US-Pakistan relations

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US Debates Naming Haqqani Network a Terror Group

Risks may outweigh benefits, as congressional deadline looms

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has a big decision to make by Sept. 9: whether to formally designate the Haqqani Network in Pakistan a terrorist organization. It might seem like a no-brainer considering the network is blamed for most of the anti-US attacks in Afghanistan, but the Washington Post and the New York ...

Getting Out of Afghanistan Will Cost Us Billions

Thanks to geography, it's an 'order of magnitude' harder than Iraq

(Newser) - Fighting a war isn't cheap, and in Afghanistan's case, neither is ending one. The US is set to get everyone out by 2014, but getting everything out will cost billions, says Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter. "Combat is still going on. Terrible terrain. Narrow roads. Long way...

Taliban Bans Polio Vaccines Until US Drone Strikes End

North Waziristan commander halts vaccines in region

(Newser) - The Taliban has decided to use Pakistan's kids in the fight to end US drone strikes. It announced that it has banned polio vaccines in North Waziristan until said strikes are ended. "Almost every resident of North Waziristan has become a mental patient because of the drone strikes,...

Pakistan Border Closing Costing US Over $3M a Day

Alternative route costs $100M extra a month, Panetta says

(Newser) - Pakistan's closure of its border with Afghanistan to NATO convoys is costing the US an extra $100 million a month to get supplies in, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told a Senate committee yesterday. Pakistan closed the border late last year after a cross-border strike killed 24 of its soldiers....

Pakistan Ambassador Squealed to US: Inquiry
Pakistan Ambassador Squealed to US: Inquiry

Pakistan Ambassador Squealed to US: Inquiry

Hussain Haqqani says finding is 'all politics'

(Newser) - Hussain Haqqani got one step closer to being tried for treason yesterday, when an investigation concluded that he was "not loyal" to Pakistan while serving as its ambassador to the US, the Washington Post reports. In a not-exactly-shocking turn, the probe found that Haqqani had indeed sent the US...

In Pakistan, Ravaged al-Qaeda Looks to Rebound

Few leaders left, but always new recruits in dangerous region

(Newser) - With the killing of al-Qaeda leader Abu Yahya al-Libi last week, al-Qaeda is down to just eight hardcore leaders in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region, down from dozens a few years ago, reports Reuters in a look at the once-formidable group. Finances have dried up, too, and many members of the...

3 Days of Drone Strikes Kill 27 in Pakistan

Latest attack targets militant encampment

(Newser) - Three US drone strikes have killed 27 people in Pakistan since Saturday, including 15 today, as tension between the countries continues to rise. Today's strike, in northwest Pakistan, was aimed at a militant stronghold in North Waziristan's tribal region; attacks on Saturday and Sunday struck South Waziristan, Reuters...

Bin Laden Snitch Wasn&#39;t Convicted of Treason
Bin Laden Snitch Wasn't Convicted of Treason

Bin Laden Snitch Wasn't Convicted of Treason

Shakil Afridi was actually convicted of colluding with a warlord

(Newser) - The Pakistani doctor who helped the CIA find Osama bin Laden was never actually charged with treason, as was initially reported . Shakil Afridi, who was sentenced to 33 years in prison, was actually convicted of colluding with anti-government Islamist warlord Mangal Bagh, tribal court documents show. The fact that Afridi...

Bin Laden Snitch a Corrupt Thief: Pakistan

Shakil Afridi had been accused of sexual assault, say officials

(Newser) - Pakistani officials say Dr. Shakil Afridi was a bad egg who had been accused of sexual assault, harassment, theft, and more long before he was arrested for helping the US find Osama bin Laden. Officials showed Reuters a 2002 document in which Afridi was declared too corrupt for government service....

Irked Senate Panel Votes 30-0 to Cut Pakistan Aid

US doesn't need 'double-dealing,' says Sen. Lindsey Graham

(Newser) - A Senate panel expressed its outrage over Pakistan's conviction of a doctor who helped the United States track down Osama bin Laden, voting to cut aid to Islamabad by $33 million—$1 million for every year of the physician's 33-year sentence for high treason. The punitive move came...

