performance-enhancing drugs

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A-Rod: 'I Knew We Weren't Taking Tic-Tacs'
 A-Rod: 'I Knew We Weren't Taking Tic-Tacs'

A-Rod: 'I Knew We Weren't Taking Tic-Tacs'

Star to tell more about his steroid use

(Newser) - A-Rod faced reporters in New York today to, in his words, “take my medicine.” He said he was injected by his cousin, with a substance that was legal in the Dominican Republic. “It was very amateur hour,” he said. “We probably didn’t even take...

A-Rod Juiced but Fellow Players Will Pay

Endorsements dry up as advertisers avoid risky baseball stars

(Newser) - A lot of people will pay for Alex Rodriguez’s admission that he used steroids—and A-Rod isn’t one of them, writes Jeremy Mullman in Advertising Age. A-Rod’s already shallow pool of endorsements isn’t likely to dry up, but by bringing steroids back into the spotlight, he’...

Tejada Pleads Guilty to Lying to Congress

Shortstop caught it claim he knew no onein baseball who used steroids

(Newser) - All-Star shortstop Miguel Tejada pleaded guilty today to lying to Congress about the use of performance-enhancing drugs, a plea that stemmed from denying to House investigators that he knew anyone in baseball who used steroids. Tejada’s 2005 assertions were contradicted by evidence that he had talked to an Oakland...

Expose the Users to Clear the Clean
 Expose the Users 
 to Clear the Clean 

Expose the Users to Clear the Clean

'Real victims' of performance drugs are those left behind

(Newser) - The steroids-in-baseball "shame game" shouldn’t be limited to A-Rod and Barry Bonds, writes Mike Wise in the Washington Post. To keep mum on the others who cheated the game is to ignore the "real victims": The regular players who "chose correctly between right and wrong" ...

President Slams A-Roid

President Slams A-Roid

News of drug use 'tarnishes era'

(Newser) - President Obama has weighed in on the latest chapter of baseball's burgeoning steroid scandal, condemning Yankees star Alex Rodriguez for his use of performance-enhancing drugs and setting a bad example for children, reports CBS News. In his first prime-time news conference, Obama called confirmation of A-Rod's steroid use "depressing,...

A-Rod Tested Positive for Steroids: Report

During MVP 2003 campaign

(Newser) - Alex Rodriguez tested positive for anabolic steroids during his 2003 MVP season, sources tell Sports Illustrated. A-Rod was one of 104 players to test positive that year, in a survey test conducted to determine whether the league needed tougher drug policies. Asked about the results this week, Rodriguez replied: “...

McGwire's One-Eyed Brother Plugs Tell-All Book

Jay claims he introduced Mark to steroids, but having trouble finding a publisher

(Newser) - Mark McGwire’s less-successful, one-eyed, bodybuilding brother Jay has written a tell-all book claiming he introduced the slugger to steroids. There’s just one problem: so far, no one’s willing to publish it. But Deadspin got its hands on the manuscript, and can share its juiciest tidbits (no pun...

Federal Grand Jury Will Look at Clemens' Perjury Case

McNamee, Radomski may help get indictment for lying to Congress over drugs

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors have convened a grand jury to investigate whether Roger Clemens committed perjury when he told Congress he’d never taken steroids, ESPN reports. The grand jury has subpoenaed Kirk Radomski, who says he supplied Clemens with drugs through the pitcher’s trainer, Brian McNamee.

Legalize Ritalin-Like Drugs as Brain Boosters: Experts

But Will Employers Turn into Pushers?

(Newser) - Attention-disorder drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall are becoming so commonly used for the off-label purpose of gaining a mental edge that they should be legalized for such use, says a team of neuroscientists and ethicists. They make their case in Nature, arguing that laws "should be adjusted to...

Deuce, 7 Others Face NFL Suspensions Over Drug Tests

McAllister, other Saints head list

(Newser) - At least eight NFL players have tested positive for banned substances, including the Saints’ Deuce McAllister, Will Smith, and Charles Grant, and Houston’s Bryan Pittman, reports Denver's Fox 31 and ESPN. Many of the accused, including Pittman, are big linemen who tested positive for the weight-loss diuretic Bumentanide, which...

