spy satellite

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North Korea's Latest Spy Satellite Launch Fails

Rocket exploded in mid-air, according to state media

(Newser) - North Korea says its attempt to put another spy satellite into orbit has failed. North Korea's state media said a rocket carrying the spy satellite exploded in mid-air on Monday. State media said the explosion was possibly caused by engine failure. The rocket was launched Monday night, hours after...

Kim Jong Un Celebrates Satellite Launch With Daughter

Kim Ju Ae is pictured by her father's side

(Newser) - All those who attended a Thursday banquet to celebrate North Korea's first spy satellite reaching orbit "enthusiastically cheered, expressing thanks to the great father who finally ensured the successful launch," state media reported, per the Guardian . The group included Kim Jong Un's young daughter. Photos show...

North Korea: We Launched Our First Spy Satellite

Kim Jong Un achieves a long-sought goal after two previous attempts failed

(Newser) - North Korea claimed to have successfully placed a spy satellite into orbit with its third launch attempt this year, demonstrating the nation's determination to build a space-based surveillance system during protracted tensions with the United States. The North's claim could not immediately be independently confirmed, per the AP...

North Korea Gets Some Russian Help in Latest Rocket Launch

Another rocket launch after 2 failures, ostensibly to deploy a spy satellite

(Newser) - North Korea has launched a rocket in what may be its third attempt to put a spy satellite into orbit, according to South Korea's military. A rocket was launched late Tuesday, the military in Seoul said, but no further details were immediately available, reports the AP . In North Korea'...

Launch of Spy Satellite Failed Again, North Korea Says

Space agency says it will try again in October

(Newser) - North Korea said Thursday that its second attempt to launch a spy satellite failed but vowed to make a third attempt in October. The announcement followed a statement by South Korea's military that North Korea had launched a long-range rocket, the AP reports. The North's space agency said...

North Korea's Failed Spy Satellite Couldn't Really Spy

US and South Korean experts have analyzed the debris

(Newser) - In late May, a North Korean rocket carrying its first military reconnaissance satellite crashed shortly after liftoff ; a month later, top North Korean officials vowed to try again to get it aloft, calling the failure a "most serious" one. South Korea now says its analysis of the debris suggests...

After 'Most Serious' Failure, North Korea Vows to Go Again

Top officials direct harsh words to those responsible for marred launch of spy satellite

(Newser) - Top North Korean officials vowed to push for a second attempt to launch a spy satellite as they called their country's first, and failed, launch last month "the most serious" shortcoming this year and harshly criticized those responsible, state media reported Monday. In late May, a North Korean...

North Korea Warns Japan: Spy Satellite Is Going Up

Pyongyang says it's 'indispensable' to monitor 'reckless' US-South Korea military exercises

(Newser) - North Korea said Tuesday it would launch its first military spy satellite in June and described space-based reconnaissance as crucial for monitoring the United States' "reckless" military exercises with rival South Korea. The statement came a day after North Korea notified Japan's coast guard that it plans to...

Kim Jong Un Has a New Toy Aimed at US, South Korea

Military spy satellite is aimed to stem 'US imperialists and [South] Korean puppet villains'

(Newser) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un examined a finished military spy satellite, which his country is expected to launch soon, during a visit to his country's aerospace agency, where he described space-based reconnaissance as crucial for countering the US and South Korea. As the AP reports, Kim during Tuesday'...

Kim Jong Un: We've Completed First Spy Satellite

Planned launch date was not disclosed

(Newser) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said his country has completed the development of its first military spy satellite and ordered officials to go ahead with its launch as planned, state media reported Wednesday. During his visit to the North’s aerospace agency Tuesday, Kim stressed it’s crucial to...

Major Mishap in SpaceX's 'Most Secretive' Launch Yet

US spy satellite is believed lost

(Newser) - A US spy satellite worth billions is presumed lost after failing to reach orbit during SpaceX's "most secretive" launch ever, reports CNET . The satellite, codenamed Zuma, apparently failed to separate from the upper section of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched from Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Sunday and...

SpaceX Launches Spy Satellite, Sticks the Landing
SpaceX Launch
Is Another First

SpaceX Launch Is Another First

It's company's first government payload; rocket returns to Earth safely

(Newser) - SpaceX had a big morning: It successfully launched its first government satellite and got its rocket to return safely to Earth to boot. The company sent up the spy satellite for the National Reconnaissance Office aboard a Falcon 9 rocket at 7:15am from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in...

NORAD Sets Sights on Santa
 NORAD Sets Sights on Santa  
ho, ho, ho

NORAD Sets Sights on Santa

Bizarre tradition dates back to misprinted Christmas ad in 1955

(Newser) - The North American Aerospace Defense Command is ready for its busiest night of the year, when it puts mundane tasks like looking for wandering Russian bombers or North Korean missiles on the back burner and tracks Santa Claus. As it has every Christmas for more than 50 years, NORAD offers...

Rare Rocket Launch in Va. May Wow East Coast

(Newser) - A rare mid-Atlantic rocket launch could give Americans up and down the East Coast a special night sight next week, Space.com reports. NASA's launch of a spy satellite from Wallops Island in Virginia is scheduled after sunset Tuesday, with a window of 8 to 11pm. Similar events, mostly on...

Time to Clean Up Space Trash
 Time to Clean Up Space Trash 

Time to Clean Up Space Trash

(Newser) - Space trash is becoming a serious problem, and it's long past time for housekeeping, writes the Economist. Of the 18,000 objects orbiting earth that are bigger than 4 inches across, only 900 are functioning satellites. The rest is debris, from old rocket parts and dead satellites to tools and...

Questions Trail After Satellite
Questions Trail After Satellite

Questions Trail After Satellite

American politicians, Asian powers fret over missile capability

(Newser) - The US Navy's destruction of a spy satellite on Wednesday continues to stir doubts both domestically and internationally, reports the New York Times. China issued an explicit warning yesterday, and Russia has raised questions. “The geopolitical fallout of this intercept could be far greater than any chemical fallout that...

Navy Hits Errant Satellite
Navy Hits Errant Satellite

Navy Hits Errant Satellite

US says it needed to act before it crashed to Earth with toxic fuel

(Newser) - The Navy tonight struck an errant spy satellite with its first missile shot, the AP reports. A ship in the Pacific hit the satellite as it passed about 130 miles above the ocean. The military says it needed to destroy the satellite before it crashed to Earth because the toxic...

Atlantis Lands Safely in Fla.
Atlantis Lands Safely in Fla.

Atlantis Lands Safely in Fla.

Landing clears way for military to shoot down satellite

(Newser) - Space shuttle Atlantis landed safely at Kennedy Space Center this morning, capping a successful 13-day mission in which it delivered Europe's first permanent lab to the International Space Station after months of delay, reports Space.com. The shuttle's return clears the way for the US Navy to shoot down a...

Navy Prepares to Fire on Satellite Tonight

After Atlantis is back, warship will take aim at rogue orbiter

(Newser) - The US Navy has warned planes and ships away from a large area of the Pacific ahead of an attempt to shoot down a rogue spy satellite carrying toxic fuel tonight, CNN reports. The space shuttle Atlantis is due back on Earth today and military officials are waiting for its...

Navy Ship Prepares to Shoot Down Spy Satellite

Attempt will be made Thursday from ship

(Newser) - The US Navy will attempt to shoot down a rogue American spy satellite Thursday, just days before it re-enters the earth's atmosphere, reports CNN. Officials plan to bring down the satellite from an Aegis cruiser at sea while it is still 150 miles above the earth, leaving enough time for...

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