
4 Stories

Drug Maker Fights for Awareness of Disorder It Can Cash In On

Shire just got FDA approval for binge eating disorder drug

(Newser) - Binge eating disorder, which gained American Psychiatric Association recognition in 2013, isn't particularly well-known. That's not good for a pharmaceutical company like Shire, maker of an ADHD drug called Vyvanse, which was recently approved by the FDA for marketing in the treatment of binge eating. Lately, Shire has...

Google Maps Advises Against Mordor Visits

Try searching for walking directions from the Shire

(Newser) - With The Hobbit trailer out , some among us may feel inspired to risk the trek to Mordor. But if you look for walking directions to it from the Shire on Google Maps, you'll be greeted with a warning: "Use caution—One does not simply walk into Mordor."...

Mustachioed Horse Bridles at Shaving

Shave and a hair cut: neigh way

(Newser) - When his groom tries to shave Alfie's bushy blond mustache, the proud British horse says "neigh" and runs away, reports the Independent. "He's obviously rather proud of his facial hair," said the groom. "He runs a mile if he thinks we're going to trim it."...

Prices Jump for Top Drugs
Prices Jump for Top Drugs

Prices Jump for Top Drugs

Drug giants collect now against expected future losses

(Newser) - Drug companies have slapped a series of huge price hikes on some prescription drugs ahead of drug patent expirations, the Wall Street Journal reports. GlaxoSmithKline has raised the price of antidepressant Wellbutrin 44.5%, while Sanofi-Aventis hiked Ambien's price 70%. Wholesale prices for the top 50 drugs increased an average...

4 Stories
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