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Report: CIA Hunting WikiLeaks Source

As Clinton camp investigates its own leaker

(Newser) - A manhunt is underway for a CIA employee or contractor who leaked classified documents to WikiLeaks, revealing the agency's ability to turn smartphones, TVs, and computers into surveillance equipment . The CIA and FBI are searching for the unknown individual, who would've been among hundreds to have physical access...

CIA Chief Has Vicious Words for WikiLeaks and Assange

'It ends now,' he warns organization

(Newser) - "It's time to call out WikiLeaks for what it is—a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia," CIA chief Mike Pompeo said Thursday, pulling no punches as he laid into the organization that President Trump declared his love for on the campaign...

Clinton: This Is Why I Lost to Trump

She says misogyny definitely played a role

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton gave her first public post-election interview at the Women in the World Summit in New York City Thursday—and the election was one of the main topics. Clinton, who was interviewed by Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times after being introduced by Samantha Bee from Full Frontal,...

Assange Taunts Losing Candidate in Ecuador

His place in the embassy appears safe for now

(Newser) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is celebrating the results of Ecuador's presidential runoff with a blast at the losing candidate who had pledged to evict him from Ecuador's embassy in London. Before the election, conservative banker Guillermo Lasso had said he would evict Assange within 30 days of taking...

WikiLeaks: We'll Help Defeat CIA Hacking Tools

Julian Assange says WikiLeaks will work with tech companies

(Newser) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says his group will work with technology companies to help defend them against the Central Intelligence Agency's hacking tools, the AP reports. In an online press conference, Assange acknowledged that companies had asked for more details about the CIA cyberespionage toolkit whose existence he purportedly...

WikiLeaks CIA Files &#39;Sinister&#39; But Not Surprising
You Can Tell Whether the
CIA Has Hacked Your TV

You Can Tell Whether the CIA Has Hacked Your TV

Experts say WikiLeaks files 'sinister,' but not surprising

(Newser) - It's being called the CIA's "Snowden moment" —and it reveals secrets that paranoid time-travelers from the 1950s would find completely unsurprising, including suggestions that the agency has been spying on people through their TVs. The CIA is scrambling to deal with the fallout from WikiLeaks' release...

WikiLeaks Drops Another Bombshell, This Time on CIA

It's releasing a ton of information on agency's hacking arsenal

(Newser) - WikiLeaks claims to have documents revealing "the entire hacking capacity of the CIA," including its apparent ability to turn smartphones, TVs, and Windows computers into surveillance equipment. The volume of material is so great it will take awhile for media outlets to sift through them and authenticate—according...

Trump Slams 'Traitor' Manning, Draws WikiLeaks' Wrath

It's a Twitter battle royale for your Thursday

(Newser) - Among the things in Donald Trump's sights Thursday morning: Chelsea Manning. Manning, whose sentence was commuted by President Obama before he left office, wrote a Guardian column published Thursday in which she argues that Obama did not leave behind many "permanent accomplishments." That column was widely discussed...

Conway: No Trump Tax Returns Coming. WikiLeaks: Oh, Yeah?

Website would love to release president's tax returns for him, encourages leakers

(Newser) - Amid Kellyanne Conway's busy morning of sparring with Chuck Todd over "alternative facts," came this new tidbit about President Trump's much-discussed tax returns: "The White House response is that he’s not going to release his tax returns," she told ABC News' This Week,...

Julian Assange &#39;Standing By&#39; Promise to Surrender
Julian Assange 'Standing By'
Promise to Surrender

Julian Assange 'Standing By' Promise to Surrender

WikiLeaks founder could be headed for US prison after Manning's sentence commuted

(Newser) - Is Julian Assange about to swap Ecuadorian embassy cuisine for American prison chow? President Obama commuted most of Chelsea Manning's sentence on Tuesday and the WikiLeaks chief appears to be willing to stand by his promise to go to a US prison if Manning is granted clemency. No US...

