performance-enhancing drugs

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Let Them Dope
 Let Them Dope 

Let Them Dope

Athletes should be free to decide for themselves: Post op-ed

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong has had a lousy week , but maybe it's time the rest of us got over our "sanctimonious" opposition to sports doping and let athletes partake legally, writes a professor of ethics and engineering in the Washington Post . After all, we already let football players takes vicious...

Armstrong's Downfall Had Surprising Beginning

Blame the 'tattooed guy' who got busted and talked

(Newser) - When professional cyclist and tattoo artist Kayle Leogrande was busted for doping, he never imagined it would lead to the downfall of one of the most celebrated bikers of all time. But that's pretty much what happened, explains the New York Times . The heavily tatted biker was an aspiring...

Armstrong&#39;s Tragic Flaw: His Ego

 Tragic Flaw: 
 His Ego 

Armstrong's Tragic Flaw: His Ego

He shouldn't have attempted 2009 comeback: Dan Levy

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong has been stripped of his titles and banned for life from pro cycling. But don't blame performance-enhancing drugs for Armstrong's downfall—blame his ego instead, writes Dan Levy at Bleacher Report . After winning his seven Tour de France titles, Armstrong attempted a 2009 comeback. "If...

Record-Setting Ye &#39;Clean,&#39; Says Olympic Bigwig
Record-Setting Ye 'Clean,' Says Olympic Bigwig

Record-Setting Ye 'Clean,' Says Olympic Bigwig

Lord Colin Moynihan confirms Chinese swimmer passed drug tests

(Newser) - Ye Shiwen was "clean" when she set a world record in the women's 400-meter individual medley at the London Olympics, according to the British Olympic Association chairman. Lord Colin Moynihan confirmed that Ye went through the World Anti-Doping Agency's drug testing program, the BBC reports. "That'...

Tour de France Rider: I May Have Been Poisoned

Team RadioShack pulls Fränk Schleck out of competition

(Newser) - Team RadioShack pulled Fränk Schleck out of the Tour de France yesterday, after the Luxembourg cyclist tested positive for a banned substance. But Schleck insists he's innocent, and is using a fairly novel defense. "I have no explanation for the test result and therefore insist that the...

Yankees to Reggie Jackson: 'Stay Away' From Team

Team upset at Mr October's interview bashing A-Rod

(Newser) - Baseball Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson has been told to "stay away" from the New York Yankees after he ripped Alex Rodriguez for steroid use in a recent interview, reports the New York Daily News . "There is no ban. There is no suspension," Jackson said last night,...

Clemens Not Guilty, But Hall of Fame Worthy?
 Clemens Not Guilty, 
 But Hall of Fame Worthy? 

Clemens Not Guilty, But Hall of Fame Worthy?

Baseball writers sound off

(Newser) - A jury has legally acquitted Roger Clemens; will the Baseball Writers of America do the same? That's the question everyone is asking today. This winter Clemens will be on the Hall of Fame ballot for the first time, and though his numbers are obviously unimpeachable, voters have so far...

Trainer of Triple Crown Hopeful Suspended

Officials agree with Doug O'Neill, but ruling stands

(Newser) - The trainer of star colt I'll Have Another—which will try on June 9 to become the first horse to win the Triple Crown since 1978—has been handed a 45-day ban for something that California racing officials ultimately agreed he did not do: give his horse an illegal...

Contador Guilty of Doping During Tour de France Win

Alberto Contador to be banned from racing for 2 years: appeals court

(Newser) - Three-time Tour de France winner Alberto Contador has been found guilty of doping during his 2010 victory, prompting a two-year ban on racing. The Spanish cyclist will also likely lose his title from that year—in addition, perhaps, to seeing all his racing wins in 2011 annulled. Contador tested positive...

Baseball MVP Flunks Drug Test

Ryan Braun says test is wrong, appeals

(Newser) - Ryan Braun, the reigning MVP of Major League Baseball's National League, has tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs and faces a 50-game suspension, reports ESPN . The Milwaukee Brewers player vigorously denied using performance enhancers, with a spokesman blaming "highly unusual circumstances." Braun himself was more to the point—...

