divorce settlement

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Murray's Divorce Settled in a Flash

After allegations from both sides a month ago, comedian's wife gets custody, houses

(Newser) - Gossip hounds hoping for acrimonious divorce proceedings for Bill Murray aren't getting their wish, TMZ reports. The actor's divorce has already been settled, with papers signed June 13. Wife Jennifer Butler Murray, 42, gets custody of the four kids; Bill, 57, will have to pay child support. Jennifer, who also...

Mills on Paul's Gals: 'Better Them Than Me'

She goes on the offensive against McCartney and his romances

(Newser) - Heather Mills went back on the attack today, turning a televised sitdown on a European morning news program into a bitter rant about her "David versus Goliath" divorce from Paul McCartney and the former Beatle's current romances, the Sun reports. She also copped to dousing his attorney with water...

Divorce Judge Blasts Mills as 'Inaccurate'

Sir Paul's ex 'less than candid' in case but 'kindly', he says

(Newser) - Heather Mills was an “inconsistent and inaccurate” witness in her divorce hearings with Paul McCartney, the case judge said today. He described the ex-Beatle’s ex as “less than candid” and “less than impressive,” but tempered his critique by noting that Mills is a “kindly...

Mills' Haul Only No. 7 of Top Celeb Splits

Mills-McCartney low on list

(Newser) - The $46.8 million settlement Paul McCartney has to shell out to divorce Heather Mills only ranks seventh on the Mirror's list of celebrity divorces:
  1. Michael and Juanita Jordan, 2007, $168 million: She filed for divorce once before, in 2002.
  2. Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphey, 1994, $150 million: He amicably

McCartney, Mills Can't Seal Deal
McCartney, Mills Can't Seal Deal

McCartney, Mills Can't Seal Deal

Despite earlier reports, couple fail to reach an agreement

(Newser) - Paul McCartney and Heather Mills again failed to strike a divorce agreement today, and the judge hearing their case will announce a decision in a few weeks, opening up the possibility that the action will be heard in open court. If either side contests the judge's ruling, the case will...

McCartney Coughs Up $108M to Mills
McCartney Coughs Up $108M to Mills

McCartney Coughs Up $108M to Mills

British tab says divorce settlement done; Mills promises not to dish

(Newser) - Maybe all you need is love, but when that fails, $108 million isn’t bad either. That’s how much Heather Mills will get from her ex-Beatle ex-hubby Paul McCartney in a divorce settlement both have agreed to, the Daily Mail reports. But Mills will have to sign a confidentiality...

McCartney Divorce Hearing Drags Into 2nd Week

Record financial settlement could be snagged on confidentiality deal

(Newser) - Divorce proceedings between Paul McCartney and Heather Mills will continue into next week, the BBC reports, amid media speculation that a confidentiality pact is holding up what is likely to be a record financial settlement. The private hearing in a London court was scheduled to end today but will extend...

McCartney Divorce Battle Back in Court

Mills will represent herself in battle for 9-figure settlement

(Newser) - Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills returned to court today for the latest round of proceedings in what may be the most expensive divorce settlement in British history. Mills has dismissed her lawyers and will represent herself, leaving open the possibility that she'll be permitted to cross-examine her ex about...

Sir Paul's Divorce Talks Collapse and Head to Court

Mills scorns $100M offer to keep quiet

(Newser) - As divorce talks between Paul McCartney and estranged wife Heather Mills collapse, the unhappy couple gears up for a full-blown public trial next February. Mills apparently turned down a $100 million settlement offer, the Daily Mail reports, because it stipulated that she not talk about the marriage in public—something...

Greg Norman's Ex Dishes Dirt on Evert

Says tennis star pursued golf champ right in front of her

(Newser) - Greg Norman’s former wife would still be his current wife, she says, if not for tennis star Chris Evert’s brazen pursuit of the former World No. 1. “She came after him. I have never seen anything like it,” Laura Andrassy tells the Daily Mail, saying Evert...

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