Carl Lewis Hints at Bolt Drug Connection

US great says Jamaica's testing policy puts Olympic feats in question

(Newser) - US Olympic great Carl Lewis says Jamaica needs to toughen its drug policy before he’ll take Usain Bolt’s sprinting feats seriously. “I think there are some issues,” Lewis tells Sports Illustrated. “No one is accusing anyone. But don’t live by a different rule and...

Jamaican Hurdlers Linked to Steroids

Drugs sent through Internet network, Sports Illustrated discovers

(Newser) - Two Jamaican Olympic hurdlers received shipments of banned performance-enhancing drugs in 2006 and 2007, according to documents obtained by Sports Illustrated. The drugs were sent to addresses linked to Delloreen Ennis-London and Adrian Findlay, both members of the Jamaican team in Beijing. Findlay denied using steroids, while Ennis-London was unreachable....

Without Doping, Where's the Fun?
 Without Doping,
 Where's the Fun?

Without Doping, Where's the Fun?

Nowhere, if this year's Tour de France is any sign

(Newser) - Doping in sports makes some fans uncomfortable, but it keeps others on the edges of their seats, writes Joel Stein in the LA Times. Case in point: This year's largely shenanigans-free Tour de France has been an exercise in boredom. “Before you argue that your favorite sport has to...

Landis Can't Overturn Ban
 Landis Can't Overturn Ban 

Landis Can't Overturn Ban

Court upholds doping prohibition that cost cyclist '06 Tour de France title

(Newser) - Cyclist Floyd Landis lost perhaps his final chance to keep his 2006 Tour de France title today, the AP reports, with a key panel upholding a 2-year doping ban. The three-person Court of Arbitration for Sport said Landis’ drug test was the product of “less than ideal laboratory practices,...

NFL Drug Testers to Keep Eye on Owens

Cowboys star missed test in midst of contract negotiations

(Newser) - Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terrell Owens has been put on the NFL's "reasonable cause" group for drug screening after failing to make himself available for a random test, ESPN reports. Owens' "plausible" excuse for not returning the league's calls on that day has saved him from disciplinary action,...

Clemens Used Viagra for On-Field Boost

Source knows at least one drug Rocket was on

(Newser) - Roger Clemens was on at least one performance enhancing drug, a clubhouse source tells the New York Daily News: Viagra. Clemens wasn’t using Vitamin V to help with the ladies, he—and several of his teammates—were using it to improve his on-field performance. Viagra has become a major...

Big Brown Win Bad for Racing
 Big Brown Win Bad for Racing 

Big Brown Win Bad for Racing

Victory would be success for 'win-at-all-costs' methods: NYT

(Newser) - Big Brown carries the best hopes of racing fans as he tries to capture the Triple Crown today, but represents the worst of horse racing, writes Peter Thomas Fornatale in the New York Times. Brown is an admirable creature, sure, but he's the product of a company that runs its...

Baseball Finally Back to Normal
 Baseball Finally Back to Normal 

Baseball Finally Back to Normal

After over a decade of insanity, home run totals normal once more

(Newser) - After over a decade of chemical-fueled insanity, baseball is back to normal, writes Thomas Boswell in the Washington Post. Home run totals are down 10.4% this spring, after an 8% drop last year. The sport is on pace to return to the century-old statistical norms ripped to shreds by...

Steroid Dealer: I Taught Olympic Track Coach About Drugs

Graham 'called in orders' 4 times a week

(Newser) - An admitted steroid dealer told a San Francisco jury that he showed track coach Trevor Graham—who trained Olympic medalists Tim Montgomery and Antonio Pettigrew, among others—the ins-and-outs of the performance-enhancing drug trade. Angel "Memo" Heredia said he crossed the Mexican border to buy steroids, human growth hormone,...

Feds Have 104 Positive MLB Drug Tests

And may release names, despite vow of anonymity

(Newser) - US Attorneys have a list of 104 baseball players who failed a 2003 drug test, even though the players' union vowed to keep those names secret. The union has contested the Feds' search, but the list could become public in a matter of weeks, reports the New York Times.

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