
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Bradley Manning to Live as Woman: 'I Am Chelsea'

Says she wants to start hormone therapy

(Newser) - Bradley Manning is no more. In a statement read on Today this morning, the Army private says she will live as a woman from now on. "I want everyone to know the real me. I am Chelsea Manning. I am female," reads the statement, which is signed Chelsea...

Manning Will Ask Obama for Pardon

Tells defense team: 'It's OK ... I'm going to be all right'

(Newser) - With his 35-year sentence for leaking military secrets, Bradley Manning should be eligible for parole in seven years, reports the Guardian . But the 25-year-old is hoping for an even shorter stay: His defense team will formally ask President Obama for a pardon next week. The chances of success are right...

Bradley Manning Gets 35 Years in Prison

Prosecutors had wanted 60

(Newser) - Bradley Manning has been sentenced to 35 years in prison for his infamous leaking activities, according to multiple reports. He will also be dishonorably discharged and forfeit all pay and allowances, the Guardian reports. Manning will get credit for the time he's already spent in jail, which amounts to...

Bradley Manning: 'I'm Sorry'

Wikileaker apologizes during sentencing hearing

(Newser) - US soldier Bradley Manning took the stand today during his sentencing hearing for leaking classified material to WikiLeaks and apologized for hurting the United States and others. Manning gave an unsworn statement, which means he cannot be cross-examined by prosecutors. He began with an apology. "I'm sorry that...

Manning Wins Rare Victory in Court

Judge reduces maximum possible sentence to 90 years

(Newser) - A kind of victory for Bradley Manning's defense: The Wikileaker convicted of 20 of 22 counts will face a maximum of 90 rather than 136 possible years in prison, the Guardian reports. His lawyers argued that the prosecution had split several of Manning's crimes into multiple violations, increasing...

Next Up for Bradley Manning: Sentencing

Next phase starts today, could take weeks

(Newser) - Now that Bradley Manning has been convicted on 20 of 22 counts , his court-martial moves on to the sentencing phase today. Neither side was allowed to present evidence during the trial regarding Manning's motives or any actual damage caused by his leaks (harm to national security or US troops...

Assange: Manning Verdict a Dangerous Precedent

He praises whistleblower, blasts Obama

(Newser) - Bradley Manning is "the most important journalistic source that the world has ever seen," and "WikiLeaks will not rest until he is free," Julian Assange says. Manning's conviction on charges including espionage sets a "dangerous precedent and an example of national security extremism,"...

3 Views on Manning&#39;s Verdict
 3 Views on Manning's Verdict 

3 Views on Manning's Verdict

Including one that suggests we'll need to wait 50 years to truly assess him

(Newser) - Bradley Manning's acquittal today on the most serious charge against him, aiding the enemy, may not mean much in terms of his freedom—he could well spend the rest of his life in prison anyway. But that specific decision still has huge implications for the nation. A sample of...

Prosecutors: Manning Wasn't Naive, Had Huge Ego

Closing arguments underway in WikiLeaks case

(Newser) - The prosecution made its closing arguments against Bradley Manning today, arguing that he wasn't a "naive soldier" out to to better the world as his attorneys would have us believe, reports the Los Angeles Times . He may have had a dog tag that read "Humanist," but...

Bradley Manning Has Bad Day in Court

Judge won't dismiss his most serious charge, aiding the enemy

(Newser) - Bradley Manning's chances of spending the rest of his life in prison rose today after a judge refused to dismiss the most serious charge against him—aiding the enemy, reports the BBC . Prosecutors say he knew full well that his leaked documents would end up in the hands of...

Evidence in Manning Trial: Letter Found by Navy SEALs

It's from Osama bin Laden, and it requests WikiLeaks material

(Newser) - The most serious charge against Bradley Manning is one of aiding the enemy: It carries a sentence of life without parole, and it requires prosecutors to prove that Manning "knowingly gave intelligence information to al-Qaeda." The prosecution began its effort to prove just that yesterday—as it wraps...

Snowden Made 21 Asylum Requests, Drops Russia Bid

The 'nos' are starting to pile up

(Newser) - Can Edward Snowden afford to be choosy? Authorities in Russia say the NSA leaker has reportedly canceled a request for asylum after balking at the conditions imposed by Vladimir Putin , including no longer leaking information damaging to the US, the AP reports. Snowden has applied for asylum in no fewer...

Snowden Breaks Silence: Obama 'Using Citizenship as a Weapon'

Publishes first public statement from Moscow

(Newser) - Following a week of silence since he left Hong Kong, Edward Snowden has published a public statement from Moscow, thanking friends and supporters for their help, and accusing Obama of pressuring other leaders to deny him asylum and "using citizenship as a weapon." In the letter published on...

Assange: US Treatment of Snowden a 'Disgrace'

Says he's helping, but not manipulating, whistleblower

(Newser) - Julian Assange knows a thing or two about feeling abandoned by your government while on the run for whistleblowing activities. Today he hit out at the US government for cancelling Edward Snowden's passport , which he says has left him high and dry in Russia. "I think that every...

Top WikiLeaks Volunteer Was FBI Informant

Sigurdur "Siggy" Thordarson sold out Assange for $5K

(Newser) - One of Julian Assange's key volunteers doubled as an informant for the FBI, he tells Wired . In August 2011, Sigurdur "Siggi" Thordarson, 18, sent an email to the US embassy in Iceland promising "intel"; the next day, he walked into the embassy building, flashed Assange's passport,...

Obama Not 'Scrambling Jets' to Get Snowden

As old chat logs reveal his previous contempt for leaks

(Newser) - President Obama struck a dismissive tone about NSA leaker Edward Snowden today, saying that he hasn't spoken to the leaders of Russia or China personally and "won't be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker," reports NBC News . (Proof of dismissiveness: He missed the fact that...

How WikiLeaks Is Helping Snowden

Plus: More big leaks on the way, says Glenn Greenwald

(Newser) - As the drama surrounding Edward Snowden unfolds, WikiLeaks appears to be playing a major role. The organization is paying for housing, travel, and legal help for Snowden, Julian Assange says, and it's working as a "go-between" for the whistleblower and governments . "Edward Snowden is not a traitor....

Feds Have No Idea How Much Snowden Has

Leaker's current whereabouts also a puzzle

(Newser) - Just how much does Edward Snowden know? American officials say that despite revelations in the press, they're not sure how much information about National Security Agency operations he managed to make off with, Reuters reports. Insiders say the number of documents could be in the thousands—and security agencies...

US to Russia: Hand Over Snowden

 US to Russia: 
 Hand Over 

US to Russia: Hand Over Snowden

NSA leaker is supposed to be Cuba-bound

(Newser) - Edward Snowden spent the night in Moscow's airport and was expected to fly to Cuba today—but American authorities are making it clear that they'd prefer that the NSA whistleblower was enjoying their hospitality instead. In a statement, the National Security Council said it expects Moscow to look...

Snowden Lands in Moscow After Fleeing Hong Kong

Final destination is reportedly Venezuela

(Newser) - Edward Snowden left Hong Kong today "through a lawful and normal channel," and has now landed in Moscow, though that's not his final destination. WikiLeaks tweeted that it had helped the former NSA contractor flee, just after the United States filed extradition papers , securing him "political...

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