Scott Walker

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Troopers Hunt Wis. Senators as Assembly Approves Bill
After 1am Vote, Things
Get Crazier in Wisconsin

After 1am Vote, Things Get Crazier in Wisconsin

Walker abandons deadline for passing bill restricting union rights

(Newser) - Wisconsin's assembly approved a controversial bill stripping public sector workers of collective bargaining rights early Friday morning after a grueling 61-hour debate. Just after 1am, Republicans abruptly cut off debate and announced a voice vote. Chaos erupted—Republicans shouted their ayes, Democrats booed, and within seconds the electronic vote system...

Wisconsin Teachers Get Layoff Warnings

... including the wife of the GOP's Senate majority leader

(Newser) - The Republican majority leader of Wisconsin's Senate is learning firsthand what the fight over collective bargaining means for his state: his wife just got a layoff warning because it might go away. Lisa Fitzgerald, wife of Scott, is a guidance counselor in a public school district, and she and scores...

Wisconsin Budget Fight Spawns Culture War

Can we keep things sane in Wisconsin? ask Brooks and Collins

(Newser) - The Wisconsin budget crunch was once an issue worth debating—but Scott Walker has made it about much more than money, writes Gail Collins in a New York Times conversation with David Brooks. Now, “it’s about crushing enemies. Unions. Government programs. Abortion.” Brooks is more sympathetic to...

Scott Walker: Prank Call No Big Deal

'I take phone calls all the time,' says governor

(Newser) - It was easy to dupe Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker into believing he was talking on the phone to billionaire backer David Koch—because he's clueless, says the journalist who punked Walker . Posing as Koch, Ian Murphy and Walker had a heart-to-heart during which the governor talked about tricking Democrats and...

Buffalo Beast Scott Walker Hoax: Fake Call From David Koch Impersonator Shows How Easily Rich Donors Get Access: Opinion Roundup
Wisconsin Phone Hoax Shows Rich Guys' Access
OPINION roundup

Wisconsin Phone Hoax Shows Rich Guys' Access

One defender: It also proves Scott Walker isn't best pals with Kochs

(Newser) - The phone call to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker from a gonzo journalist pretending to be GOP donor David Koch ( click for the story and audio) continues to reverberate on the left and right:
  • Michelle Malkin : "The tapes show a strong executive focused on his job. They also show

Fake 'Koch Brother' Dupes Scott Walker

Prankster calls up imitating powerful fundraiser

(Newser) - Scott Walker won’t take a call from the Democratic minority leader, but he’ll gladly make time for uber-fundraiser David Koch—or at least, someone he thinks is David Koch. Ian Murphy, editor of the Buffalo's Beast website, managed to get the Wisconsin governor on the phone in just...

Koch Brothers Have a Hand in Wisconsin Fight

Their activist group is on Gov. Scott Walker's side

(Newser) - The billionaire Koch brothers are said to have a hand in the Tea Party , the new Congress … why not the Wisconsin protests, too? Americans for Prosperity, a Koch-created and Koch-financed nonprofit, has a definite presence at the demonstrations, with the group’s president recently telling anti-union counterprotesters that the...

Wisconsin Dems on the Lam: It's Like Being a Refugee

Senators who fled need underwear and other 'provisions'

(Newser) - What is life like for the "Democratic 14," who fled Wisconsin for Illinois in an attempt to block a vote on Gov. Scott Walker’s controversial budget bill? Well, for one thing, they have to do a lot of laundry, since some of them left the state with...

We'd 'Absolutely' Use Force on Protesters: Wis. Police

But 'it would not look like the US if we did that'

(Newser) - Wisconsin troopers would "absolutely" use force on protesters if ordered, says the head of a Wisconsin police union. Thousands of protesters have gathered at the Wisconsin statehouse for the past week, protesting the governor's proposals to cut public employee wages and collective bargaining rights. "I'm not able to...

Paul Krugman: Wisconsin Union Battle About Power, Not Budget

 Wisconsin Battle 
 About Power, 
 Not Budget 
paul krugman

Wisconsin Battle About Power, Not Budget

Gov. pushing oligarchy as unions seek democracy: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - Wisconsin’s battle over union rights shares a key element with the protests in Egypt: In the end, it’s all about power, writes Paul Krugman for the New York Times . Gov. Scott Walker’s team is trying to make his state, and eventually the entire country, "less of...