More US-Pakistan Woes: Peeved Senators, Drone Strike

Strike kills 10, aid gets threatened over Shakil Afridi's sentence

(Newser) - The sun still is not shining on US-Pakistan relations. A US drone strike targeting suspected militants in northwest Pakistan killed 10 today, a move that will likely further inflame tensions between the two countries, reports Reuters . Pakistan has demanded an end to the strikes, which it considers a violation of...

Pakistani Doc Gets 33 Years for Helping Find bin Laden

Pakistan jails Shakil Afridi for treason

(Newser) - The Pakistani doctor who helped the CIA take down the world's most notorious terrorist will spend the next 33 years of his life in prison for his troubles. Dr. Shakil Afridi ran a vaccination program that the US used to verify Osama bin Laden's presence in Abbottabad, reports...

Report: Obama Snubs Zardari as Relations Unravel

Pakistan refuses to open supply lines to Afghanistan until US apologizes

(Newser) - President Obama has said that Pakistan is the key to the future of Afghanistan and the region—just as US-Pakistan relations appear to be deteriorating. Obama is now refusing to meet with President Asif Ali Zardari at the NATO summit in Chicago, reports the Guardian . For Obama, the most important...

'Regret' vs. 'Apology': Difference Is Big to Pakistan

US officials have debated for 6 months: Wall Street Journal

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal offers a peek into the world of diplo-speak and semantics today. Its story examines how US officials have struggled for six months with a vexing question—whether to formally apologize to Islamabad for a November attack that killed 24 Pakistani troops at the Afghan border. The...

US Won't Punish Soldiers in Deadly Pakistan Airstrike

Announcement expected to raise anger in Pakistan

(Newser) - The US soldiers responsible for the wayward airstrike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November will not face any disciplinary action, reports the New York Times . The initial American investigation found fault on both sides for the strike, noting that Pakistani soldiers fired first, their camp was not identified on...

Pakistan Parliament to US: No More Drone Strikes

Parliamentary committee completes review after NATO incident

(Newser) - A Pakistani parliamentary committee wants US drone attacks in the country to stop, it said today. The committee was tasked with reviewing US-Pakistan ties after the November NATO attack that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, Reuters reports. Following that attack, Pakistan stopped supplies to NATO troops based in Afghanistan, and ordered...

Victims of US Strikes in Pakistan: Mostly Militants

But drone critics say covert program still needs greater oversight

(Newser) - The Pakistani public widely believes that American drone strikes there overwhelmingly hit civilians, not militants. However, an investigation of the 10 deadliest attacks over the past 18 months in the main militant region along the Afghan border shows that 70% of those killed were militants, according to an investigation by...

Panetta: I Think Pakistan Knew About Bin Laden

Defense chief also calls for release of doctor who helped catch him

(Newser) - Defense chief Leon Panetta talks about the capture of Osama bin Laden with CBS' 60 Minutes in an interview airing tomorrow, and two main points are generating headlines:
  • Pakistan knew? He suspects government authorities knew bin Laden was in Abbottabad, notes the Hill . "I personally have always felt that

US Restarts Drone Attacks, Kills 4 in Pakistan Strike

Officials insist there was no moratorium

(Newser) - The US' drone war in Pakistan is back on. The US launched its first strike last night since a November attack that killed 28 Pakistani soldiers and ratcheted the already fraught tensions between the two nations to a new high. The attack hit a North Waziristan home just before midnight,...

Report Blames US in Deadly Pakistan Strike

Report blames lack of trust, mistakes for killing of 24 Pakistanis

(Newser) - A lack of trust between the United States and Pakistan was the key culprit in a series of blunders that resulted in the killing of 24 Pakistani soldiers on Nov. 26 , reports the Wall Street Journal . US forces made two major errors that day: not informing the Pakistanis that the...

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