Jim Thome Hits 600th Homer... Without Steroids

Baseball's 'nicest guy' joins select club

(Newser) - With two home runs last night against the Detroit Tigers, Minnesota Twin Jim Thome became the eighth ballplayer ever to hit 600 out of the park. Perhaps most remarkable about this feat is that he achieved it without steroids—unlike many of the other top sluggers of his era, writes...

Swiss Lab to FBI: Armstrong Test Was Fishy

Statements to feds throw new light on '60 Minutes' flap

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong's drug tests in the 2001 Tour de Suisse returned "suspicious" results "consistent with EPO use," Swiss anti-doping lab chief Martial Saugy told the FBI last September, according to a new AP report. The revelation is the latest twist in the feud between Armstrong and...

Lance Armstrong Retires From Cycling—For Real This Time
 for Real 
 This Time 
'retirement 2.0'

Armstrong Retires— for Real This Time

Though comeback wasn't stellar, he has no regrets

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong is embarking upon "Retirement 2.0," as he calls it. Retirement 1.0 came in 2005, after his seventh consecutive Tour de France win. His comeback, which began in 2009, failed to produce an eighth win, but he tells the AP that even though "I...

Teammates: Armstrong Was Doping 'Instigator'

Cyclist continues to deny all charges

(Newser) - As a federal grand jury hears testimony related to Lance Armstrong’s alleged doping, Sports Illustrated takes a closer look at the scandal. Among the new information to be detailed in next week’s issue, based on documents and interviews:
  • Former teammate Floyd Landis recalls an instance when customs officials

Clemens Faces Nearly 2 Years in Jail

If convicted on perjury charges

(Newser) - Now that he's been indicted on charges that he lied to Congress about doping, Roger Clemens faces the very real possibility of prison time. If convicted, sentencing guidelines suggest somewhere between 15 and 21 months, reports the New York Times . He faces 6 counts related to his 2008 testimony—one...

Clemens Will Be Indicted
 Clemens Will Be Indicted 

Clemens Will Be Indicted

He'll face perjury charges related to PED testimony

(Newser) - Roger Clemens will be indicted on federal perjury charges springing from the testimony he gave Congress about his performance-enhancing drug use, sources tell the New York Times . An official announcement should come soon.

Landis Tried to Blackmail Armstrong: Lawyers

Attorneys blast 'false and incredible concoctions'

(Newser) - Floyd Landis' blockbuster accusation that Lance Armstrong and their teammates were doping—and his admission that he was, too—was nothing more than an extortion attempt, lawyers for Armstrong's racing team said today. Armstrong "told Landis he had nothing to hide and that he was not going to submit...

Ouch: Armstrong Denies Doping, Then Crashes

'I have nothing to hide' cyclist declares

(Newser) - Lance Armstong held a hasty press conference today before the fifth stage of the Tour de California to refute Floyd Landis' doping allegations . “I have nothing to hide,” he declared. “I think history speaks for itself here.” (Maybe still a little distracted, he then suffered a...

Landis Admits Doping, Says Lance Did It, Too
Landis Admits Doping,
Says Lance Did It, Too
fingers entire US team

Landis Admits Doping, Says Lance Did It, Too

Authorities told of elaborate regimen used by entire US team

(Newser) - Floyd Landis might just be the Jose Canseco of cycling. The disgraced cyclist has sent letters to the US Anti-Doping Agency and the FDA agent who broke the BALCO case outlining an elaborate doping regimen used by the entire US Postal Service Cycling Team from 2002 to 2005, the New ...

Bonds Done Playing: Agent
 Bonds Done Playing: Agent 

Bonds Done Playing: Agent

Controversial home run king won't find work, he finally admits

(Newser) - Barry Bonds will almost certainly never play again, his agent said today, finally admitting what had seemed a fait accompli. “If there was any chance he'd be back in a major-league uniform, it would have happened by now,” Jeff Borris tells the San Francisco Chronicle . “When 2008...

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