap be placed on the number of dispensaries within city limits, and he wants the council to include...

Judge Who? No Placard for Ito After Many Thefts

He even tried gluing it on, to no avail

(Newser) - Of all the people damaged by the OJ Simpson trial, Lance Ito’s tale is perhaps the saddest—err, most mundane. The poor presiding judge’s name became so famous that the placard announcing him outside his courtroom was repeatedly pilfered over the years. He tried everything, the Los Angeles ...

No DUI Charge for Kerry Daughter

LA officials cite lack of evidence against Alexandra Kerry, 36

(Newser) - Prosecutors say Sen. John Kerry's eldest daughter won't be charged with drunken driving in Los Angeles, with a city spokesman saying prosecutors declined to pursue the case against Alexandra Kerry, 36, due to insufficient evidence. He offered no further details

LA Cops Bust Pot Operation Next Door

Indoor marijuana farm sniffed out after 8 months

(Newser) - California's boldest—or dumbest—pot growers have been arrested after LAPD officers sniffed out their growing operation in a warehouse just 25 feet from a police station. The sophisticated enterprise was up and running for some 8 months before officers caught a whiff of the product in their parking lot...

Beverly Hills, LA Ban Cat Declawing

Calif. cities move to protect kitty claws while they still can

(Newser) - Furniture beware: Los Angeles and Beverly Hills have become the latest California cities to outlaw the declawing of cats. Santa Monica and San Francisco recently passed similar bans and others are considering banning declawing before next year, when a new state law on the regulation of veterinary medicine will effectively...

Lauren Bacall Wins an Oscar
 Lauren Bacall 
 Wins an Oscar 

Lauren Bacall Wins an Oscar

Roger Corman, Gordon Willis, John Calley share the spotlight

(Newser) - A mere 65 years after her unforgettable screen debut, Lauren Bacall has won an Academy Award. The honorary Oscar was a high point of a ceremony last night in Los Angeles that also celebrated the careers of filmmaker Roger Corman, cinematographer Gordon Willis, and producer John Calley. "I can't...

Blogger Foe Confronts ACORN Protesters

Breitbart says video of 'thugs' will be up soon

(Newser) - Andrew Breitbart—whose conservative BigGovernment.com website aired the ACORN sting videos—decided to mosey down to an ACORN protest in Los Angeles this week, and he's not happy with the rough treatment he got. He blogs that he was harassed and threatened by the "dregs of society" so...

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