Inside Manning&#39;s Life in Prison
Inside Manning's
Life in Prison

Inside Manning's Life in Prison

'Being me is a full-time job'

(Newser) - Chelsea Manning is holding out hope that President Obama will commute her 35-year sentence for leaking government secrets in his final days in office. While that decision awaits, the New York Times provides a look at Manning's life inside a men's military prison in Kansas. It begins at...

Intel Report: Russians Celebrated Trump's Win

'Russians ... felt pretty good about what they did'

(Newser) - Evidence that Russian hackers meddled in the US election includes intercepted communications in which senior Russian officials celebrate Donald Trump's stunning win, sources tell the Washington Post . "The Russians felt pretty good about what happened on Nov. 8 and they also felt pretty good about what they did,...

Chelsea Manning Petition Hits White House Threshold

Administration has 60 days to respond

(Newser) - A petition urging President Obama to commute Chelsea Manning's sentence to time served has passed the 100,000-signature threshold that may require an official response from the White House—though Obama is only going to be there for another 38 days. "We did it! Thank you so much...

Chelsea Manning Asks Obama for Mercy

WikiLeaks says he should free her before Trump does

(Newser) - Chelsea Manning isn't going to wait and see whether WikiLeaks tries to call in a favor when Donald Trump becomes president. She has asked President Obama to reduce her sentence for leaking classified files from 35 years to the more than six she has already spent behind bars, reports...

Emails Reveal Clinton Camp Plotted Against Head of Party

Campaign also discussed need to 'dump all those emails'

(Newser) - Democratic Party head Debbie Wasserman Schultz stepped down just before the convention in July. But emails released by WikiLeaks Tuesday reveal the Clinton campaign was plotting how to get rid of her months earlier, the AP reports. A memo from a campaign aide and included in campaign chair John Podesta'...

Leaked Memo Reveals Workings of 'Bill Clinton Inc.'

Aide would solicit donations for Clinton Foundation while getting paid gigs for Bill

(Newser) - A 13-page memo detailing what an aide calls "Bill Clinton Inc." was made public Wednesday by WikiLeaks and will only add to Republican criticisms of the Clinton Foundation, the Washington Post reports. The memo, sent by Douglas Band, lays out how he and his company, Teneo, helped secure...

Trump Offers &#39;New Deal&#39; for Black Americans
Trump Offers
'New Deal' for
Black Americans

Trump Offers 'New Deal' for Black Americans

He praises Newt Gingrich for Megyn Kelly interview

(Newser) - Donald Trump's poll numbers among black Americans are abysmal—he's polling at around half the 6% Mitt Romney received in 2012—but he hasn't given up trying. On Wednesday, he offered a "new deal for black America" in a policy-heavy speech delivered to what the Washington ...

In Leaked Emails, Aides Were Candid About Clinton's Flaws

They were annoyed by her reaction to email scandal

(Newser) - The Clinton WikiLeaks keep on coming: In the latest release of emails from hacked campaign chief John Podesta, Podesta and other Clinton aides complain about her reaction to the emerging furor over her private email server. In one message from April last year, Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden...

WikiLeaker: Assange's Beef With Clinton Is 'Personal'

In BuzzFeed, ex-staffer writes about his 'strange, paranoid' world

(Newser) - WikiLeaks continues to release hacked emails that are causing headaches for Hillary Clinton, and the reason might stem from her public criticism of the whistleblowing organization back in 2010. When WikiLeaks released classified US documents back then, Hillary Clinton as secretary of state condemned the group, accused it of putting...

Leaked Emails Spell Trouble on the Left for Clinton

Progressives angry at insults, preparing a fight

(Newser) - A steady drip of hacked emails being released by WikiLeaks isn't getting anywhere near the attention Donald Trump would like, but they could still cause plenty of trouble for Hillary Clinton, reports Politico . If the polls are right and Clinton wins the White House, she can expect to confront...

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