
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Ecuador Revokes Julian Assange's Citizenship

Wikileaks founder's lawyer pledges to appeal

(Newser) - Ecuador has revoked the citizenship of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks who is currently in a British prison. Ecuador’s justice system formally notified the Australian of the nullity of his naturalization in a letter that came in response to a claim filed by the South American country’s...

No Supermax for Assange, US Promises in Extradition Appeal

British court agrees to reconsider American case

(Newser) - In an effort to win the extradition of Julian Assange, the US has told Britain the WikiLeaks founder would not be sent to the Supermax prison in Colorado if convicted. Along with others, the assurance was part of an appeal of a ruling by a British judge in January blocking...

UK Judge to Rule on Extraditing Assange
Assange Awaits
Decision Monday

Assange Awaits Decision Monday

WikiLeaks founder faces extradition from UK

(Newser) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will find out Monday whether he can be extradited from the UK to the US to face espionage charges over the publication of secret American military documents. District Judge Vanessa Baraitser is due to deliver her decision at London's Old Bailey courthouse at 10am Monday,...

WikiLeaks Founder Gets More Bad News

UK judge denies bail to Julian Assange, saying he's a flight risk

(Newser) - A UK judge on Wednesday denied bail to WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange, who has been jailed in Britain since 2019 as he fights extradition to the US. District Judge Vanessa Baraitser ordered Assange to remain in prison while the courts consider an appeal by US authorities against a decision not...

Lawyer Says She Witnessed Trump Offer to Pardon Assange

Jennifer Robinson tells court GOP congressman Rohrabacher proposed the deal

(Newser) - A London court has been told in detail that President Trump offered Julian Assange a deal for a pardon through a Republican congressman. Jennifer Robinson, Assange's lawyer, provided a witness statement in which she said she was there when Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican House member at the time, presented...

Assange Outburst Leads to 'Clear Warning' From Judge

WikiLeaks founder on thin ice after shouting during witness testimony in London courtroom

(Newser) - A judge threatened to have Julian Assange thrown from the London courtroom where he's fighting extradition to the US from Britain on Tuesday after he shouted from the dock during witness testimony. "If you interrupt proceedings and disrupt a witness who is properly giving their evidence, it is...

Assange, in Court, Loses Bid for Delay

Lawyers argued they didn't have time to prepare for broadened US case

(Newser) - A British judge on Monday rejected a request by lawyers for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to delay his extradition hearing until next year to give his lawyers more time to respond to US allegations that he conspired with hackers to obtain classified information, per the AP . The adjournment request came...

DOJ: Assange Was on an International Hacking Mission

New indictment says WikiLeaks founder tried to recruit hackers in Europe, Asia

(Newser) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange sought to recruit hackers at conferences in Europe and Asia who could provide his anti-secrecy website with classified info, and conspired with members of hacking groups, per a new Justice Department indictment Wednesday. The superseding indictment doesn't contain additional charges beyond the 18 counts the...

Australians Want Assange Free on Bail

WikiLeaks founder skips court hearing

(Newser) - Julian Assange refused to attend a court hearing Monday in England, even as a group of Australian lawmakers, journalists and human rights advocates pushed for him to be released on bail. A judge in London said an email from the prison where the WikiLeaks founder is being held said that...

Stone to Assange: 'I'll Bring Down the Entire House of Cards'

Documents reveal 2017 communications, 2016 political influence campaign

(Newser) - President Trump's associate Roger Stone used hundreds of fake Facebook accounts to push stories related to Russia and WikiLeaks around the 2016 election, while keeping in contact with Julian Assange, according to former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigators. One of dozens of search warrants unsealed Tuesday indicates Stone...

Woman Reveals Her Julian Assange Secret

Stella Morris says they had 2 children together

(Newser) - Looks like Julian Assange had a secret life in the Ecuadorian Embassy. A woman claims in a new video that she had two children with the WikiLeaks founder as he hid in the embassy in London, the Washington Post reports. "I love Julian deeply and I am looking forward...

Judge Orders Chelsea Manning Freed

Grand jury that subpoenaed her testimony no longer exists

(Newser) - A federal judge on Thursday ordered the release of former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, who has been incarcerated since May for refusing to testify to a grand jury. US District Judge Anthony Trenga ordered Manning's release from jail after prosecutors reported that the grand jury that subpoenaed her...

Lawyers: Chelsea Manning Tries to End It All

The former intelligence officer has been in jail for refusing to testify

(Newser) - Chelsea Manning's legal team said Wednesday that the former intelligence analyst tried to take her own life Wednesday, but was transported to a hospital where she is recovering, the AP reports. Manning has been in jail since May 2019 for refusing to testify before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks....

Assange Lawyer: They Stripped Him Twice on Day One

Attorney says client is being mistreated as extradition hearing continues

(Newser) - A lawyer for Julian Assange complained Tuesday that the WikiLeaks founder was handcuffed 11 times, stripped naked twice, and had court papers taken away on the first day of a hearing on his extradition to the United States, per the AP . Attorney Edward Fitzgerald told a judge that the treatment...

Ex-Congressman: Yeah, I Talked to Assange About a Pardon

But Rohrabacher says Trump had nothing to do with it

(Newser) - Former GOP congressman Dana Rohrabacher tells Yahoo News in a new interview that, yes, he did talk to Julian Assange about getting the WikiLeaks founder a presidential pardon if Assange said that Russia was not responsible for the DNC email leak . However, he says he never actually spoke to President...

Assange's Lawyer Makes Explosive Claim Involving Trump

Alleges Trump offered him a pardon if he'd say Russia had no hand in DNC email leak

(Newser) - Julian Assange's extradition hearing begins on Monday, but an explosive claim was heard in a pre-trial hearing Wednesday in London: that Assange was in August 2017 allegedly offered a pardon by President Trump if he would say Russia had no role in the leak of DNC emails, which WikiLeaks...

Julian Assange Is Doing Better: Rep
Julian Assange
Is Doing Better: Rep

Julian Assange Is Doing Better: Rep

WikiLeaks founder has been moved out of solitary confinement

(Newser) - A month and a half after Julian Assange said he was "slowly dying" inside a London prison, the WikiLeaks founder's spokesperson says Assange is doing better. He's been moved from solitary confinement, the rep says, per Reuters : "I saw him about 10 days ago—he has...

Assange: I&#39;m &#39;Slowly Dying&#39;
Assange: I'm 'Slowly Dying'

Assange: I'm 'Slowly Dying'

Vaughan Smith describes his call with the Wikileaks founder

(Newser) - Julian Assange says he's "slowly dying" behind bars, where he might be stuck in solitary confinement. British journalist and ex-Army officer Vaughan Smith, a friend of Assange, said as much after talking to the Wikileaks founder: "He said to me, 'I'm slowly dying here,'...

60 Doctors Say Assange's Medical Situation Is Dire

They want him moved to a hospital for an assessment

(Newser) - In May, Julian Assange's attorney said the WikiLeaks founder was "far from well," so much so that he wasn't healthy enough to make court appearances via video link. Six months later, some 60-plus doctors are making an even more dire pronouncement. In a 16-page open letter...

Assange Seems &#39;Confused&#39; at Hearing
at Hearing

Assange Seems 'Confused' at Hearing

Judge denies request to push back his trial

(Newser) - Julian Assange appeared, in Reuters ' words, "confused" Monday during an extradition hearing in a London courtroom. The 48-year-old WikiLeaks founder "mumbled and stuttered for several seconds as he gave his name and date of birth," the news outlet says; later, when the judge asked him whether...

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