Fleeing Wis. Dems: We're Exercising Our Rights

Crafty gov plans to slip through other bills while Dems are away

(Newser) - Call it the unfillibuster. Wisconsin Democrats still holed up in an Illinois hotel didn't turn tail and run out on a state bill vote slashing pay and rights for state workers—they exercised a political strategy, which they have every right to do, they argue. "For all of us...

Wisconsin Protests: Doctor's Notes Handed Out to Protesters as the Opposing Side Shows Up, and Gov. Scott Walker Refuses to Negotiate
Doctor's Notes Handed Out in Wisconsin
wisconsin protests

Doctor's Notes Handed Out in Wisconsin

Plus: The other side shows up—and guv refuses to negotiate

(Newser) - As the Wisconsin protests saw their biggest day yet yesterday, doctors handed out sick notes to workers who needed them to explain absences. Men and women wearing lab coats and claiming to be doctors “were handing out excuses to people who were feeling sick due to emotional, mental, or...

Wis. Public Workers' Pay Isn't So Hot

Public employees sacrifice cash for benefits, stability, study says

(Newser) - Don't call the Wisconsin public employees greedy—despite generous benefits, they actually earn 4.8% less than comparable private sector workers, reports the Wisconsin State Journal . Public sector workers have higher salaries than average because their jobs require more education than average, too: in fact, a typical Wisconsin public employee...

Here's What Wisconsin's Plan Would Actually Do

Ezra Klein: It's a 'multi-part attack on unions,' and the changes are big

(Newser) - Today's protests in Wisconsin are expected to be the biggest yet, notes the Wisconsin State Journal , with counter-protesters joining the fray for the first time. Which makes it a good time to assess exactly what Gov. Scott Walker's plan (read it here ) would actually do, writes Ezra Klein in...

Liberals Have a Tea Party, Too: See Wisconsin

WSJ columnist: Democrats' reaction is 'over the top'

(Newser) - Democrats love to poke fun at the Tea Party, but they've actually organized "a more aggressive version" of their own in Wisconsin, writes John Fund in the Wall Street Journal . Aided by President Obama's Organizing for America group, Democrats have gone "over the top" in their rhetoric and...

Protests Close Wisconsin's Schools for a Second Day

But Gov. Scott Walker's proposal will likely pass

(Newser) - Madison's schools were forced to close for a second day as a momentous bill that would strip Wisconsin's government workers of nearly all collective bargaining rights sped through the Legislature and appeared poised to pass. Protesters clogged the hallways of the state Capitol ahead of today's planned vote; thousands are...

Thousands Protest Anti-Union Bill in Wisconsin

Teachers angry at governor's proposal

(Newser) - Thousands of teachers, prison guards, and students descended on the Wisconsin Capitol for a second day today to fight a move to take union rights away from government workers. The Statehouse filled with as many as 10,000 demonstrators, and Madison teachers joined the protest by calling in sick in...

States Push to Neuter Unions
States Push to
Neuter Unions

States Push to Neuter Unions

Republicans especially eager to curb public worker benefits

(Newser) - With big budget deficits staring them in the face, states around the country are looking for ways to crack down on unions in general, and public employees unions especially, the New York Times reports. Officials from both parties are getting in on the act—Andrew Cuomo, for example, is expected...

Ohio, Wisconsin Spurn $1.2B to Build Train Lines

Stimulus funds will go to other states

(Newser) - The US is redistributing $1.2 billion in federal stimulus money that had been headed to Ohio and Wisconsin, after both states' Republican governors-elect called for an end to proposed train projects, arguing they were unnecessary and would cost millions to operate. “Wisconsin taxpayers were victorious today in defeating...

Candidate Runs 'Fighting' Ad Against Assault Victim Rival

Boxing gloves odd choice in Wisconsin

(Newser) - Scott Walker has taken the gloves off—by putting them on—in his push to be Wisconsin's governor. The Republican county executive of Milwaukee has a new ad attacking his presumptive Democratic rival, Mayor Tom Barrett, that shows him wearing boxing gloves. Walker claims he's "ready to go the...

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